CTV 1970k Chaos Chosen

70k (-20000)
23000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1780k
60k (-10000)


No change
#1 Frederick Stronghammer – Broken Neck (-AG)
#6 Gregory Greenfists – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#9 Fred – Dead (RIP)
#11 Precious – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
DO received in the second half and the heat stroke hit the Chaos forces hard. Four of their players could not enter the game while the Chaos Dwarves were unaffected. What should have been an easy take away for DC had now turned into a battle. The Chaos Perfect Defense pressured the DO front lines and Frederick Stronghammer saw that his teammates wouldn't be able to keep the defenders busy for long. Frederick quickly sprinted into the end zone early in the second half.
DC received with plenty of time to respond. Two of their players and one DO player were exhausted by the heat. It was eight against five at kickoff. Gore went to pick up the ball and ran to midfield. His teammates downed the opposition and he was able to run up the left side of the field. Frederick Stronghammer, upon his Coach's urgings, tried to be a hero. The agile Bull Centaur dodged into a tackle zone and then dodged away again to stop Gore in his tracks and cause a fumble on the sixth turn of the second half. Onslaught landed an elbow that dropped the Centaur while Gore recovered the ball and resumed his run up the field.
Stronghammer looked determined to give it one more desperation shot to stop Gore. Spite did not allow the Bull to stand up and rushed the prone player from behind. The Beastman landed several "Hoofstomps" on poor Stronghammer bouncing his head off the turf multiple teams causing a broken neck (-AG). Coach Icesmooth lost his smooth and yelled across the field to the Wishmaster, "F----r!!!!" The once agile Bull was back to normal and hopefully this would teach him, and his Coach, a lesson in discretion. Gore would run in the touchdown to end the game.
Good game, icesmooth. Thanks for the match. Cya in the BBox!!