7 coaches online • Server time: 06:20
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Tackle (20k)
Prince Eraldryn Maldyvor Tilon. The younger brother of Elbereth and second in line to the throne. He is much freer to do as he pleases so he travels the world as a Ranger.
<b>Confirmed Kills:</b> 1
Game #60: Killed Bravenewworld Freshstart, a Wood Elf Lineman from She's A Sensation with Block/Dodge/Side Step/Tackle. He killed a Wood Elf catcher earlier but he was successfully Apo'ed.
Game #62: Fumbled a pass which cost the Wishmaster his 17 game winning streak in the Ranked Division.
Game #65: Seriously injured a dangerous Black Orc in the first turn of the first half. The team was able to get out of that match in one piece in large part to this.