CTV 1860k Nurgle
70k (-10000)
Orc CTV 1790k
30k (-10000)
21000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#1 Charles Hunter – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#6 Sultan of Slime – Dead (RIP)
#10 Son of Slaughter 3 – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#17 George Palestone – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
WbA3 received in the second half with a one player advantage. Pestis led his team's charge into the Orc backfield where he splashed on top of an Orc Blitzer. Bors immediately landed a boot on the Legend but the Ref saw it coming a mile away and threw him out of the game. This left OoD in a very bad position and WbA3 was able to easily run the ball up the left side of the field to score midway through the second half.
OoD received the ball but they were down a couple players. WbA3 put heavy pressure on the Orc front lines and sent both their Safeties after the Orc ballcarrier, Richter. Tide turned in the Nurgle's favor and Richter could only run to the line and pray he doesn't get hit too hard. WbA3 knocked the ball loose but OoD fought hard to recover it. They were able to hang on to the ball long enough for the clock to run out ending in a draw.
Good game, Odin1981! Thanks for the match, mate! Cya in the BBox!