“Before the game, Rark Snotling-Muncher had this to say, "Da boyz iz lookin forward to dis match. De pointy earz are carryin injurees. We iz gonna put em in da ground!"
The Wood Elves received and knocked Rark into the KO box. Unable to hold them back, the Outlaws could only watch as they scored. With the captain awake once more, the Orcs ground up the pitch and tried to pulverise as many elves as they could grab.
One all at the half, the Outlaws felt confident. The whistle blew and the second half started. The ball sailed through the air as the Orcs prepared to bash some heads. Distracted by the prospect of violence, they failed to notice Zildo Zoião stealing the ball and scoring before most of them could move.
Suddenly, the Outlaws were 2-1 down. Although there was a lot of time on the clock, they knew it would be difficult. At 2-2, they knew there was a chance and could taste victory along with the elven blood.
With the clock running down, they were unable to stall the Wood Elves.
After the game, the Captain offered only this, *picture cuts to a hospital bed* "Gruuuhhh..."”
The Wood Elves received and knocked Rark into the KO box. Unable to hold them back, the Outlaws could only watch as they scored. With the captain awake once more, the Orcs ground up the pitch and tried to pulverise as many elves as they could grab.
One all at the half, the Outlaws felt confident. The whistle blew and the second half started. The ball sailed through the air as the Orcs prepared to bash some heads. Distracted by the prospect of violence, they failed to notice Zildo Zoião stealing the ball and scoring before most of them could move.
Suddenly, the Outlaws were 2-1 down. Although there was a lot of time on the clock, they knew it would be difficult. At 2-2, they knew there was a chance and could taste victory along with the elven blood.
With the clock running down, they were unable to stall the Wood Elves.
After the game, the Captain offered only this, *picture cuts to a hospital bed* "Gruuuhhh..."”