“It was John van Oberhaus' last match as his recent signs of pre-mature aging meant that he was more of a liability to the team than anything else (aged a niggle after his last game).
John shone today and on top of an all-round solid performance almost brought a Black Orc to it's knees (RIP - fortunately it got apothed) through sheer force of will.
An invasion of the pitch by fans of both teams as soon as the game commenced meant that the Wolverines had a pretty easy time of waltzing into the Heros' End Zone and make it a 1-0 lead in the 1st half.
2nd half - the orcs recieving. The Wolverines manage to wrestle the ball loose and out of the scrum - John makes a quick pass to a team mate who makes it two to nothing. The orcs set up again and after a pass to C-Boy (a promising star on the Greenskin team) the Troll soon manages to lob the agile goblin down the field. Score: 2-1 - the final result.
The fans seem to have liked the performance of the Wolverines and the team look with anticipation on their future with their Quarterback being replaced by the inexperienced but talented young Wilhelm Grott.”
John shone today and on top of an all-round solid performance almost brought a Black Orc to it's knees (RIP - fortunately it got apothed) through sheer force of will.
An invasion of the pitch by fans of both teams as soon as the game commenced meant that the Wolverines had a pretty easy time of waltzing into the Heros' End Zone and make it a 1-0 lead in the 1st half.
2nd half - the orcs recieving. The Wolverines manage to wrestle the ball loose and out of the scrum - John makes a quick pass to a team mate who makes it two to nothing. The orcs set up again and after a pass to C-Boy (a promising star on the Greenskin team) the Troll soon manages to lob the agile goblin down the field. Score: 2-1 - the final result.
The fans seem to have liked the performance of the Wolverines and the team look with anticipation on their future with their Quarterback being replaced by the inexperienced but talented young Wilhelm Grott.”