CTV 2210k Nurgle


Shambling Undead CTV 1940k+150k

16000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe
#6 Arty Artillery – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#11 Leaping Tom – Dead (RIP)
#13 Nurglac Shakur – Groin Strain (MNG)
#1 Duke Death – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#4 Bonetaker – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A Beastman cas'd Seal straight off, and another got the ball. But Mumm-ra and Duke Death responded hard by ko'ing a strong Rotter and a Pestigor to put on some pressure. Then Duke Death was already given a ball steal chance. He tackled the carrier down! We had the ball covered. But Quickfingers was knocked down and the ball scattered south before their agile Beastman tried to pick up. He dropped under pressure but it was caught by his teammate! A Nurgle Warrior gave a retirement break injury to our Guard skeleton and the Beastmen pulled off a handoff. Our early glory was soon forgotten as their carrier raced off. We couldn't get back quickly enough and they could take some time to score.
There were still moments for an Undead drive but a long kick and fan ko'ing the Black Wight with a rock made it tough. Duke Death was also fouled in to the injury box. 1-0 down at half-time.
Second half we were with 10 players and no Wights available. A fumble by Yggardis made things looked grim for us, especially as their superstar Nurglac grabbed the ball. But the worm turned when Seal went back and blitz cas'd him, followed by Yggardis picking up! Another Pestigor tried to hit Seal but was then cas'd too! A mispositioning had left Yggardis exposed to a blitz but he managed to dodge the blow. He advanced but the Beast tracked him down and trapped him in his tentacles. The superstar pestigor Ko’d Yggardis on the next blitz attempt. But thankfully The Mountain took the Beast down and debutant Kraklow was able to score.
With quarter of the match to play and the ball in their grasp the Nurgle were optimistic. A zombie was ko'd and the carrier moved to the flank. But Quickfingers ko'd the Beast! With no rrs left they rushed up the flank. Mumm-ra failed to push his way in to the carrier but Kraklow got in the way. The Pestigor blitzed but could only push, and then Kraklow tripped him up. The Pest fell... and died! What an end to this match. 1-1.
I did far too many gfis, though failing 7 (and rerolling some others) was a bit harsh. Still, we scraped a draw and will return! Fun and odd match. Sorry for the gap Tommy.”