Seal was playing in only his 2nd match for WMDs in the Box when he was killed by the Mountain.
Seal has both talent at hitting with blocks or fouling.
As a Zombie he got 2 MVPs in just 4 matches for absorbing hard hits.
In his 7th match he did some recruiting of his own by killing Bad Boy, a Beastman from Rash.
Somehow Seal did an interception when against WMDs!
He cas'd with a block, fouled out a star Bull Centaur and got the MVP in his 14th match against the Lammer Heretics!
His 34th and 35th matches were against WMDs. He pulled off 3 casualties! He despises his former living team.
In his 36th match Seal ko'd a Treeman and cas'd 2 Elves with fouling.
Match 37 he killed a skilled Orc thrower in a gang foul.
Match 43: Killed a legend Beastman ball carrier from Rash!
Cas'd a High Elf from Coca Loca BBL in match 46.
Impressively cas'ing two Nurgle players in his 52nd match were a big help in us scraping a 1-1 draw. He blitzed down a superstar Beastman, who had stolen the ball, and cas'd him. Then another Beastman who took on Seal straight after was injured too. That was even after Seal was cas'd (and regen'd) first turn!
Cas'd a couple of easy pickings snot, including killing one, in his 55th match (a 2-0 win vs Ogres).
Caused a niggling injury to a star Beast of Nurgle with a foul in his 60th match! Seal made 8 fouls that match, though we were defeated.
His 72nd match was a shocking 4-0 defeat against rampant Wood Elves. But he did cas one with a block, and with 3 fouls became the Villains all-time record fouler.
In his 83rd match he killed off a Hobgoblin (Dodgy Mcdodgeface) which was promptly raised and recruited to our lineup. This was Seal's 20th career casualty. The most we have had from a zombie.
3rd on the Box active Undead Zombie most casualties list. 6th all-time.