Lashweaver's reputation in CIBBL grows and grows. The Greater Daemon's awesome agility, speed and deadly claws strike fear and envy in all!! Now after 41 games in CIBBL officially recognised as a
Ranked as Fanky's 'Top' Big Guy in
SCRIBBL edition #13

Both Lashweaver and Eternal Ecstasy celebrated their 100th match, at the same time
Year Two, Summer - The Little Cup, Growth Potential winner (+1 Prestige Point while in the team), for most SPP gained
Year Two, Autumn - The Iron Cup- Triple X award (+1 Prestige Point while in the team) for 3 cas vs Bigwood Tree Shmashaz
Year Three, Spring - The Realms of Chaos- Star and Super Star status gained plus Devastation From Beyond award for most interceptions

Year Three, Winter- Mid TW Friendlies- Child of Winter for Blocking scorer, SPP, Touchdowns
Year Four, Spring - The Realms of Chaos- Mega Star Player status gained plus Devastation From Beyond award for most Casualties, SPP, Blocking Scorer and Triple X for 3 cas vs ICBM WarpSpawns

Year Four, Autumn - Bronze Divison - Legend status gained and Bronze excellence for blocking scorer

Year Five, Autumn - Gold Divison - Gold excellence for blocking scorer
Year Six, Summer - City of Spires Beauty Pageant Bowl - Blitzing Beauty (SPP, Blocking Scorer), Triple X 3 cas vs Bhubaneswar Rampage, Target Eliminated and Beware- Supreme Killer for killing Erato (Eye and Arrow)

Year Seven, Spring - The Realms of Chaos- Triple X award (+1 Prestige Point while in the team) for 3 cas vs Rot Mansion Couriers
Year Seven, Summer - RoC vs CW- The Grudgemaker (Blocking Scorer)
Confirmed kills:
Burro'tzor Svodred - Khorne Cultist (Veteran)- team Unfettered Fury
Great Unclean One- (Veteran)- team Nurgle Plaguebearers
Blackchewer Clan Mors Lineman (Veteran)- team Fangsnapper's Clawpack
Skik the Weaver- Clan Eshin Linerat (Experienced)- team Lords of the Silent Death
Erato- Avelorn Handmaiden (Super Star)- team Eye and Arrow
Sever Cumfeorm- Spirit Host (Rookie)- team Vlad's Vampheroes
Eczemeumon- Carnival Strongman (Emerging)- team Emperors True Face
David Darkhawk- Slave to Darkness (Journeyman)- team Dark Room Delights