26 coaches online • Server time: 07:02
Nerves Of Steel
+AV (30k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Tackle (20k)
Confirmed Kills: 1
Game #1: Sacked the Khemri ballcarrier and was a key cog to start the team off with a victory.
Game #5: Failed to dodge for a one turn touchdown.
Game #6: Sacked the ballcarrier in the first half and stole the ball. Coach's Choice MVP.
Game #10: Fouled and seriously injured by a Halfling (-ma). Thankfully the Apo worked!
Game #11: Failed to dodge out (snakes) and made us lose the match.
Game #12: Redeemed himself with a great game. Caused three casualties, ran a touchdown and demoralized the other team's Coach into conceding the match. Gained both MVP's along with the Coach's Choice MVP!
Game #19: Killed the Chaos Pact Minotaur, Fiscal, when it tried to attack him. Recovered a fumble in several tackle zones that was converted into a touchdown and sealed the win. Coach's Choice MVP!!
Game #25: Dropped a crucial hand off that could have put the game away in the first half.
Game #26: Gained more Armor after the game!
Game #28: The Snotling Crusher! Crushed three Snotlings and sent them to the infirmary.
Game #30: Caught a pass for a touchdown in the second half. Also singlehandedly sacked the Ghoul ballcarrier. Caught the loose fumble and held on to it against a Mummy's block. Lastly, had two casualties. Coach's Choice MVP!!
Game #32: Caught a pass for a touchdown and caused one casualty. He had the most blocks and most rushing for his team. Almost returned a defensive touchdown in the first half. Coach's Choice MVP.
Game #33: KO'ed a dangerous Blitzer and badly hurt a guard one early in the game. He was killed by the other dangerous Blitzer on the last turn of the game. APO FAILED OF COURSE!! Lesson to stall, stall, stall!!!! Coach's Choice MVP.