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This once unintelligible young man grew from a gangly little lad who, when he spoke sounded like he had spent hours chewing glass, to one of the Old Worlds most gifted athletes. Beckalavski (as he was known) was the pin up boy of the lower leagues until one day he faced the Orctown Rumblers in a particularly brutal semi-final, and his life changed forever. After scoring early, BeckBLAM was having the game of his life and the crowd knew it, unfortunately so did the Rumblers and from the next kickoff, Becks was jumped on and pounded into the rock solid turf by 3 Black Orcs and a rather nasty little goblin called Squiz. After awakening in hospital, Becks was watching the Cabalvision replay of his 'incident' and spotted 2 important things that to this day rule his life. The first was the big screen in the background flashing the words BeckBLAM as his face was mashed into the ground, and the second was the little green pussball Squiz directing the assault... he vowed never to forget either of those stains to his reputation and to this day seeks his revenge.