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<i><b>The Story So Far</b>
Books have always been the most important thing in
Daisy's life. She started reading tales of horror at a
young age, thrilling to the terror of Edgar Allen Poe,
of Stoker's</i> Dracula<i>. She explored in fiction what she
abhorred in life - horror, violence, fear.
Then, she stumbled across the John Dee edition of
the</i> Necronomicon<i>. It was macabre indeed. It was
also blasphemous, unholy, and too awful to be real.
</i>Frankenstein<i> and "The Raven" were forgotten. The
chills that ran down Daisy's spine were not those of
a forbidden pleasure. A new horror was born in her
mind, a terror that such things could be.
There were more books after that - </i>De Vermis
Myseriis<i>,</i> Cultes des Ghoules <i>-</i> each worse than the
last. She read them all in a mounting panic. Could they
be real? Could the things they spoke of be true?
Now she knows it to be so. The Thing that appeared in
the library was something she'd read about in the </i>Ponape
Scripture<i>. If the Thing was real, then everything she'd
read about might be real...in which case Daisy is the
only one who knows how to stop it.</i>