CTV 2010k Wood Elf (CIBBL)


Daemons of Slaanesh (CIBBL) CTV 1720k+300k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, Star player Lewdgrip Whiparm
#13 Mereia – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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Even though we received, the elves knocked out 2 cultists in turn one, without losing a player themselves. As a consequence, the Meddlers were able to apply a lot of pressure. Bad luck continued for Eternal Ecstasy when a hand-off to the Keeper of Secrets failed. In the rain it was harder to capitalize on it, but next turn the Keeper even snaked a dodge! And still the elves failed to exploit the situation; a double skull with the team reroll already gone ruined the plan. Now the Keeper managed to pick it up, only to be -2d stripped next turn and lose it again. The third time was the good time and the Meddlers evacuated the ball. Hypnotic gaze means no safe place to hide though, so the Keeper 3d blitzed in, but to no avail. Next turn Vanhir leaped out and scored: 1-0 in turn 6. Then the rain messed with Starplayer Lewdgrip Whiparm's sure hands, meaning no equalizer at halftime.
"There we got lucky indeed", Timaris mused. "Everything went our way in the first half". "We remember it hasn't always been like that", he added. The second half started with a Blitz! The ball had been kicked deep though and seemed safe. But even the elves suffered from the rain and failed to pick up the ball. The next few turns possession changed several times, before the daemonettes finally managed the equalizer in turn 4: 1-1. "That was very tricky indeed", Timaris considered. "Very hard to defend against those gazers". "Almost as if we got beaten by our own weapons there", he analyzed. "But we had some time left to score again, at least". After some preparing, the elves finally sent their remaining catcher through the opposition's line, trying to screen her as best as they could. But the screen got gazed and we risked a 2d stripping blitz on the ball. Then Nuffle intervened and caused a misclick (move instead of blitz), saving the elves. In turn 7 of the second half the 2-1 was scored, leaving two turns to the Daemons of Slaanesh to equalize. A missed pass ruined everything though, allowing the Meddlers to recover the ball and mount a near impenetrable wall around it. The score didn't change anymore.
"Finally another win", Timaris concluded. "No matter the luck, a win is still a win".”