CTV 2260k Chaos Chosen

13000 (1 FAME)
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Shambling Undead CTV 2020k+230k


No change
Inducements: Star player Ivan 'The Animal' Deathshroud
#4 Bonetaker – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#10 Corbin Ghorth – Dead (RIP)
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We recruited Ivan, the strength 4 Juggernaut, to aid us in our fight. Early on we allowed Yggardis to get tagged. Wasn't really in the plan as carrier but the pickup was fumbled over to him. But he got the ball to Kraklow who was covered for an escape up the flank. He could make a short delay but with players spread he couldn't risk it long.
On their return drive a recent zombie (former Beastman) recruit, Corbin, was lost when he took a heavy block by their legend Warrior. KOs followed, and the Walking Dead had to regen damage from another of the legend's blows. Our defence wasn't up to keeping an equaliser out. Just outhit! And then before half-time yet another had to regen from the same fiend!
Second half their power waned a little and we at least pressured their offence, with Mumm-ra and Kraklow getting close to their carrier. He moved off but Kraklow then followed and their wrestle carrier went down. Then Facelss Hunter got the ball. But his wrestle also worked against him and he went down too against their legend! Kraklow though got the ball away again. A chance to win! Meanwhile Ivan had been taken out, while Mumm-ra was holding up their Mino. The Mountain was having a frustrating match beating down on beastmen to little effect. The Chaos side had one chance to get at Kraklow. We hadn't been able to tag one of the tackle Beastman in range.. and he tackled down Kraklow! Curses to the thing. Another Beastman picked up and Kraklow skulled his revenge attack. And so they went off for a narrow win.
No casualties caused today but the Villains will return! And Yggardis, the rookie ghoul, now shows impressive strength!”