“Good recovery by the lads after a threatening start by Ratboy. Some powerful running by Balin, who held onto the ball superbly, led to the first score just before the break. We received the kick in the second and started well, forcing our opponent to brawl in the middle of the field. When Telchar unexpectedly popped up with the ball in the middle, the combined might of almost every Ratboy player descended on his shoulders - to no avail. Telchar beat them off one by one, and broke free in the sixth. He was finally downed, but not before he had left a trail of destruction behind him. Bombur messed about with the ball before Balin showed him how it's done in the last.
Player of the game: Balin had a strong first half but, for rising above his position and almost single-handedly taking on a Rat-Ogre and his henchmen, Telchar deserves the honours.”
Player of the game: Balin had a strong first half but, for rising above his position and almost single-handedly taking on a Rat-Ogre and his henchmen, Telchar deserves the honours.”