CTV 1700k Chaos Dwarf

No change

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
Shambling Undead CTV 1810k
50k (-10000)

14000 (1 FAME)

No change
#3 Shakespeare – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#7 The Faceless Hunter – Smashed Hip (-MA)
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With our kos back it was 11 v 10. They reformed their formation but we did get a touchback. It took some thinking but Draknil managed to get through as Mumm-ra and zombies held back their bull from making chase. Lord Erfiti hurt a hobgobbo and then it was 1-1 at half time.
Necrophil missed the 2nd half but DPS were worried. However a reckless run from the Faceless Hunter led to his retirement as angry Goethe smashed up his hip. But we had enough numbers after Shakespeare was blocked out. DPS did make some 2d against blocks but most of these risks were too far. We kept the bull down but Draknil had to score in turn 6. In the end DPS had little chance to equalize with noone setup to go forward, and a double skull made sure of it.
Thanks to Nightwalk.”