“As the Oracles descended from Teotiqua the Lurking God summoned the Guardians to bathe in the Blood River before the match. As the blood strengthened their weary bones, the God's whispers of hatred also washed over them. Why should those living in another temple still deserve the life that had been taken from them? Particularly the skinks, who the Lurking God deemed too weak to be worthy of resurrection. Their movements quick and shifty, like those of the hated Skaven. These worshipers of false and weak gods needed to be punished for their insolence, sacrifices must be made!
The God's words echoing in their skulls and hatred pulsing in their bones as they started the match, it did not take long for the bloodshed to begin. Krotep stared silently at the Kroxigor across from him, looking for a weakness to exploit. He found one almost immediately, and delivered a crushing blow on the first turn of the game, shattering Zlatec's massive jaw. Inspired by the brutality Tutencal grabbed the ball and ordered the team to move down the field. The skinks tried valiantly to break through the Guardians defenses, but were quickly overpowered and started to get knocked off the pitch one by one.
One particularly valiant skink by the name of Tenqchicc tried to overpower the bigger Offering of Claws. The corpse struck the skink down for his insolence, its fresh corpse be added to the God's neverending offerings.
Tutencal scored to end the half, and the Guardians enjoyed a large number advantage to start the second. The Lurking God was not satisfied however, and demanded more blood to keep the river flowing. As always, the Guardians obeyed and left the locker altar hungry for Skink.
The Oracles tried to use their speed and quickly got the ball within scoring distance. They were not able to protect the ball however, and Ramsezuma picked grabbed it near the limp form of a dazed skink. Meanwhile a group had managed to knock the other Kroxigor, Zlatxhol, to the ground. Compelled by their God's bloodlust Offering of Blood stomped on the Kroxigor's jaw, shattering it much like Krotep had done to start the match. As Ramsezuma moved the ball down the pitch all took turns battering the skinks around. Finally after multiple hits knocking Adohimazda to the ground, Offering of Fangs stomped on the skink's exposed skull. The blow crushed both skull and brain and the skink was killed instantly. The Guardian's roared with satisfaction at the sacrifice and Ramsezuma crossed the endzone to bring the final score to 2-0.
Afterwards they brought the skink bodies as offerings to the Lurking God, who was pleased with the victory and bloodshed on the pitch. All were rewarded with a long hibernation in the Blood River until the Djinn of Araby are foolish enough to challenge them..”
The God's words echoing in their skulls and hatred pulsing in their bones as they started the match, it did not take long for the bloodshed to begin. Krotep stared silently at the Kroxigor across from him, looking for a weakness to exploit. He found one almost immediately, and delivered a crushing blow on the first turn of the game, shattering Zlatec's massive jaw. Inspired by the brutality Tutencal grabbed the ball and ordered the team to move down the field. The skinks tried valiantly to break through the Guardians defenses, but were quickly overpowered and started to get knocked off the pitch one by one.
One particularly valiant skink by the name of Tenqchicc tried to overpower the bigger Offering of Claws. The corpse struck the skink down for his insolence, its fresh corpse be added to the God's neverending offerings.
Tutencal scored to end the half, and the Guardians enjoyed a large number advantage to start the second. The Lurking God was not satisfied however, and demanded more blood to keep the river flowing. As always, the Guardians obeyed and left the locker altar hungry for Skink.
The Oracles tried to use their speed and quickly got the ball within scoring distance. They were not able to protect the ball however, and Ramsezuma picked grabbed it near the limp form of a dazed skink. Meanwhile a group had managed to knock the other Kroxigor, Zlatxhol, to the ground. Compelled by their God's bloodlust Offering of Blood stomped on the Kroxigor's jaw, shattering it much like Krotep had done to start the match. As Ramsezuma moved the ball down the pitch all took turns battering the skinks around. Finally after multiple hits knocking Adohimazda to the ground, Offering of Fangs stomped on the skink's exposed skull. The blow crushed both skull and brain and the skink was killed instantly. The Guardian's roared with satisfaction at the sacrifice and Ramsezuma crossed the endzone to bring the final score to 2-0.
Afterwards they brought the skink bodies as offerings to the Lurking God, who was pleased with the victory and bloodshed on the pitch. All were rewarded with a long hibernation in the Blood River until the Djinn of Araby are foolish enough to challenge them..”