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Winners of XFL VII Wood Elf (2012) after a clash vs Gritter's "Fight with tools", our 68th game, 2012-07-30. Did not compete in Masters since I also won XFL amazons and Crossdressers always go first.

Winners of UI XIV Qualifier: Jade Lantern (2018)

Lost in the semifinal of Ulthuan Invitational XIV at tv 3000 vs morehouse´s orcs.
Harsh defeat, with my legend wd killed by myself on a misclick, making him dodge into like 5 tz´s after a failed leap-attack on the ball. One of the few times I have been trash talked so it affected my playing (and that is well done!) since I like to trash talk myself :-D

Lost in the semifinal of XFL XII Woodelves (2018-03-12) vs CroixFer´s heavy fouling elves (12 in 16 turns, without dp but with two bribes)

Winners of XFL XIII Wood Elf (2019) vs Jokaero.
Didn't advance to the semifinals in the XFL Majors because I didn't think properly before. And I lost two amazing players in the first round of the Swiss vs Pirigin´s lizards. Both Strindburgaren (st5-bc) and Throwreck´s ghost (block,guard,SS,+AG,leap-catcher).

Winners of Warpstone Open XV Qualifier XI (2020) vs Rictor´s heavy BierzOrk´s. Out in the first round of main after two games (the first crashed) and horrible injuries both times. Sigh. Went from tv 3000 to 1850 in like 6 games or something...

Lrb6-games to remember apart from the xfl-serie 2012:

Game 69:
vs drunkagent´s darkies A Knife In The Dark. I scored, he bh:ed. Hilarious!

Game 76:
///Third and last game for me on the 10th anniversary 3rd of January 2013.///
The uber-wd does his best game ever spp-wise, and the oneturner his third best game ever (now 137 and 162 spps!) Crazy game. Stabbed a krox to stun and in the turn after bh:ed a saurus with fumbbl-staff WhatBall who had an amazing night as well on the pitch. All players had actually. Rock bh:ed a saurus. Had 3-0 at halftime. Only downside was that I used apo on a 15spp-lino and then Robert Wilson died, with 74 of 76 games played, and 90 spps. A shame really. But with two injuries it was about time to die from a piling saurus. Last original member is now gone. A new era!

Game 81: Semifinal of Lustrian Challenge VII Qualifier IV vs drunkagent´s darkies A Knife In The Dark. See game 69 above.

Woodies recieve first half. Have to field the ott since we are only 11 players, vs a pomber with skilled crew. Hrrhrr.. Somehow I manage to stall it to turn 8 and the darkies didnt have any rrs for the ot-attempt. So that failed. 1-0 at halftime. But check the stats, the darkies did 10 fouls. The first 7 or 8 without being caught. So the darkies just walked down the ball against 6,5,4,3,2 woodies in turn 16. I get my 1 of 4 kos back, but its the right one, the natural ott. With three woodies I SOMEHOW manages to score a ott. Insane. Game.

"Lets face it", the oracle whispered (as he always did and noone really knew why), "you theatrefolks dont know the game. You are supposed to catch the ball, not contemplate over it, or make a note in your head how to do it next time... or yes, that is what you should do. Remember real life and all will be easier. Remember the game."
Suddenly the elves started to chat like mad, he had never seen it before. They had always been very quiet. And he realised he found the way to progress and finally success. But he needed more cash, the win was just lucky, nothing else. The small halflings hit hard, but he was satisfied with the hits. Some at least. The oracle, Bengt was his name, sat down and meditated over the death of the greatest theatreman in modern history.

After 1-0 versus Ranklings, 2006-11-21

"The elves were stunned. Not of the winning, oh no, but of the cruely from the small menlike creatures and their own friends, how could Pete and Balalaika hit them, friends for hundreds of years... No, this was a time for sorrow and despair. Suddenly, from nowhere, both David Mamet and Tjechov was hit by thousands of lightnings, the old wizard´s healing spell´s meant nothing. It was awful... and then one of the sneaky creatures hit Marek with a spike or something, it all looked very strange. You dont hit a laying opponent, first rule in the elfish rulepapers. Perhaps there was something the team didnt know. The wizard shrugged. 3 dead elves... 3 weeks of despair. Could it be that there was enemies he didnt see? Could it be that... No, that was too awful. Still he sent O´Neill to figure it all out in the dark, no one was better fit for it than him... but could it be??? How could otherwise the treemen, the three deaths..."

After 5-0 versus Love me Love my dog, 061127

"The Oracle Bengt was very pleased. None had died. Mosts important. But second most important. They had won over the darkies and freed the tree... but this, he could not had expected that. The tree offered its services and was hired. Yihoo! They now had a rubbertree, inexperienced but still. Now other trees would think both once and twice before fighting us again, Bengt shouted (yes, he shouted... the players smiled politely to him, but laughed hysterically inside... shouted... can you imagine???)."

After 2-0 versus Cabaret of dark pleasures, 061201

"What did they do wrong? 7 dead in 12 games, and the teams 2d best player retired after 2 nigglings, what did they do wrong, the oracle Bengt figured. Niclas Sandstrom, the teams best player died in this game. Maybe it was his own fault, Bengt thought. Spare the best players from all hit, and let the shit stand in the front. But none were shit in the team. Bengt had a lot to think over. He started with a bottle of rubberale and a dangerous converstation with the upset tree... _ Here we go again, thought Bengt and tried to be strong towards the team, even though he cried like a child inside."

After 3-0 versus Green Bowl, 061204

"Another death for the team... it felt like they had more time for sorrow than training (they actually had, the oracle had even changed the law for the players in the community). But something happend. Just as Bengt the oracle was about to fire A doll and her house, she stood up, refusing. And there was fans behind her. She had known, so in secret she had collected 312 names on elves that didnt want the oracle to be so hard on the injured players. And Bengt obeyed. He realised what was going on. A fanclub was beginning to take shape! And Bengt didnt forget! He fired the apo and hired a new directly!"

After 2-2 versus Lovelly Greeple Couples, 061208

"A deal was made. The oracle argued with the head of the fanclub, who of course was A doll and her house, payed her extra under the table and hired her as co-coach to the team. Everyone was happy! The fans were cooled by A doll and her house, the oracle got a coach he could talk to, and there was space and money for a new character in the gang, a passer. The oracle always wanted a passing game, but couldnt find the person to do it. But now he had. That the team had no dancers was a problem, but the rest was getting better and better for every game. Hopefully they would stay alive, and better to train on the survivalskills than the aggresive ones. A living elf was sure better than a dead. Augusto Boal had shown great development and the oracle could see a new star in him... giving aid to a hitter... hmmm... new tactics were raised in his head how to break a strong cage... and the tree had done an amazing fight. He had done more harm in that game than all the 9 games before!!! What a game for the tree, and he didnt get the most valuable player... the game had been against a fresh coach, and the oracle prayed that he would develop and one day aid the elves in their quest... but the oracle smiled... it was still all in his head... no-one knew a thing about his plans... but the plans were finally getting out of the great cloud that had held them down for so many games..."

After 4-0 versus Destrucitve Nature, 061209

45 spps in total, 7-0 in score and 5 skills. Oh my God! Best ever I guess. Or not guess, it is!

Versus Lobbers of Gobs, 070410

I lost with 0-3 and it was long ago I had such fun with a loss. First half was crazy with non-tacklers smoking blodgers over and over. But almost all players wanted to play and were soon up again. But something happended which I really cant explain with anything else than bad offence from me. The elves got their hands on my ballcarrier, som magic non-tackle-blodge and a loss with 0-3. Strange. I got the cas though. The woodies turned darker with their hits and made Dolls team have a harder next game. Atleast something... but we will be back for a rematch. My M11-catcher hurt his little toe, and since coach didnt want to risk his only real oneturner ever, he was put to medical supervision quickly. The toe healed almost before the little blow was made. Apo was happy to save a dodge-death of a wd.

After 0-3 vs Dolls elves; 070817

Dino's On Dope had a really bad day. I did 4 cas, 3 death and one perm... and 4-0. Mad!

Two handicaps, virus and 3 morley´s... 6 players of mine out first drive. In turn two I had 5 players on the field... Well... story was ended before it started. And I played with 4-6 players most of the time. Had 8 guys at the start of 2nd half and 0-1 but 4 turns later it was 5 guys and 0-3. A sad story. I was so nuffled and it happens. Sad in the fc cup though. BUT - I crowded my own wardancer (only ko though unfortunately) to tell nuffle what I thought of that game! So I leave with pride.
In mainchat: "oufff.... (coughs) erkhhh... (spits) 0-4 in my fc-game in a woodie-derby... that was awful. lol. BUT! I crowded myself on purpose to tell nuffle what I think of him! Bah! You can kill me, you can go for virus and 3 morley´s but you can never take my... my...
"McMagnus Haha dakotha crowda sig själv :)"

Lost my dear ag5-leap-guard on a horrible game vs Ulrik´s lizzards. It started with my niggler niggled out, then the tree getting killed by a rock, the first thing that happend. I apoed him. Then a bunch of ko´s and I was down to 7 players. Then my sweet leap-ag5-guard went for the ball, knocked the skink over, but when dodging away from a possible surf, died. Then some more ko´s and then the tree got killed, cant remember but think it was a gangfoul. This time for real. Then I played with 4 players from turn 7, think I had 2 players on the pitch in the end, only reason is that I didnt go up from turn 13 or so. I was a leap away from getting 1-1 in turn 10 but failed. Most things failed basically. I think you got that by now.

After 0-2 vs Ulrik´s lizzards, 2010-08-02
Used my only magic sponge on my killer-wd before LC VII.

My third legend ever is born! With 64 games, 21 completions, 36 tds, 1 cas, 9 mvps and 176 spps M.A. TWIN goes to the historybooks in LC VII following my two amazons. Natural oneturner.

Died in his first game as a legend, wiz killed him. LOL. It was the final of Lustrian Challenge VII Qualifier IV.
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
8 2 4 7
Catch, Dodge, Sprint
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 90k
7 3 5 7
Dodge, Wrestle, Kick, +AG
  43 4 4 1 4 5 51/76 170k
8 3 5 7
Block, Dodge, Leap
+AG, Frenzy, Juggernaut, Side Step, Guard
n 79 14 33 0 6 2 135/176 260k
6 3 4 7
Dirty Player, Sneaky Git
-ma 35 2 1 0 1 2 17/31 110k
8 2 4 7
Catch, Dodge, Sprint
Block, Sure Feet
  6 0 5 0 0 2 25/31 130k
7 3 4 7   3 0 1 0 0 0 3/6 70k
7 3 4 7
Block, Mighty Blow
  12 1 1 0 2 3 23/31 120k
3 7 1 10
Loner, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
+ST, +MA, Guard, Grab, Multiple Block
  54 0 0 0 18 11 91/176 260k
7 3 3 7
Dodge, Tackle, Block
-ag 28 0 4 0 3 3 33/51 130k
7 3 4 7   4 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 70k
7 3 5 7
Wrestle, +AG, Guard, Dodge, Mighty Blow
n 81 21 9 1 8 4 86/176 210k
8 3 4 7
Block, Dodge, Leap
Tackle, Dauntless, Wrestle
  23 1 4 0 13 1 44/51 180k
8 3 6 7
+MA, Strong Arm, Dodge, +AG, +AG
  42 26 8 0 3 6 86/176 250k
13 players  
Coach: Dhaktokh Re-Rolls (100k): 4  
Race: Wood Elf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 2390k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 70k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2390k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:151 (95/20/36) |TD Diff:145 (339 - 194) |Cas Diff:-86 (188/96/39 - 241/117/51)
Last Opponent: Ritorno alle Origini

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
RanklingsHalfling1000k130/2/040k1 - 01250k164/0/180k50k
New Cannon FlyersHigh Elf1000k161/0/070k2 - 1970k100/0/050k73k
BubbleBubble Toil and TroubleDark Elf1110k220/2/070k4 - 01220k60/0/090k64k
Druuchi DarkiesDark Elf1230k241/1/070k4 - 11250k153/0/080k48k
Love me Love my dogHalfling1310k355/0/180k5 - 01850k111/1/370k93k
HanwiAmazon1210k132/0/040k1 - 11170k80/0/070k68k
S4 LaborSkaven1280k130/0/050k2 - 21250k161/1/080k61k
cabaret of dark pleasuresDark Elf1260k182/1/090k2 - 01270k91/0/030k66k
Violence!Chaos1390k170/0/160k3 - 01410k130/1/240k76k
Jaguar DancingWood Elf1400k221/1/030k4 - 21350k150/0/030k31k
Monster XChaos1290k240/0/040k5 - 01250k111/1/040k68k
Green BowlOrc1370k201/2/050k3 - 01370k91/1/180k85k
Coldblooded CrusadersLizardmen1250k120/0/050k2 - 11000k142/0/180k70k
Things That SuckVampire1320k282/1/180k3 - 31460k162/1/080k73k
Poetic JusticeHuman1460k231/1/060k4 - 01440k164/2/060k89k
Lovelly Greeple CouplesOrc1470k120/0/070k2 - 21380k171/1/190k90k
Rat n DollSkaven1480k141/2/050k1 - 11300k101/0/030k75k
Destructive NatureHuman1560k281/3/060k4 - 01520k91/0/060k73k
SolkattenLizardmen1570k131/0/050k1 - 31550k212/0/170k69k
WAAGH_BoyzOrc1640k100/0/050k1 - 21600k172/2/090k91k
S4 LaborSkaven1690k90/1/050k0 - 41700k342/1/360k69k
Covenant of the DamnedNecromantic1500k131/2/050k1 - 21410k153/1/050k70k
PiratiDark Elf1570k211/1/070k3 - 21550k180/1/050k83k
Lobbers of GobsGoblin1690k453/2/180k7 - 01970k102/1/030k77k
Rabotsche-Krestjanskaja ArmijaChaos Dwarf1860k160/0/140k3 - 01880k112/0/040k67k
Rugby HeroesOrc1950k70/1/130k0 - 11960k142/1/150k82k
Popes of MopeElven Union1980k170/2/120k0 - 31990k221/0/060k99k
Dino's On DopeLizardmen2030k300/1/380k4 - 01980k60/0/080k105k
Hmm FutterOgre2170k221/1/040k4 - 02170k111/0/130k85k
Lisbon Lions And Best PlayersDark Elf2260k61/0/040k0 - 02280k121/1/010k110k
Grey Havens GladiatorsHigh Elf2310k182/0/040k2 - 22350k140/0/020k120k
Karond Kar OverseersDark Elf2400k226/0/040k2 - 12310k112/1/030k119k
An Elf about TownWood Elf2490k306/0/020k3 - 22300k171/1/050k116k
Hmm FutterOgre2520k161/1/110k1 - 02500k110/1/140k93k
Darkie's DreamsDark Elf2460k322/0/170k5 - 12480k131/0/040k132k
Voices from the DarkSkaven2590k211/2/010k2 - 22740k170/1/020k129k
FarBehindAnyExpectationsWood Elf2660k121/2/010k0 - 42200k303/1/070k107k
Mouldy BarkDark Elf2580k173/0/030k2 - 12460k141/0/040k116k
Under ConstructionDark Elf2310k121/0/010k1 - 31850k293/2/170k119k
reformed againNecromantic2340k323/0/120k4 - 02180k102/0/020k88k
Vermin of the Under-Empire IISkaven2440k230/1/030k3 - 22380k191/2/020k126k
FarBehindAnyExpectationsWood Elf2510k170/0/020k3 - 42150k295/0/020k90k
'Ere Fo FameOgre2560k161/0/070k3 - 02550k130/4/030k152k
Hidden AgendaOrc2670k110/1/030k1 - 22470k162/0/150k145k
Le Figaro Smart SetsWood Elf2570k101/0/020k1 - 32530k221/2/150k114k
You Got WoodWood Elf2510k182/0/040k2 - 22190k171/1/060k124k
Altdorf Juvenile DelinquentsHuman2520k131/1/040k1 - 12540k100/0/080k162k
Hell Pit HellionsSkaven2430k90/1/170k0 - 12340k162/0/070k146k
Things That Make You Go AahhWood Elf2510k190/0/220k2 - 22380k192/0/030k140k
Softest Rat'sSkaven2570k172/0/150k2 - 32210k232/0/180k113k
BluetenweissAmazon2650k292/1/040k5 - 02250k123/0/030k122k
Chaos Action HeroesChaos Chosen2530k183/0/010k2 - 02290k174/2/030k99k
Dirty Little DinosLizardmen2390k70/0/030k0 - 22320k131/0/130k120k
Flachpfeifens 4th trySkaven2100k142/2/070k0 - 31600k211/1/0120k152k
BBC BarcaDark Elf2190k250/0/080k5 - 22090k171/0/070k139k
Schmerztal DarkbonesNecromantic Horror2330k160/1/050k2 - 12260k114/3/130k100k
Northland StarsNorse1740k273/1/1120k1 - 01730k00/0/00k47k
Boys in the HoodsHuman1930k240/1/140k4 - 21950k160/2/060k38k
Tienass'ComeBackOrc1770k171/0/080k2 - 11760k172/1/040k38k
Band of MythfitsWood Elf2020k251/1/050k4 - 21910k201/0/210k39k
SilverwolvesWood Elf2020k220/1/060k4 - 11890k182/0/140k44k
JFET PSpice ParametersWood Elf2040k81/0/070k0 - 41680k250/1/260k44k
Litle GiantsDwarf1840k192/0/060k3 - 01800k173/1/060k44k
io odio gli elfiWood Elf1860k224/1/070k2 - 11980k100/1/030k42k
FunderKatzWood Elf1900k141/1/050k1 - 01490k81/2/010k37k
Loren LeapersWood Elf1800k120/0/050k2 - 02230k60/0/030k47k
Nenazas CabreadasWood Elf1920k221/3/180k2 - 12700k121/1/060k50k
Fight with ToolsWood Elf1950k222/2/060k2 - 11930k90/0/010k48k
A Knife In The DarkDark Elf1950k242/0/040k4 - 21950k256/0/040k39k
Jacksonorse JaguarsNorse1970k151/2/030k1 - 11960k182/2/020k41k
Order of The moonNecromantic Horror1890k110/1/080k1 - 21820k201/1/270k34k
Born In The SewerSkaven1840k100/1/060k1 - 31720k257/0/160k42k
Hot For RatSkaven1930k223/0/030k3 - 11820k112/0/120k36k
Cheese_HeadsChaos Chosen1910k101/0/030k1 - 31810k255/1/060k29k
BurgerCrackerChaos Chosen1770k161/0/060k3 - 11640k101/0/060k37k
Scaled AvengersLizardmen1970k274/0/080k4 - 01900k90/1/130k28k
OrktubersOrc1890k150/1/190k2 - 11810k153/0/040k36k
Carnivalé d'ChaosNurgle1990k191/0/080k3 - 12110k142/2/060k37k
Vicious VagabondsDark Elf1720k111/0/060k1 - 11480k141/0/070k35k
Toombs GraverobbersNecromantic Horror2040k230/5/160k2 - 12180k163/1/060k39k
A Knife In The DarkDark Elf2030k161/1/070k2 - 12050k145/0/160k42k
Zapadores AnonimosDwarf2130k91/1/040k0 - 12050k234/1/040k35k
Le Bas BlesseUnderworld Denizens1860k251/2/080k4 - 11590k171/2/140k36k
Terror Australis IIChaos Chosen1860k110/0/060k1 - 21830k162/1/020k38k
Urban SepulchreDark Elf1750k121/0/080k1 - 11780k142/1/050k34k
BonewhackersNecromantic Horror1890k200/1/130k3 - 01940k122/0/060k32k
Ancient MethodsSlann2000k193/0/170k2 - 11780k132/0/040k30k
Nuffles DesireOrc2070k111/0/060k1 - 21810k214/1/050k35k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf1920k161/0/250k1 - 11940k131/0/150k34k
Bubonic BrawlersSkaven2140k201/1/260k2 - 11620k163/0/010k35k
ENIChaos Chosen2230k80/0/020k1 - 22250k212/1/250k39k
Wooden Trees and Iron Elfs IIWood Elf1830k110/1/060k1 - 21900k182/2/080k43k
chestriferChaos Dwarf1810k161/0/030k2 - 21700k223/3/070k26k
Hoeth FCHigh Elf1520k90/0/030k1 - 11530k150/1/050k35k
Smushy FliesNurgle1950k180/1/080k3 - 01740k111/2/160k31k
AOFNurglyNurgle1910k190/0/070k4 - 12240k153/0/070k33k
Esmeralda's Apron v.2.0Halfling1950k271/1/140k5 - 21590k161/1/060k35k
Coca Loca RLHigh Elf1980k141/0/060k2 - 02230k70/1/040k28k
Dark Times AheadDark Elf1960k120/1/020k1 - 31660k190/1/020k37k
SurfectrickElven Union1820k243/0/160k3 - 21820k190/2/040k31k
females uniteUnderworld Denizens1920k253/1/120k3 - 11870k151/0/150k36k
Lame Boys on IceNorse2170k151/1/070k2 - 11980k100/2/040k33k
SkakenpoHuman2090k191/2/040k2 - 01950k91/1/030k30k
Harsenargh!Nurgle2010k231/1/030k3 - 01780k71/1/010k41k
New Season ToadsSlann2310k220/1/160k3 - 32140k241/1/140k34k
Les Tétards de MiralondeSlann2090k200/1/170k3 - 32150k243/1/030k31k
Beer Engine FCOgre2170k141/1/040k1 - 22270k173/1/130k36k
Cast JrOrc2090k152/0/060k2 - 12000k141/0/020k36k
Norscan WarriorNorse2220k191/1/080k1 - 01880k00/0/00k28k
SurfectrickElven Union2330k213/0/080k3 - 22240k182/0/040k30k
ExorcistsHigh Elf2460k151/0/060k2 - 12310k120/2/010k30k
Wash 'nTone RedsKingsDwarf2440k211/0/070k3 - 01290k101/0/060k29k
Ultimate Mr. MenDark Elf2570k151/0/050k2 - 32240k160/0/020k40k
Vampirisiaque ManiacVampire2580k171/0/060k2 - 02180k173/3/030k31k
Draken DroogsChaos Chosen2320k293/2/060k4 - 11880k121/1/030k33k
Carp ArtsWood Elf2350k243/0/080k4 - 02010k142/1/030k39k
Silver GuardiansWood Elf2540k131/0/070k2 - 12090k141/1/060k41k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf2590k90/0/070k1 - 02270k102/0/060k41k
Groves RaserWood Elf2790k195/0/030k2 - 11720k100/0/020k33k
Wooden Trees and Iron Elfs IIWood Elf2670k111/0/120k1 - 22190k152/0/050k42k
EpicsHuman2850k150/0/070k2 - 12370k141/0/140k32k
Phoenix Gate GuardiansHigh Elf2730k192/0/060k3 - 21990k152/0/040k33k
Carp ArtsWood Elf2910k263/0/180k2 - 12140k162/2/020k41k
Knights of SwampdomNurgle2690k110/0/070k2 - 12040k100/0/060k41k
Hessens ClownsLizardmen3000k142/1/040k1 - 02440k92/1/060k31k
Iowa HawkorksOrc3000k72/0/070k0 - 12440k124/1/020k41k
KlombersShambling Undead2480k161/0/050k2 - 01790k91/1/050k34k
Guinguetus NarvalisVampire2810k171/0/020k3 - 22150k191/1/020k38k
Death Guard LegionNurgle2710k131/0/140k1 - 22530k233/5/030k42k
L'île des SaintsWood Elf2120k202/0/040k3 - 02230k70/0/050k42k
Lupus NecrotusNecromantic Horror2740k170/0/150k3 - 22450k193/1/010k33k
Necroman HauntNecromantic Horror2660k181/0/140k2 - 12180k173/1/150k29k
Unliving Hall of Famers Necromantic Horror2560k152/0/070k2 - 02230k91/0/050k29k
El CortijilloWood Elf2810k151/2/030k1 - 21990k201/1/060k39k
Dainty TaintedChaos Chosen2610k100/0/030k1 - 21980k214/1/050k29k
Athel Loren Green TreesWood Elf2760k271/0/040k5 - 21400k170/1/050k26k
Colours of my LifeWood Elf2750k245/0/140k2 - 12400k90/0/030k34k
AsparagusWood Elf2950k160/0/080k2 - 11680k123/0/060k31k
MesozoicsLizardmen3020k111/1/050k1 - 12340k141/1/270k32k
Only LegendNecromantic Horror2390k172/1/040k2 - 01860k145/1/040k28k
Har Ganeth HatersDark Elf2450k112/0/030k1 - 22580k161/0/260k35k
RAorcsOrc2480k251/2/050k4 - 12150k131/1/030k26k
Lab Rats From Sector 13.75Skaven2250k322/1/080k6 - 01720k80/0/060k30k
CL Winner 2019Dark Elf2550k202/0/050k3 - 22380k172/1/050k34k
Sons of MidnightElven Union2510k182/2/060k1 - 32360k241/2/170k35k
Rats 4 LyfSkaven2390k222/2/070k3 - 22570k152/0/060k33k
Comando PicaroDark Elf2630k152/0/030k2 - 02260k90/1/040k33k
BierzOrk'sOrc2580k191/0/080k2 - 12180k162/1/210k29k
Minimum 37.5% ABVChaos Dwarf2530k110/0/020k1 - 22190k234/1/180k35k
A Fling Gets Flung TonightHalfling1910k304/1/030k5 - 31680k140/0/040k32k
Ritorno alle OriginiWood Elf2630k171/1/070k2 - 32400k201/1/060k35k