CTV 1880k Skaven

30k (-10000)
No change

Dwarf CTV 1690k+150k


No change
Inducements: 1 wizard
#13 Ramon Foster – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#15 Larry Linefodder – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After a long off season, the Skaven of Pittzbur'gh were ready to once again take to the pitch to demonstrate their particular style of play and cunning, and what place better than a Minor Tournament? Their previous Smack victory had earned them a bye for the first week of the tournament, but also seeded them against none other than dwarves. This had all the making of a solid blood bowl match up.
First Half
The sun was shining on a beautiful day as the Stealers kicked the ball deep into the dwarven endzone to open the match. The dwarves opened the match by immediately injuring one of our players, after which they gained control of the ball and set up a wide net to prevent the skavens from getting access to the ball carrier. So the core of the Stealers opted for a tactical retreat, rather than risking their lives standing up to the oncoming dwarves. By turn 3 the biggest issue we had caused for the dwarves was they having a difficult time choosing which downed rat to foul. So, we took the fight directly to them, sending Martavis Bryant II leaping into their cage, attempting to set the ball free. It didn't work. All we got was slapped around. But on the plus side, the ref did notice the foul against Martavis and booted the Deathroller a little early. There was another attempt by Pittzbur'gh to get at the ball, but we couldn't seem to make anything work, as more rats were knocked down into the dust and injured. Strangely enough, as the injuries continued to mount, it seemed to be be solely the linerats who were suffering the injuries. Four healthy and dangerous gutter runners were still on the pitch. The dwarves walked in a well earned touchdown, and a OTTD attempt was made, but to no avail. The rock thrown in by the Pittzbur'gh fans was very kind though. Score at halftime: 1-nil, dwarves.
Second Half
Playing 10-on-11, we knew that this half was crucial, as we needed to find a way to score and hold the dwarves off from scoring. Being down a rat wasn't going to help matters much. The wizard standing on the dwarven sideline was also waiting to make matters ever worse. The kick came in deep into our endzone and we retreated back to gain control of the ball and pass it to an awaiting gutter runner. The dwarves opted to not advance, staying it a perfect screen pattern to prevent any quick attempts to get the ball past them. Having to find a way through or around, we began advancing cautiously. The dwarves responded by surrounding the now grouped together linerats. Somehow one of these unsuspecting linerats was able to levy a massive hit against a troll slayer, injuring the troll slayer in the process, and also opening a lane for which the gutter runners and the ball to flood though. As four gutter runners and the ball huddled against the sideline a fireball came streaking out of the sky and crashed to the ground, narrowly missing the gutter runner holding the ball, but giving the dwarves access to surf said gutter runner. The ball was thrown back into the midst of skaven side of the pitch, comfortably surrounded by dwarves. The play which followed was complete madness, as twice attempts were made knock the loose ball away from the surrounding dwarves by pushing a dwarf onto the ball. Both attempts succeeded in pushing the ball further into the middle of the dwarven pack surrounding it. Finally it took veteran thrower Ben dodging in and reclaiming the ball under coverage, dodging back out and throwing a pass to awaiting gutter runner Dri to run in the tying touchdown. Madness I tell you!
Back at full strength, and back on the defensive. We kicked the ball deep and the dwarves recovered and began a slow advance towards the endzone. But just when they got within scoring distance, disaster struck, and the dwarven runner carrying the ball was left partially exposed. In came Ramon on a -2d blitz, taking the runner off of his feet and setting the ball down, and leaving no dwarf in range of the endzone before time ran out. Ramon was rewarded with a fractured skull by the dwarves for stopping their touchdown. And with that, we went into OT.
The dwarves won the coin toss (F!) and elected to receive (Double F!), as again we set up, 11-on-11, hoping to somehow stop the dwarves. As the dwarves moved forward with the ball we continually sent in our leaping gutter runner to harass the ball carrier, and on a -3d block which came up tip-Both Down, the ball was set free. Dri went in to recover the ball, and pretty much win the match, he tripped making a dodge and promptly knocked himself out. The dwarves recovered the ball and things were looking pretty bleak, until another successful blitz by a gutter runner wrestled the ball free. Surround, the dwarves attempted to fight their way clear in which a final break for the endzone could be made, but after a block gone wrong they found themselves out positioned with no way of reaching the endzone. To add insult to injury, that same leaping gutter runner decided to throw a block on a lone dwarf, injuring the dwarf in the process ("Weeping blades, weeping blades!") requiring the apoth's assistance. After that, all that could be done was await the results of the shootout.
When the dust settles, Pittzbur'gh came out on top, 4-2, awarding them both the second Touchdown, and the victory.
This was a super tense match, but a very enjoyable one, with lots of in-game laughter and chatting, and excellent sportsmanship. Coach Throweck and I have a longstanding rivalry*, and it is always a pleasure to watch the rivalry unfold on the blood bowl pitch. Good game, and well played.
*This was the first time Coach Throweck and I had played against one another, but for some reason we both though that our paths had crossed a few times before. We had a nice laugh about that.”