“Get pounded into the turf, and win the game...our usual M.O. We ALMOST stopped him from scoring in the first half, forcing him to wait til turn 8 to do so. My return attempt at a OTS was going perfectly, til the double skulls when I only needed a push. To add injury to insult, my double-skull rat woulda been niggled, had not the apo been paying attention. For once.
Second half, rats make an easy score, despite a perfect defense by the CD's complicating things to no end, requiring a lucky string of 1d POWs to pull off. But pull it off we did, and then were able to take advantage of a failed pickup by the CD's to grab the ball and stall out most of the rest of the half before taking the go-ahead score, leaving only two turns for the CD's to score. He very nearly would've, too...man, he knows how to play his chaos dwarves! However, he failed to take into account my super-star Sabre, the interception machine, who saved the game as time expired.
Nice game, luckily nothing perm (though next game will be fun with one of my SV's MNG). Kudos!”
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Second half, rats make an easy score, despite a perfect defense by the CD's complicating things to no end, requiring a lucky string of 1d POWs to pull off. But pull it off we did, and then were able to take advantage of a failed pickup by the CD's to grab the ball and stall out most of the rest of the half before taking the go-ahead score, leaving only two turns for the CD's to score. He very nearly would've, too...man, he knows how to play his chaos dwarves! However, he failed to take into account my super-star Sabre, the interception machine, who saved the game as time expired.
Nice game, luckily nothing perm (though next game will be fun with one of my SV's MNG). Kudos!”