“The skulls rained down on both teams, pleasing Khorne as we danced amongst the carnage.
After taking a mighty beating the first few games, our Khorne were able to dish our some of their own gory justice.
33% armour breaks, and 36% casualty rate from it. That is very unlucky for our opponent, and did shift the game.
Add to this, a shallow kick on Orc attack, followed by an early double skull into double skull... well... timing and tempo is sometimes everything.
Apart from the lesson in being lucky at critical times, what did we learn?
I have heard that with teams such as these, Khorne, Chaos, Lizards, you must be prepared to accept the failed blocks. They will come, and it is better to preserve re-rolls.
It is also a lesson in risk management- move pieces, non dice moves first etc. I think we did this reasonably well.
Once again, I feel this was done well, with some screens and players sent back in case we could not secure ball.
Doubling into this, we also attempted to pressure ball where possible, understanding we did have some advantage in materials to direct towards this cause.
We must also understand that this is Black Orcs, not Dark Elves, so there are differences in how to do this. What was adequate here, may not have been against a high AG and MV team.
So.. we do find ourselves targeting goblins somewhat... BUT the real difference was made in Black Orc removal. Additionally, there are two sides of the dice which will sink a Black Orc, and only one for a Goblin (unless using my single Block skill player).
Target higher importance players first, even if armour is higher. I think this is the best strategy, even if odds of sinking and armour breaking or lower, it is more valuable to us for them to be on the ground.”
After taking a mighty beating the first few games, our Khorne were able to dish our some of their own gory justice.
33% armour breaks, and 36% casualty rate from it. That is very unlucky for our opponent, and did shift the game.
Add to this, a shallow kick on Orc attack, followed by an early double skull into double skull... well... timing and tempo is sometimes everything.
Apart from the lesson in being lucky at critical times, what did we learn?
I have heard that with teams such as these, Khorne, Chaos, Lizards, you must be prepared to accept the failed blocks. They will come, and it is better to preserve re-rolls.
It is also a lesson in risk management- move pieces, non dice moves first etc. I think we did this reasonably well.
Once again, I feel this was done well, with some screens and players sent back in case we could not secure ball.
Doubling into this, we also attempted to pressure ball where possible, understanding we did have some advantage in materials to direct towards this cause.
We must also understand that this is Black Orcs, not Dark Elves, so there are differences in how to do this. What was adequate here, may not have been against a high AG and MV team.
So.. we do find ourselves targeting goblins somewhat... BUT the real difference was made in Black Orc removal. Additionally, there are two sides of the dice which will sink a Black Orc, and only one for a Goblin (unless using my single Block skill player).
Target higher importance players first, even if armour is higher. I think this is the best strategy, even if odds of sinking and armour breaking or lower, it is more valuable to us for them to be on the ground.”