CTV 1810k High Elf
Skaven CTV 1520k+290k
20000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab, Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
#12 Rodenticide Nu-k – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#91 Merc Lineman 1 () – Fractured Arm (MNG)
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Prev Game, Delves.
Game seven: Lab Rat Elysium.
my 1810 Helfs vs 1520 Skaven. ST 5 Guard, ST 4 Guard hitter, natural one turner, but Daddles MNG means no sure hands anywhere.
The defending champs, unbeaten this season, trailing us by just enough that they need to win to get their back to back. They grab Skitter, a merc, and a keg. Numbers, they fear us.
We both extra RRs for the big game, Elmer and Fred gab a cas each, bit of pushing around, we tried a shot at one of the big boys but it opened up the side and their double screen turned into an internal guard hitter cage, and well, that's a tricky thing to pull a ball out of. Still, lined up for it, a wrestler dragged down their guard, the other still out of place, they decided scoring was the better option. Probably not wrong, T5 score.
They got a perfect D, but we mostly cleared it, it was a solid line, but I took a dauntless on the ST 5 at the end, to get around, and ended up stuck on him. Skitter reached the ball for a stab, no good, so we did some dodging and asked a few screen breaking dodges from them to sack. They did, dauntless fail but double pows, and they just couldn't quite grab the ball after. Few dice to score, but Gary nails it, 1-1 at the half.
Rock takes a gutter, Fred gabs his 3rd cas, numbers are indeed a struggle for them. They press with what's left early, and I'm a bit of a nervous wreck trying to not expose things and still get hits, and left a huge dauntless opportunity for them that's good and they hit the ball ... just a lucky scatter for me saves it. Skitter stabs Gary again, no good again, and from there the full contact takes it's toll and we romp in turn 8. 2-1 all but won.
They one-turn, as you do. 2-2 full time.
5/1/1, 27 points, premier title to the High Elfs. What a season, blinding luck really, but woop woop.”