CTV 2440k Chaos Chosen
Elven Union CTV 2030k
#6 Jason the hammer – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#6 Jason the hammer – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#7 Henry Scorched Earth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Jefferson Hamilton – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Jefferson Hamilton – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#16 Gabereth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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Handicaps Against Me: Palmed Coin, Illegal Drugs (Jason the hammer, Catcher)
It was Obliteration's first game in over a month and they came out rusty with their blocks. United Force won the coin toss when they palmed the coin. They ran receivers up both sides of the field to try and divide the Chaos team. Obliteration concentrated their forces on the patch of Elf players and tried to hammer a few off the field. UF's armor held for a few turns but slowly it started to break. The Elf Quarterback had seen enough and decided to stop the punishment. He would run forward and throw a short pass to an open Lineman for the score midway through the first half.
Obliteration received and their opening blocks left many things to be desired. Gore went to pick up the ball and formed a loose cage in the backfield. Drugged up Jason the hammer ran around the defensive lines and into Chaos territory to put pressure on Gore. Dethacus took the Catcher down with a devastating uppercut snapping his head back and almost killing him. Coach Xyon sent the Apothecary out and they were able to pump him full of painkillers to continue. Venom wasn't about to let the dangerous leaper get away and followed up Dethacu's blow with his infamous "Hoof Stomp" that seriously injured (-MA) the prone Elf. It was a blatant foul and the Referee threw him out of the game immediately after.
Gore advanced the ball closer to his front lines and a semi loose cage in preparation for a fireball. A lightning bolt from an Elf Wizard by the sidelines hit him instead dropping him to the ground and causing a fumble. This would set the table for the Elf Blitzer, Bladefist. The agile Elf negotiated himself through several tackle zones, picked up the ball and dodged away for a pass to an open Lineman. The ball would be caught and the Lineman would go all the way in for the touchdown to drop Obliteration in a 0-2 hole at the break.
During halftime, the Wishmaster asked his team to show some heart out there and they came out in the second half with a purpose. Kullz drew the Elf dirty player to him on the other side of the field along with several others. A gang foul followed and Kullz was knocked out. His sacrifice wouldn't be for nought as this left the left side of the field wide open. Gore would throw a short pass to Spite and the Beastman would run in a touchdown early in the second half.
Eight Elves lined up on offense and Obliteration needed a stop. Bladefist and the Catcher, Bosko, ran up the right side of the field trying to get open for a catch. Obliteration quickly scrambled to cover both and Bladefist was knocked out by Joran. Onslaught and Gore rushed into the backfield to put pressure on the Elf ballcarrier. An Elf Lineman failed to dodge away from the Troll (snake eyes) and ended his team's turn very early. This left UF's players in bad positions.
Bosko was thrown out of bounds and all eligible Elf receivers were knocked down as a result. The Elf Quarterback had no choice but to try and punt the ball deep into Chaos territory. Unfortunately, he would fumble the ball and that was all Obliteration needed. Kullz would multi-block two Elves out of the way and Dethacus was there to throw a short pass to Gore. Gore would run in the touchdown to tie the game 2-2 and force Overtime.
UF would receive in Overtime but they only had three players. The Wishmaster and his team got very complacent and their defense wasn't the best. Elf Catcher, Henry Scorched Earth, took matters into his own hands and got deep into Chaos territory with the ball. Joran would fail to take him down and Henry capitalized by dodging away and taking the Beastman down instead. He would run in the touchdown to put his team in the lead once again.
Obliteration received against five Elves. Three Elves were eventually taken off the field but Gore had problems in the backfield handling the ball. An Elf Lineman would steal the ball from under his nose and punt it deep in the Chaos end zone. Gore ran back to retrieve the ball and throw a pass to a Chaos Warrior. The Chaos Warrior would catch the ball and hand it off to Spite. Unfortunately this took too much time off the clock and all Obliteration could do was tie the game and hope that the coin toss went their way.
The game ended 3-3 and the coin toss favored Obliteration. They advance to the fourth round to face a familiar foe in Orcs.
Great game, xyon!! Thanks for the match, mate!! That was a fun, intense match. Well played.