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Mighty Blow
Barada was named after the great Klatooinian Barada M'Beg. In his youth on Klatooine, Barada was disrespectful of his parents and was sold into servitude to a garage owner. The owner of the garage lost it to Jabba in a game of Sabacc and now Jabba not only owned the garage, he owned Barada as well. This was unfortunate for Barada as he was only 2000 credits short of paying for his freedom from the garage before Jabba took over. To keep Barada in his service, Jabba pais him the exact amount that Barada has to pay him for room and board.
Soon upon his arrival to Tatooine Barada was put in charge of Jabba's Motor pool, taking care of the various vehicles that Jabba has acquired. The biggest vehicle Barada maintains is Jabba's Ubrikkian Luxury sail barge. Though Barada is mainly a loner, he has found a friend in Ephant Mon.
Most often Barada works as the chief mechanic on Jabba's sail barge Khetanna.
<b>Blood Bowl Career</b>
Barada scored the winning TD in the debut match vs Survivors of Tanaris.
Smashed his hand badly in a duel vs Padawan Oojoh of Ho'Din of Moltok
<b>Matches missed due to niggling injuries:</b> 2