Salendor family motto:
In the face of adversity, valour is the only path.
Team captain and owner of the Kestrels, Traeliorn failed to make the cut at several famous high elf teams before deciding that he would have to make his own team if he wanted a shot. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Traeliorn took what was left of his inheritance, purchased a small run down bloodbowl field and started to recruit a team. So were the Tor Achare Kestrels were born.
What no one had told Traeliorn was that there was a reason why no new team had joined the High Elf Pro Ball (EPB) for over a century was that it was expensive to run a team, once you factored in players wages, transport costs, apothecaries and various other sundries (I mean who would have thought you'd have to pay for a tea lady and a washer woman?!?!).
The team spent several seasons playing in the EPB, with very little success as they struggled to attract the stars or the young prospects to their small and new team. Surviving from one season to the next (more like game to game! - Ed) the Kestrels were never able to break out of the lowest tier of Ulthuan's premier bloodbowl league. The dreams of facing the likes of
Nandorins or
Caledor Wyverns were becoming more distant with every single game played.
So when the opportunity arose to play in the Empire Elite League, Trae didn't take much persuading, by his vice-captain and long time friend,
Ralnor Molaroni.
Game 1 - Despite not getting any SPPs in the team's first match, he plays a huge part with the game changing sack on the ballcarrier followed by a mazy dodging run to tag a free zombie preventing him from blitzing Tobias.