Block (30k)
Dirty Player (30k)
Tackle (30k)
SPIKE: I know slayers. No matter how many people they've got around them, they fight alone. Life of the chosen one. The rest of us be damned. Your mother was no different.
PRINCIPAL WOOD: No, she loved me.
SPIKE: But not enough to quit, though, was it? Not enough to walk away... for you. I'll tell you a story about a mother and son. See, like you, I loved my mother. So much so I turned her into a vampire... so we could be together forever. She said some nasty bits to me after I did that. Been weighing on me for quite some time. But you helped me figure something out. You see, unlike you, I had a mother who loved me back. When I sired her, I set loose a demon, and it tore into me, but it was the demon talking, not her. I realize that now. My mother loved me with all her heart. I was her world. (clicks the mouse, playing the recording again)
RECORDED SONG: "Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I heard a young maid sing in the valley below... "
SPIKE: (unfazed by the song) That's a nice little song you got there. Thanks, doc. You cured me after all. I got my own free will, now. I'm not under the First's or anyone else's influences now. I just wanted you to know that... (vamps out) before I kill you.