CTV 1100k Chaos Dwarf

9000 (1 FAME)

Dwarf CTV 1010k+50k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#8 Belsameth, the Slayer – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#9 Denev, the Earth Mother – Damaged Back (NI)
#17 David Hardhammer – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#6 Kyle Vanden Bronze – Fractured Skull (-AV)
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Game #2 vs. markhorse
Last game was an exciting draw. This one was a slobber-knocker. The Ghelspad c-dorfs scored in T8 of the 1st half on an incredibly improbable Bull dodge/blitz followed by another bull 3gfiing into the endzone and a hobbo dodging, picking up the ball and making a Long pass (with the reroll) to the waiting bull. I've never seen so many 5s and 6s in the same sequence. The Tin Seam TD was a more pedestrian affair that got off to a bad start when the c-dorfs got a perfect defense and I got flustered. Couldn't knock anyone down and didn't make a good cage. Then my Longbeards just opened a can-o-whupass and took out 3 players in quick succession. Sadly, Vanden Bronze cracked his noggin but since he's the only skilled player on the squad we'll let him keep playing.
Money roll sucked hard again, another 1. At this rate we'll have lost another player before we can afford an apothecary. Not that the Ghelspad apothecary was worth 2k let alone 50k - he changed Belsameth's Fractured Skull into the same thing. Didn't someone say these were builders?”