30 coaches online • Server time: 00:15
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
Games missed due to injury: 1
<b>Badly Hurts:</b>
Wilddal - Taal's Chosen - Elf Catcher
Perendal - Taal's Chosen - Elf Thrower
Kate Beckinsdale - Babes Incorporated - Amazon Blitzer
Random - Lizzy Hitchhiker - Skink
Battlebrood - Bovine Brotherhood - Minotaur
Ragebrood - Bovine Brotherhood - Bull Centaur
Djer - Sakkara - Skeleton (Saved by Regeneration)
Xehuitzl-Cutzl - Xlanhuapec Frogs - Skink
Moctezuma - Xlanhuapec Frogs - Skink
Inxi-Huitzi - Xlanhuapec Frogs - Skink
Luio - Wild Win - Wood Elf Lineman
<b>Serious Injuries:</b>
Ulv - Out of the Ground - Zombie
Filet - Fun with Goats - Beastman
Tezcatlipoca - Xlanhuapec Frogs - Skink
Alchemibolt the Insane - Skavenblight Dealers - Skaven Thrower
Quanco - Xlanhuapec Frogs - Saurus (saved by Apothecary)
Swendendal - Taal's Chosen - Elf Lineman
Nostro - Final Achievement - Elf Blitzer(saved by Apothecary)
Mansikki - Slaves of Power - Minotaur