CTV 1770k Chaos Renegade

50k (-10000)
No change

Underworld Denizens CTV 1740k

18000 (1 FAME)

#9 Twardy Nagus – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#13 Pod Nogami – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Logos – Gouged Eye (MNG)
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On the 3rd turn of the 1st half both our teams used our apothecaries. Enemy's legendary skaven Blitzer Ber'anx was killed by Twardy Nagus. A turn later our well armoured chaos ogre Hardy Knur was killed by opposing warpstone troll Gerald. Both killed players were saved by apothecaries. During the second half Ber'ang broke Twardy Nagus, giving him 2nd -MA.
Overall, a lot of blood was spilled, goblins were dodging and flying everywhere. In the meantimes a few touchdowns happened.
The game was a lot fun :).”