+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Grotty Little Tournament VII - Participant. Championship Ring.
After 50 game and sporting a brand-new +ST upgrade, it's time to tell Oogalak's story...
Whereas most of my team is based on Horde NPCs from World of Warcraft, Oogalak is an exception. Many years ago, back when Coach Maysrill stalked that accursed realm and raided its great dungeons, Oogalak was a member of my guild. Back before PvP had instances and rewards and tournaments and all that nonsense, Oogalak was the king of PvP. Defender of Tarren Mill, and scourge of Southshore, the undermanned Horde rallied around Oogalak and routed the superior numbers of the n00bish alliance time and again.
When the honor system was implemented, Oogalak moved on to Alterac Valley, and became a god. When for hours the Alliance and Horde would clash in unending combat for the same small patch of ground, the arrival of Oogalak would herald the turning of the tide. Squabbling squads pursuing their own goals would heed the call of mighty Oogalak, who would organize their undisciplined masses into an unstoppable force.
Warsong Gulch was Oogalak's hobby, when the valley was quiet, or when his guildmates wanted to deliver the hammer of Thrall's wrath unto the Alliance. With 2 or 3 close companions, Oogalak would take the rest of the team under his wing, assigning them tasks and teaching them the secrets of the flag-capturing game. As a flag runner, healer, or general combatant, Oogalak outwitted all but the strongest of the alliance pre-organized 10-man teams.
Taking time off from work in the real world, Oogalak and his brother Festeringhag pushed hard and became the first and second warlords on the Hellscream server, earning respect from all.
We are proud to have him among our ranks. Mighty warrior, may you fall in PvP, glorious unto the end!