CTV 1590k Necromantic Horror


Inducements: Star player Wilhelm Chaney
Shambling Undead CTV 1830k
50k (-10000)

16000 (1 FAME)

#3 Lord Erfiti, Eater of souls – Dead (RIP)
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We got a blitz so Necrophil and Dwight Wight moved forward while Erfiti pushed a zombie aside. With a ghoul pickup, some gfis and a Wolf taking down Dwight Wight it seemed their defence would be able to regroup. Necrophil though kept advancing. He was then comfortably blitzed down but stayed on the pitch despite a foul. We then got a few pows and Necrophil got next to the carrier. Him and a zombie were taken down but a failed Chaney (star) dodge gave us a great chance. Lord Erfiti broke away as quick as he could and smashed into Smeagol knocking him down (with rr). Draknil saw his chance, dodged, got to the ball and picked up. Just needed 2+ rolls for the gfi and dodge to get out of contact. But failed the goddamn gfi and was badly hurt!!!! Turn 4 the Necros then ko'd Necrophil and killed (failed regen) superstar Lord Erfiti!!!!! Crazy stuff.
After that there was no serious doubt to Clawjaws getting the win, especially with all their players being available at next drive after regens. Incredible turnaround with Erfiti's death really hitting us hard. Massive loss. My fear of our team peaking recently turned true. How things changed in a few moments.
They scored their td, we scored a quick one back in the second half and couldn't put up enough resistance before their 2nd.”