"How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads, to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams."
Achieved Legendary status with a TD in his 57th (and the team's 59th) game against Karnov's Yang Gang to reach 176 spp. A fitting way to signal coach Daudy's 700th fumbbl game.
(9 TDs)
(189 yards of rushing)
(114 turns played)
(5 TDs)
(133 yards of rushing)
(207 yards of rushing)
(5 TDs)
(10 TDs)
(215 yards of rushing)
(7 TDs)
(145 yards of rushing)
Selected in the XLVIII Conference Representative Team
"Night Patrol is a beast of surprising agility, able to carry the ball and skip away from tackles with a dexterity the match of most elfs, even bringing to life the normally dormant Chaos passing game on a couple of occasions during the match against Urgaroth’s Children. This season Night Patrol joined the rarified group of players who have rushed for more than 200 yards in a season, and scored 8 TDs in the process. His pair against the frogs from Tribute was enough to single-handedly ensure a draw in that match alone."
Winner of Chavo's Classic Twahnlows Season 49
Silver Slipper Most yards gained from rushing 189
Silver Ball Most touchdowns 9