“This was a fun one with our shambling players doing just enough. First half there was a few blocking battles going on. The Rejects tried a pass down 1 flank but the catcher then stumbled to the ground and was stunned. Slipperyfingers Sid couldn't pick it up either so the Beastman rescued it. Eventually a beastgoat was passed to in the middle and broke to the other flank. But on his own a Wight crucially managed to take it down. Draknil managed to pickup and hide behind some zombies before escaping for the winning td.
Next half we spent pretty much the whole game just over the halfway line near one side. Necrophil out on his own was also badly hurt from a diving tackle. No advance possible with the cage and we lost a couple of players against the solid defence but we just managed to keep the Nurgle away from our ball carrier, who was forced to play it safe after our only reasonably likely chance to blitz a gap didn't work out. Good game.”
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Next half we spent pretty much the whole game just over the halfway line near one side. Necrophil out on his own was also badly hurt from a diving tackle. No advance possible with the cage and we lost a couple of players against the solid defence but we just managed to keep the Nurgle away from our ball carrier, who was forced to play it safe after our only reasonably likely chance to blitz a gap didn't work out. Good game.”