“Idiot Wushu...he tried to niggle out of the match, but the coach said no, you're too close to your next level of skill, get your butt into this match. And he was playing a whale of a game, too, his presence being felt all over the pitch. Until Danzer, that putz, yelled out loud, "I'm going to get you, claw-man!" Wushu just laughed, as there was several rats between the two potential antagonists. However, a few careful blocks and pushes later, and the way was open for Danzer the Maniac the race forward, screaming the entire way. We'll never know what went through Wushu's mind that moment (besides Danzer's fist), but I do have the personal guarantee of every other rat that should they feel the need to complain to the doc about a niggling injury, their contract will be terminated rather than the doc waste his limited resources on him/her. Pity, too...now we'll never know what Wushu's 51 spp skill roll woulda been... At least Sabre passed his 76 spp skill roll w/o aging...”