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Mighty Blow
Wendio was once a reknowned trapper/hunter, who would disappear into the Drakendurgh wilderness for months at a time, and re-appear with a kings ransom of rare pelts, coats and skins.
One of those times, however...His affliction first struck him in the midst of a wedding celebration. He had managed to slay half of the wedding party before the town militia managed to effictively trap him in a steel net. At his public "cleansing" (burning) he was rescued from the stake by the Necromancer Saladazzar, who had witnessed Wendio wrestling with Dragon Ogres and Shaggoths, and thought his skills would perfectly complement his new Blood Bowl team.
In his second game Wendio proved the suspicions of the Necromancer correct, with a completion, casuality, and touchdown, and subsequently was rewarded with a trait choice, and pursued the art of the Mighty Blow to complement his sharp Claws.