25 coaches online • Server time: 06:49
Block (20k)
Grab (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Ewok lives up to his name; short, stocky, slow but powerful.
Ewok has been with the team for a long time (second longest serving BOB) and is the most skilled BOB to boot! Proof that Mighty Blow does indeed fast forward skill advancement!
Ewok is an integral part of the Orc grinding game, with Guard, Block, Mighty Blow. The Grab skill comes in handy too and when he get Stand Firm he'll be pretty much perfect. Of course this coach wouldn't object if he got +ST to balance out his slow speed.
He was killed on match 49 against RedMaul's Asha'maniac, but the apothecary brought him back to the reserves box. He will finish Season LXVI (final round) playing his 50th game. Way to go Ewok!!! The end of this season also sees the team qualify for Premier League and this short, tough bad boy is part of the reason the team made it there. I have a forlorn hope that Ewok just once in his career gets to score a TD.
His progression has been a tad slow of late, but I'm hopeful that Ewok, slower and niggler that he is will stay with the team and do what he does best. Hold the line, take his licks and then dish them out.