A Dark Elf Blitzer (from CCBlood's Crusaders of the Dark Savant) killed by Mumm-ra in a brutal game, who was raised to join the Forgotten Villains.
Though he lost his old agility Werdna has become a dependable "lineman" often tieing up strong opponents. With Svein's passing he also took up kick duties.
A kicking highlight included two perfect long kicks against Animo Poenam that were fumbled at the edge of the pitch before Son of Draknil followed them up with surfs and scores.
He also has a knack for taking on stronger opposition, something he learnt from watching Quickfingers Murphy Junior's exploits. Sometimes he even cas's them.
Became a star in his 74th match with a Beastman cas. His 12th career cas. He now shows quality tackling abilities too.. However by 50 matches later he had only caused one more cas!
Match 130: Killed a star Nurgle warrior with a foul..until it regenerated.
Also Quickfingers was retired by injury on 150 matches, so Werdna aims to overhaul his appearance record.
Match 139: Cas'd a catcher in a 2-1 win vs High Elves.
Match 140: Niggle cas'd a rotter early in a win over Nurgle.
Match 148: Cas'd a mighty snotling in a 1-0 win.
Match 149: Has to miss the next match after being smashed up in a brutal defeat to Chaos. The same match we sadly lost s7 superstar "The Mountain".
Match 150: Equals the team appearance record of 150! And is straight killed by a Chaos Dwarf! No regen, and the long career is finally over.
Was 5th on active Undead Zombie Top Blockers list (12th all-time).
Was 1st on active Undead Zombie Most blocks (3rd all-time).
Oldest active Undead zombie (was 2nd behind teammate Quickfingers Murphy Jnr until that was retired on 150). Joint 2nd all-time oldest Undead Box zombie.