Dodge (30k)
Leap (30k)
Nerves Of Steel (30k)
Side Step (30k)
Strip Ball (30k)
Elyen Turith started as a key acquisition to the team, a Dragon Warrior. Trained to lead and excel, much was expected of him. However, rough times for the Noble Reavers saw him playing outside his expertise. Playing a blocking game in his debut match, and then filling in as a thrower in his second, it looked like he would never see true glory. However, spectacular play in the following three games awarded him several MVP awards, leading to his rise to stardom.
Frequently seen leaping across the field, making spectacular catches, escaping blocks at every turn, Elyen Turith excites the fans and makes the plays that count. Having reached Super-Star status, Elyen still has greater aspirations.
As of February 4, 2007 Elyen Turith was the:
#2 Active, Dragon Warrior, Top star and,
#2 Active, Dragon Warrior, Top Scorer and,
#5 Active, Dragon Warrior, Top Passer