Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
First and only captain of the Maroons, Charlie has led my word and deed, (almost) never missing a single match played by the team. His physical, no nonsense play has led to many glorious victories for the Maroons.
Watchout! Charlie was slowly climbing the charts in terms of casualties inflicted...
... (announcer for the match vs the Darkside Despoiler's)...
Bill: Welcome back to the action folks; we are picking it up again in the second-half.
Dick: That's right Bill, rap it in a bow and take it out of the oven: this goose is cooked, this match is settled...
Bill: For the last time SHUT UP AND GET MY COFFEE!... Anyways, as I was saying, this action-packed match is pretty much over, a well deserved win for the Maroons... Wait here comes the Despoiler's for one last go at goal... (*smash*) ...what a hit, Charlie didn't see that coming: a nice clean hit and the Maroon's captain goes down.
Dick: That's right Bill... (*Bill raises is fist*) ...ummm, I mean, cream or sugar?
Bill: Wait, what's this? The Despoiler's "special teams" coordinatoor seems to want to change the play. Yes, Ted "subtle" Kaczynski is frantically calling for an audible...
Dick: I wonder what this Throat-slashing motion could mean Bill? Must be some kind of passing play...
Bill (*rolling his eyes*): Yes Dick, that's obviously what he means... Oh, the humanity! One of the Despoiler's beastmen just rammed a concealed spike into Charlie's ankle! Well, that's what you get for playing against the Despoiler's Dick...
Yes, the inevitable happened, Charlie got side-swiped by a cheap foul, in a game that was already decided; meh, that's life!
You just can't keep Charlie down: a few days after suffering a terrible ankle injury, Charlie miraculously recovers! However, he seems to have hired a new agent and is holding out for more money... You just can't please anyone these days... It used to be about the game man, now it's all about the money.
Games missed: 2 (+3 niggle)
Longest consecutive appearances: 57 games
Finally retired to join the coaching staff... for the good of the team...