Defiler of
Mather Teresa of Diesdolf in this
match against
Congregation of Holy Touchdown.
Shortly held the double Arm Bar skill! :D
Current team captain.
Northern Prowess
Awarded to best players of Albion and Norsca spring regionals. Year Five - Spring. (Interceptions, All-Rounder)
Silver Excellence
Awarded to best players of Silver Division.

Gold Excellence
Awarded to best players of Gold Division. Year Nine - Autumn.
Y11, Autumn. (casualities)

Triple X
Awarded to player hitting 3+ casualties in one match.
(match vs True Roots of Khaine)
(match vs Waystone Outcasts)
(match vs Wraiths of Woe)
(match vs Vlad's Vampheroes)
Star Player
Awarded to any player reaching 51+ SPP. Player is recognized as one of the absolute stars of the league.
Super Star Player
Awarded to any player reaching 76+ SPP. Player is recognized as a super star of the league.
Mega Star Player
Awarded to any player reaching 126+ SPP. Player is recognized as a mega star of the league.
Awarded to any player reaching 176+ SPP. Player is recognized as a legend of the league.
Target Eliminated
Awarded when a player kills another player that has earned at least one Achievement worth at least 10 Prestige Points.
Sylyvius Paintorn in this