Blood Lust
Two Heads
Very Long Legs
+AG (30k)
Block (30k)
Catch (30k)
Diving Tackle (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Side Step (30k)
Sure Feet (30k)
He belonged to the starting Line-Up of the <b>Allabendliche Geraeuschkulisse</b> and was teams Star for 45 matches. he became the first Squig Herder Legend in Stunty and was killed by a brute foul of <a href="">Master of Desaster</a> in <b>Stunty Cup 28</b> and is deeply missed.
Read the <a href="">News Entry.</a>
Stats of <b>Tzschröng:</b>
<a href=">1# All-Time Squig Hopper
1# All-Time Squig Hopper Blocking
1# All-Time Squig Hopper MVP
8# All-Time Squig Hopper Scorer
He has lead his team through the inevitable ups and downs of the Stunty Leeg and was their Last Man Standing more than one time, for example when the team got cleared from the pitch in the infamous <b>Tzeentch Chainsaw Massacre 2006</b> or against these hated Nurglings that seem impossibel to beat for these Herders. Over the time his impressing jumps have become more high than wide and an excessive orgy after the legend generating match against the Strigoyans from <a href=""target="_blank">We Sure Suck!</a> has left him with some enduring headaches.
His last wish was to lead his team into <b>Stunty Cup 28</b> while he was starting to think about retirement. But Nuffle had other plans and <b>Tzschröng</b> found his end in the second Round of the Cup. The Herders lined up against <b>Hellraisers</b> Chaos Flings <a href=""target="_blank">Dangerous Colonius</a> and the last thing the Legend heared was the roaring sound of a chainsaw. <a href=""target="_blank">Master of Desaster</a> cut him and his Squig in two bleeding halfs and decided the match in their favour.
A pity he couldn´t meet his beloved arch-enemy <a href=""target="_blank">Dral</a> from the <a href=""target="_blank">Skritchen's Lackies</a> for a spectacular retirement party .
We will always miss him.
<b>Recent Performances:</b><p align="justify"><b>Tzschröng</b> lead his team to a <a href="">3 - 0</a> win against the <a href="">Unlucky Lips.</a> He was rewarded his seventh MVP for killing <a href="">Mugen</a> and smashing the ankle of <a href="">Gucci</a> but the Lips Apo was there to save him, much to the dismay of Tzschröng who loves expensive designer watches.
Another great performance by <b>Tzschröbg</b> who became the first Mega-Star of the team and is now only one Cas away from beeing the best Hopper ever to walk Nuffles holy pitches. He smashed the ankle of <a href="">The braindead Thrall</a> as opener for a great match and followed with two TDs slowly moving down the field. He succeded with a nice pass at the end of the first half but Nuffle denied him an interception, a thing he´s hunting on his way to become legendery. He finished of the Stigoyans of the <a href="">Count Bergh's Midgets</a> in the <a href="">2 - 0</a> with an unbeatable solo, when he was left alone at the end of the second half. He is know becoming really old and fat, and he ate <a href="">Tschewpah</a> in this match but as his reputation as high at it is no one can deny him this well-earned luxuries.
His sixth TD was a nice sack in the <a href="">1 - 1</a> draw against the now teethless <a href"">Abbo´s Leguane.</a>
<b>Tzschröng</b> leads the team in good and bad days, like the catastrophic <a href="">0 - 4</a> against the <a href="">Happy Sugar Diggers.</a> Nothing worked on that day for the Herders, a little Cas for their star but the team was heavenly outgunned by the superior performing Gobbos. Nuxt time it wull beduffrent.
Another nice match was the <a href="">1 - 1</a> draw versus the Snotlings that are called <a href="">Kleine Bastarde.</a> Tzschröng did two more Cas and is now on the path to become the first Mega-Star of the team.
<b>Tzschröng</b> turns wild was the Headline in la Gobblizetta after the recent <a href="">0 - 4</a> blamage against the brute playing <a href="">Star gobbos.</a> The Master Squig was rewarded the MVP after the match. He started the carnage with mouth kissing Tschepah and continued his wolfshunger with a brute snap for <a href="">Gamma 2</a> who niggled as chewing gum - sugarfree for shure - and badly hurting <a href="">Beta 2.</a> So far the carnage but he then knocked himself out with a mislanded jump and his hurting back causes him to be sent on the shore for some recovery. So the Herders have to play their next match without him, the first in thieir long career. Let´s see what thy can achieve.
<b>Tzschröng</b> hadn´t his best day when he slipped a jump for a td in the <a href="">1 - 1</a> match against the Nurglings of <a href="">BUCKs Dirteaters.</a> He couldn´t score later on but the team did a great play for a draw. Seems the Herders are lacking options against these tenaclebeasts. At least another Cas, this time the Nurgling <a href="">Lirthan</a> came under his feet.
Good game of the entire team in the <a href="">2 - 0</a> against the Gnomes from <a href="">Minor Explosions.</a> <b>Tzschröng</b> did a nce completion for the seconmd touchdown and lead the offence to the first one, so the game was further highlight of his shining career.
<b>Tzschröng</b> did a nice cash in the <a href="">0 - 3</a> against the utterly broken <a href="">Abbo´s Leguane.</a> The victim of his snapping bites were the uberskink <a href="">Rene</a> and his favourite meal again <a href="">Xangelongnsch.</a>
<b>Tzschröng</b> led the team to their highest win, a <a href="">3 - 0</a> against the Gnomes from <a href="">Where the Sun don´t shine.</a> The match was a homerun for the Gnomes cause the sun didn´t shine for them as the Squig Hopper managed two sacks in the first half for the 2-0 break result.
The Herders met their archenemies again on the last match of the <b>TCM</b>, the most hated <a href="">Skritchen's Lackies.</a> The declared first goal was to kill <a href="">Dral</a> and the second was to not loose. The game start was a catastrophe: Dral went clear to foul <b>Tzschröng</b> and later on <b>Schahwing</b> so that the team was left without Squigs for most of the game. But worse was the fact that Dral got relegated from the match after his second foul and stayed in safety in the Slavers Dugout, bearing a fat grin on his ugly face. GnaGna. So the Herders were left alone to fight the horryfing weapon arsenal of the Lackies with their bare hands and they succedeed. Tough play prevented the Slavers from scouring in their first drive and in the second half <a href="">Rüerülps</a> sayed farewell to the team with a daring run for the <a href="">1 - 1</a> after he got mangled to a bloody pulp under the feet of <a href="">Rikkin Skrags.</a> A great draw with the Herders only one step away of being cleared from the pitch again can be counted as their greatest victory. They will fight on to clear mother earth from the unholy presence of Dral and hiope to meet the Lackies sooner than later.
<b>Tzschröng</b> did outstanding 5 Cas´in the unlucky <a href="">0-1</a> against the <a href="">Wee Free Gnoblars.</a> His personal best in bashing and second only to the ortherworldy seven Cas that <a href="">Moonlight Sunbeam</a> inflicted for the <a href="">My Little Squigs</a> in a match against the <a href="">Chefs Utd</a>
<b>Tzschröng</b> has adopted <a href="">Schahwing</a> as his student and played a great match with him in the <a href="">2 - 1</a> win against <a href="">Drunken Style.</a> He did three Cas´ (Badly hurting <a href="">Wariokyvol VI</a> killing <a href="">MarieLoukyvol</a> and another aposaved kill) a nice touchdown in the second Half and a great sack and pass to <b>Schahwing</b> for the 2-1 winning td. Doing his second best performance ever.
<b>Tzschröng</b> became the first <b>Super-Star</b> of the team after the <a href="">Tzeentch Chainsaw Massacre</a> match against <a href="">Skritchen's Lackies.</a> It was a bitter defeat for our team, the entire pitch was cleared from Herders and they left back the crumbled corpses of the brave <a href="">Schpröng</a> and <a href="">Pralsch.</a> As a sign that the old vendetta has now ended Tzschröng layed down the rule of the teamleader. He is now playing on the high spot and has further increased his agility in driving and cnotroling his beloved Squig: Mahdsch.
Two more Cass and he keeps going. So only one who did all the matches of the team is coming nearer to being their first ever Superstar. He did a nice hit on <a href="">Sephora</a> (BH) and smashed the hip of <a href="">Kalista</a> forcing her to retire in the profoundly played and uberlucky <a href="">2 - 1</a> win against the <a hef="">Treemen do us</a> and leads the Herders now in the Tzeentch Chainsaw Massacre that they finally get what they deserve.
"Will they finally be friends?" The title said it all after the great fought <a href="">1 - 1</a> against the <a href="">Aqui Huele Como Ke Han Fumao</a>. In this match that showed another great performance the both hoppers worked perfectly together for the Herders TD.
<b>Tschroeng</b> did an important cas on the daredevil gnome <a href="">Fetiche</a> as well as on the gnome <a href="">Koma II.</a> Also raided the gnomes half on the second halftime for a great TD, the third in his shining career.
Oh weh, oh weh. The team hits its next crisis. This time it were the Pigmies from f0rd <a href="">Ninjas from da Wood</a> that gave them some headnuts in a match that ended <a href="">0 - 1.</a> Showing that the way up remains hard and srony for these small Herders. <b>Tzschröng</b> is now the captain of the team that had a hard loss when the great Nuffle decided to take <a href="">OhhhhFlggtsch</a> to his own pitch. The Hopper earned the MVP and did 2 Cas´(a SI niggling <a href="">Bob</a> and an aposaved kill) and promised to lead the team well through the dark clouds up ahead.
A little rest but still a nice hit for <b>Tzschröng</b> in the <a href="">1 - 2</a> against the <a href="">Nurgle Burgers.</a> His hunger killed the Nurgling <a href="">Mac Menu Australia</a> and he told afterwards he always liked the inspiration for Hoppers that lies in flesh and spirit of kangaroos alike.
Wooohw. Fans, Critics and Press where speechless after his fifteenth macth at all and the fifth against Goblin Cheaters, a <a href="">1 - 1</a> against the <a href="">Anyads.</a> It wasn´t enough for a win but the <b>Allabendliche Geraeuschkulisse</b> came close to their first full clearance, leaving only 2 Cheaters remaining at the end of HZ 2. It was a great teamwork but one shone beyond them all: <b>Tzschröng!</b> 16 SSPs, the teams record for one Completion, one Touchdown, the wellearned MVP and four Casualities is an outstanding performance. While <a href="">Schpröng</a> points out his old age makes him slow (what might be true but no one liked to hear bad news after such a match) he became now the first ever Star Player
on the Rooster of the <b>Allabendliche Geraeuschkulisse.</b> Let´s see what the future brings for him. But the names of his unlucky victims shouldn´t be unmentioned: <a href="">Bal</a> (BH), <a href="">Jobbketto</a> (SI), <a href="">Tetuke</a> (SIn), <a href="">esmegtaposlak </a> (Rip).
And some stats: <a href="">Vagrant Vince</a> once earned 17 SSP for the <a href="">Unlucky Lips.</a> So this should be the second best performance of a Squig Hopper ever? Correct me if i´m wrong.
He continues his circles on the top in the <a href="">1 - 4</a> against the <a href="">Happy Sugar Diggers.</a> Bad game but great performance from <b>Tzschröng</b> with a competions for the only TD and two Casualities: <a href="">Sugar Eddie</a> and <a href="">Hakim Goblin IV</a> taking revenge on him for what he did to <a href="">RrhchrhrTzschong.</a>
<b>Tzschröng</b> really knows what his fans like. Although the match was a loss against the <a href="">Techno-Freaks</a> he was there for an entertaining highlight when he swallowed the unfortunate Skrye Slave <a href="">Yuik</a> in the first half of the match. He went on and took out the greatest danger for the ballcarrier: the mean machine of destruction that was <a href="">Zapvot</a> the Deathroller. He played a solid in the second half but unfortunatly the Herdes where to less on the pitch to prevent the win of these Techmaniacs.
Was unfortunatly Seriously Injured (Apo Saved) and lateron Bad Hurt in the Match against the <a href="">Angry Midget Brigade</a> when he was first fouled and and then felt hard after a courageous jump over a raw of chaos flings to get to the ball carrier. His mark on the <a href="">1 - 1</a> was therefore short but enough to earn him his second MVP because he succeded in a cruel attacking run on the flings Chainsaw Carrier <a href="">God Save the Chainsaw/</a> an instrument the <b>Geraeuschskulisse</b> knows well enough.
Earned MPV after a <a href="">1 - 0</a> against Malthors <a href="">Its Not.</a> Unfortunatly the team conceded and retired after the match.
Holds the <b>Allabendliche Geraeuschkulisse</b> record for most Cas in a game with three against the <a href="">Hamarsgarth Hammers</a> in the Greezy Gruuzy Grunty Gobby Chainsaw Massacre.</p>