“Not much to say other than that the better coach won. Even though I was two 2+ rolls away from taking the game to overtime, I felt I was lucky to get even one TD in the game.
“I can't remember a thing... the game went by in a blur... I remember getting hit too often, eating dirt like a good dark elf and scoring 1-0 middle first half after stealing the ball from a bad cage. RandomOracle drew even end of the 1st half and more elves bit the dust. I scored again second half and luckyly a failed gfi in the end prevented the OT.
Morley's worked like a charm, keeping 2 of his buddies ofpitch nearly all the time. i was fighting uphill all the time as it would be expected from a tense cup game.
Well played, I enjoyed that immensely.”
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Congratulations Sinner and good luck in the cup!”