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The big match in Skavenblight will end in a few seconds. The fans squeek in desperation as the fightiest human squad ever figthing and bloodbowling at their stadium, Lavino Fighting Hellfishes, score the equalizer. Now the humans kick asthe three remaining rats sneak to the LOS. Even now, they will try to outrun their 10 opponents, knowing that only victory can save them of the wrath of their team owner, the horrible White Rat of Skavenblight.

The kick comes down deep in Rata Blanca s half, as Furunkel, the last remaining gutter runner, does what he is best at and runs into the Hellfishes half. Royal, the filthy playing linerat, dodges away as there is no target to use his skills as a cheeky sneaky boot user. As Plagenfried Warpsteiner runs to the ball, Giacomo Barbieri dives down, grabbing Warpsteiners legs. Warpsteiner stumbles and falls.

The human side moves quickly, covering both Royal and the ball with two players the rest heading for Furunkel, the only rat in their half. The terrible Damiano "Krajaz" Krajewski runs towards hims, but the sneaky Furunkel steps to the side and the ogre is fooled. Still, Furunkel is coverd by 4 opponents, including the terrible diver Barbieri and Diego Mazzanti, whose passblocking skills are feared througout the Old World.

Suddenly, Royal dodges out of his position fooling the two guys covering him. He runs towards the ball, dodging through two more guys and grabbing the ball that lies just between Marchesinin and Cammarano. As the two try to recover it, Royal takes all his strength and throws the ball towards Furunkel. First he seems to fail, but in the end it keeps flying and flying as Diego Mazzanti tries to run into its path. But Furunkel trips him up, he falls and bones crush. Mazzanti stay on the ground waiting for the teams apothecary to take care of him. Despite three guys disturbing him, Furunkel catchs the ball that no opponent can intercept. He starts runnign as Barbieri throws himself into his legs, grabbing and tackling with arms and legs. Furunkel manages to struggle free and you can hear the crowd cheer as he runs into the endzone just before the whistle blows to end the game. 3:2 for Rata Blanca!

Grab some warpstone wine and half a halfling and celebrate the White Rat tonight!


Highest Win: 6-0 vs. scary Chaos team "A Dangerous Meeting"
Highest Loss: 1-4 vs. Dark Elves "We love your mom"
Most cas taken: 12 in a <a href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=3044321">1-0 win</a> against <a href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=539507">Angry Newscasters</a>
Most casualties caused: 10 vs Fabulous Fanatics
Special Award Bashy Elfbowlers goes to Dunbarton Archers (Wood Elves) for delivering 8 casualties to the rats.
Most Specs: 202000 vs Wood Elves Terrible Dancers

Tournament Performance (to be updated)

Fumbbl Cup 07:
Round 1 vs. VFK Legionas (Human) 2:4
Although the little ratz didnt play perfect bloodbowl (blame the coach), at least they made it a fight for the stronger human team. When the rats' desperate try for a 3:3 at the end of 2nd half failed, the humans scored their 4th touchdown for a deserved win.

Warpstone Open Qualifier 07:
Round 1 vs. Calcium´s Orcs Stereotypes 2:1
Round 2 vs. Creepy 21´s Skaven Fast as Fast Can Be 2:1
Round 3 vs. Mr_Prezident´s Undead Souless Slayers 1:2

Ulthuan Invitational Qualifier
Round 1 vs. Tricktickler´s Chaos Devilment 1:0
Round 2 vs. Sickroy´s Orcs Honour and Strength 3:1
Final vs. vs. BooAhl´s Chaos Dwarfs Bandylag 3:3 (lost cointoss)

Fumbbl Cup 2009

Round 1 vs Lars´ Larsis Ogris 2:0
Round 2 vs Dominik´s Khemri Turniermumien 1:2

XFL Skaven

Round 1 vs, Rafadavila's Corre y Arana 4:0
Round 2 vs. Mr. Foulscumm's Avengers of the Horned Rat 2:1
Round 3 vs Pacman Runners 2 - 1
Round 4 vs Skavenblight Fury 2 - 1
Final vs Skavenblight City Runners 2 - 0

The White Rat even killed Headsplitter on its way to shown who pwns the Underworld.

Fumbbl Cup 09

Round 1 vs. Orcs Die Heilenden 3:1
Round 2 vs. Skaven Ratimore Ravens 2:0
!Round 3 vs. RAMM´s Darkies RAMM DICH UM 0:2 - Ramm Dich um and RAMM got disqualified for cheating in teambuilding afterwards, and their next round oppo got a pass to the other round!

Warpstzone Open Qualifier 10

Round 1 vs Ulrik´s Lizards Dirty Little Dinos 2:1
Round 2 vs Mossbeard´s Humans Rivertown Rogues 2:1
Round 3 vs mephist´s Lizards Dragon Kids 5:1
Round 4 vs Nachtogen´s Chaos Cult of Shadows 2:1 in OT

Winner of the Qualifier

Warpstone Open 10
Round 1 vs Tathars Dark Elves Scanner Darkly 1:2

GLT 10 Old Team Qualifier
Round 1 vs morehouses Dwarfs Name is Bond 4:1
Round 2 vs Kenty´s Necromantic Sleeper in Metropolis 3:2
Round 3 vs Thespoonybard´s High Elves Way of the Fist 2:0

Winner of the Qualifier

GLT 10

Round 1 vs Third Skin 2 - 0
Round 2 vs Even Laster Chance Brigade 3 - 2
Round 3 vs Terrible Dancers 4 - 1
Round 4 Final vs Woodhead Wanderers 3 - 2

Winner of GLT 10+

Lustrian Challenge 10 Qualifier

Round 1 vs Bongo Fury 3:2
Round 2 vs Hornswogglers 1:2

Ulthuan Invitational Dark Qualifiers, Alabaster Lantern

Round 1 vs Aguilas Negras 7:3

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
7 3 3 7
Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Juggernaut, Frenzy
-av, n 54 1 5 0 23 3 77/176 190k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sure Feet
  26 5 10 0 0 6 65/76 160k
7 4 3 8
+ST, Mighty Blow, Tackle
  20 0 4 0 9 1 35/51 180k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Block, Guard, Side Step, Leap
  19 2 14 1 0 2 56/76 170k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Block, Horns, Frenzy
  9 0 7 0 0 2 31/51 150k
7 3 3 7   3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
7 3 3 7   8 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
7 3 3 7
  11 0 1 0 1 1 10/16 70k
7 3 3 7   6 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 50k
7 3 3 7   1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Horns, Wrestle, Two Heads, Strip Ball
  29 4 14 0 2 3 65/76 180k
7 3 3 7
Wrestle, Dodge, Tackle
  76 1 2 0 7 5 46/51 120k
7 5 5 7
Pass, Sure Hands
+ST, +ST, Block, Tackle, +AG, +AG
  102 36 19 1 22 9 Legend
7 3 3 7   2 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
7 3 3 7   15 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 50k
15 players  
Coach: Reisender Re-Rolls (120k): 4  
Race: Skaven Fan Factor: 13  
Current Team Value: 2230k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 100k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2230k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:533 (332/83/118) |TD Diff:489 (1257 - 768) |Cas Diff:-707 (543/357/149 - 874/583/299)
Last Opponent: Carnival Bizarre

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Wrath of HadesUndead1000k141/0/070k2 - 11430k163/1/050k62k
Ratskin RumbleSkaven1100k180/1/050k3 - 31330k210/3/060k63k
We're Really Rather GoodHigh Elf1190k160/1/290k2 - 11110k121/1/040k62k
Bloo SkwadOrc1310k170/1/180k2 - 11300k110/0/130k60k
I Spat On Your GraveUndead1430k141/1/070k1 - 21570k192/1/090k86k
Burning SensationsGoblin1470k230/2/150k3 - 11480k102/0/040k72k
Hell's CowboysChaos1580k202/0/040k3 - 11570k181/2/260k90k
Bag o' Tools 2Chaos Dwarf1550k80/0/040k1 - 21550k182/0/150k80k
NoghoulUndead1560k200/0/030k4 - 01590k91/0/160k73k
Swift fightersWood Elf1580k131/1/080k2 - 11710k160/2/170k82k
Willies JumpersHigh Elf1550k191/2/020k3 - 31620k261/1/140k49k
SpoonmannDark Elf1620k100/0/070k1 - 31550k262/1/140k72k
Bara BajareHuman1440k212/0/080k4 - 21430k183/1/040k72k
Bloo SkwadOrc1570k80/0/060k1 - 21570k181/2/060k84k
SkelebonesKhemri1640k161/0/070k2 - 21490k202/2/040k69k
Fat Fools for Free BeersOgre1750k152/1/150k1 - 12020k161/3/120k90k
Bad 'ElfElf1780k230/0/190k3 - 11620k91/0/00k61k
Bangers 'n' mashChaos Dwarf1850k90/0/030k1 - 21870k194/1/260k83k
Maybe you can HelpOrc1710k171/1/040k2 - 21710k140/1/080k96k
Gentle BowlersChaos Chosen1790k220/1/050k4 - 11820k201/5/120k70k
Gay pride teamWood Elf1620k130/0/070k2 - 11000k70/0/00k78k
Hakuna Matata!High Elf1720k80/0/020k1 - 31630k252/1/180k77k
Hoghead's HeroesHuman1640k130/0/040k2 - 21590k171/0/030k64k
Ar Anroc AvengersHigh Elf1720k120/1/080k1 - 21620k233/0/050k93k
Nordfrost ThunderNorse1770k201/0/030k3 - 31730k241/2/140k90k
Way of the FistHigh Elf1840k160/0/070k3 - 11990k90/0/050k96k
Iowa RatsSkaven1940k91/0/120k0 - 31770k231/1/150k96k
YourselvesChaos1870k140/0/080k3 - 12200k181/1/160k85k
CapitalesElven Union1990k150/0/060k3 - 21960k223/2/050k91k
Vampire All-StarsVampire2080k181/0/140k2 - 22270k211/2/010k111k
DuestergoldChaos Dwarf2150k171/0/170k2 - 32190k294/1/160k104k
Dirty to the boneChaos1980k101/0/050k1 - 32160k191/1/080k132k
pixel stompersOrc2040k151/0/020k2 - 22440k192/1/010k100k
Killing TheBotElf2090k180/0/060k3 - 22340k193/1/080k154k
zikin $ bloodyNecromantic2190k141/0/070k2 - 12240k80/0/040k99k
Torpedo RattenheimSkaven2300k120/1/070k2 - 22300k191/2/040k136k
Angels HairHuman2380k110/1/010k1 - 22310k244/1/240k117k
Six Hooves UnderChaos Dwarf2360k80/0/030k1 - 32250k201/5/160k125k
Last Men FightingHuman1570k180/0/090k4 - 11580k182/0/050k89k
Protocol of the hatedAmazon1710k200/1/060k4 - 11890k111/0/050k88k
Scunnering SkelpersNecromantic Horror1810k231/0/140k3 - 21760k191/1/140k72k
Khronos TBBDwarf1910k180/0/050k3 - 31580k202/1/080k106k
WWE Stars 2007Undead1990k131/0/080k2 - 32250k284/1/150k101k
I'd Vote For HimDark Elf1850k161/1/040k2 - 11960k130/1/030k101k
Rats on attackSkaven1930k110/0/050k1 - 31870k171/0/060k101k
Black Metal BandsDark Elf2000k162/3/020k0 - 22020k160/2/020k92k
Liras LevelerWood Elf2050k220/0/060k4 - 42060k261/0/150k119k
VFK LegionasHuman2140k131/0/050k2 - 42530k222/0/010k103k
A Dangerous MeetingChaos Chosen2060k271/1/050k6 - 02390k92/0/140k129k
Verri diaboliciOrc2120k100/0/050k1 - 12060k273/2/450k103k
DoBran's LeafsWood Elf1700k150/1/160k1 - 31730k221/1/080k90k
Abschaum-City RacketeersWood Elf1790k00/0/00k0 - 11700k121/1/080k79k
44 HufeOrc1780k160/0/070k3 - 31850k213/1/060k95k
Viejas Glorias Del FutbolChaos1680k190/0/080k3 - 21850k231/2/260k95k
Team Coffee ShopNurgle's Rotters1610k90/0/030k1 - 21450k191/1/080k84k
Mankind FTWHuman1620k160/0/180k3 - 31700k222/0/090k102k
Real Madrid TeamDwarf1730k91/1/050k1 - 21680k171/1/270k95k
16 Deadly SinsDark Elf1650k201/0/040k4 - 31600k210/1/040k88k
Doomed Death HatsChaos Dwarf1730k130/0/070k2 - 21740k174/0/050k107k
House R'yothopDark Elf1830k91/0/060k1 - 21830k195/0/050k103k
Cammona TongDark Elf1900k161/0/060k2 - 31980k241/3/050k115k
ZkillzOrc1990k60/0/070k0 - 11620k140/2/150k104k
Dreadburg DevilsDark Elf2080k221/1/070k3 - 21900k150/0/140k88k
We love your MomDark Elf2150k90/1/020k1 - 42200k293/2/080k102k
EmpiresInArmsNorse2190k200/0/120k3 - 32230k222/2/160k98k
Yard MinersDwarf2120k110/0/040k2 - 01830k51/0/030k82k
SchlachtenwueterDwarf2180k160/0/120k2 - 02170k226/1/010k77k
Averlorn CampersWood Elf2170k230/1/180k4 - 31960k311/3/060k108k
Remanence Of The KernalChaos2310k171/0/060k3 - 22380k212/1/140k99k
Dunbarton ArchersWood Elf2400k171/0/070k2 - 42130k365/3/060k125k
Dragons HeadDark Elf2360k121/0/150k1 - 12140k184/2/030k122k
From the Gutter with LoveSkaven2360k243/0/070k4 - 32350k200/3/020k130k
Okudo RunnersSkaven2440k243/0/140k3 - 12470k121/0/030k113k
Karond Kar OverseersDark Elf2530k214/0/130k3 - 12500k140/2/160k152k
Team Fredrick IIIDark Elf2550k121/1/010k1 - 22410k245/2/050k136k
Foul Play!Chaos Chosen2540k160/1/120k2 - 32640k272/3/150k118k
Raticas EmbrutecidasSkaven2590k273/3/00k3 - 32220k180/0/160k104k
StereotypezOrc2560k151/0/020k2 - 12550k111/2/060k135k
Fast as Fast Can BeSkaven2620k133/0/080k2 - 12560k130/2/040k142k
Souless SlayersShambling Undead2740k81/0/060k1 - 22170k153/0/180k162k
Pessimi ElementiOrc2690k121/0/070k2 - 23600k265/3/110k149k
SinkderDark Elf2160k170/0/150k3 - 22180k172/0/170k109k
Rotten Roaring RatsSkaven2190k190/2/190k3 - 22140k150/0/140k128k
Clan BaaliVampire2330k121/0/140k1 - 22370k190/1/120k120k
Purple DelversDwarf2060k90/0/080k1 - 12000k141/1/190k127k
Magic Mushroom EncountersWood Elf2150k190/0/050k3 - 42320k252/2/180k143k
Edo BakufuElf1960k230/1/090k4 - 31780k211/2/030k112k
Khornes Murder SquadChaos2100k200/0/030k4 - 02070k100/2/020k100k
Sunless SorrowDark Elf2160k100/0/020k1 - 32080k181/0/070k105k
TardisWood Elf2190k271/2/050k5 - 22010k161/0/010k76k
'Die Ratten' von HauptmannSkaven2290k181/3/050k2 - 32220k202/0/160k104k
Undead DevourersNecromantic2380k201/0/070k4 - 12150k203/1/170k110k
Green HammerOrc2360k131/0/040k1 - 02520k133/1/140k160k
KurzeAuszeitElven Union2190k181/2/070k3 - 02180k101/0/040k100k
FC CopenhagenHuman2300k221/1/120k4 - 22340k163/1/150k112k
Bugman's IIDwarf2370k180/1/020k4 - 02610k193/1/20k70k
FischerkingsWood Elf1690k161/0/150k2 - 41700k220/1/180k121k
TuttirotatSkaven1770k120/0/040k2 - 21550k211/3/170k104k
StressatiDark Elf1840k211/0/080k4 - 31260k232/1/040k82k
LM-Bashers XXIVLizardmen1960k130/0/0180k1 - 01960k00/0/00k126k
Knights Of KneeHuman2180k171/0/080k2 - 12110k131/1/070k152k
15 mars -07Lizardmen2290k130/0/050k2 - 22210k172/2/130k131k
Garador SlayersOrc2280k152/0/060k2 - 02240k90/0/160k115k
Rotten Flesh Is Our EcstasySkaven2210k172/0/150k3 - 12650k131/0/130k142k
Famous MiceSkaven2190k182/2/090k1 - 32960k243/1/180k168k
WordsChaos2240k121/0/0100k1 - 32300k231/2/280k186k
CastagneOgre2240k110/0/050k2 - 12780k305/4/110k115k
OddsSkaven2110k300/2/290k4 - 31990k253/2/170k152k
ElfenspaltazOrc2270k201/0/130k4 - 12270k160/2/030k98k
StartersOrc2240k120/1/170k2 - 12210k131/1/050k125k
SheppardsWood Elf2330k282/1/040k5 - 12190k151/1/140k119k
Thorks Mighty EngineDwarf2380k150/0/050k2 - 12240k174/2/140k120k
OnomatopoeiasLizardmen2320k201/0/020k3 - 12100k111/0/050k118k
Paladins Of PurpleChaos Chosen2390k111/1/070k1 - 22340k130/0/170k150k
Hangar 16Orc2480k91/0/040k1 - 12510k121/1/020k139k
One Hundred Percent LuckSkaven2540k293/2/080k4 - 32520k200/1/050k161k
Shadow AdeptsDark Elf2630k162/2/140k1 - 12770k112/0/050k169k
Green BoysOrc2690k221/1/150k5 - 02810k103/2/030k130k
Ratzingerz TodezfeindeSkaven2700k132/0/060k1 - 22500k161/0/060k137k
Bad Days in YallahrupWood Elf2780k242/1/130k3 - 32790k233/2/010k143k
Meech DoctrineHigh Elf2860k150/1/00k1 - 22260k192/0/040k134k
DevilmentChaos2860k144/2/150k1 - 03630k103/0/10k142k
Honour and StrengthOrc2880k181/0/150k3 - 12990k120/1/120k130k
BandylagChaos Dwarf2780k192/1/030k3 - 32890k225/3/010k158k
Disappointment ContinuedWood Elf2350k253/0/170k4 - 32480k212/0/040k138k
CastagneOgre2360k190/0/020k4 - 03090k102/0/020k113k
Your New LifeUndead2390k271/0/170k5 - 12140k161/2/160k119k
Order of WeaknessWood Elf2350k201/3/050k2 - 32370k233/0/040k126k
sit comsOrc2440k152/0/050k2 - 22510k131/1/030k137k
New SheppardsWood Elf2520k241/3/160k3 - 21890k150/1/160k131k
Ulthuan OathbreakersDark Elf2590k90/0/040k1 - 22480k174/1/090k183k
New and Improved OgresOgre2440k181/2/060k2 - 12550k183/1/140k129k
UberskillersgreatDwarf2450k170/0/040k3 - 12270k203/1/160k109k
Lavino Fighting HellfishesHuman2170k150/0/1100k3 - 21990k194/1/180k155k
Oldschool HittersChaos2060k170/0/030k3 - 22090k242/1/360k113k
Poka RobbaElf1750k151/0/050k2 - 31670k272/1/290k130k
Dirty Funking CheatersGoblin1500k131/0/090k2 - 31810k201/2/1100k128k
Wolfen GladiatorsWood Elf1500k171/1/190k2 - 11280k121/1/060k90k
New SheppardsWood Elf1630k170/1/260k2 - 21600k190/2/170k109k
Talabheim 49ersHuman1690k191/2/150k2 - 11650k90/0/080k109k
Bram Stoker's FiendsVampire1790k121/1/160k1 - 21670k224/1/060k116k
Royal GaynessHigh Elf1690k161/1/0110k2 - 21750k161/0/060k143k
Sackville SykopathsSkaven1830k141/1/090k2 - 31650k295/1/280k164k
Boris Vallejos OgreOgre1870k111/0/060k1 - 21730k276/1/150k107k
Altos del Granal xDHigh Elf1940k00/0/00k0 - 12010k130/1/0110k107k
NandoroutsHigh Elf1770k231/3/050k3 - 11790k120/0/030k103k
SchalkeHuman1870k190/1/060k3 - 22000k171/0/150k102k
Gonn Darnet DeezNutzOrc1970k140/0/070k3 - 11930k152/1/040k106k
Blue AngelsHigh Elf2070k211/2/150k2 - 32080k190/0/190k121k
Mug on my BootsHigh Elf2140k131/0/030k2 - 21930k212/1/070k99k
Dead BalletUndead2070k131/1/050k2 - 12030k101/0/020k114k
Animal ToysDark Elf2160k121/0/120k1 - 12100k161/1/250k99k
Lifrig-Pool's Kopite KingsElven Union2010k173/1/080k2 - 12040k180/2/240k137k
Skavenblight EmmissariesSkaven1850k121/1/170k1 - 31850k191/0/080k137k
Hellbound CharioteersNorse1930k100/1/040k1 - 22010k151/0/070k101k
Kaosdrengene IIChaos1980k80/0/140k1 - 21820k141/1/090k101k
Shadow Bane InquisitorsChaos2030k110/0/030k2 - 22490k220/3/260k118k
Honour GainedHigh Elf1870k183/2/050k3 - 11710k91/0/040k110k
Little dead menChaos Dwarf1960k151/0/050k2 - 01980k112/0/170k107k
Nachtburg CreatorsNecromantic Horror2050k80/0/030k1 - 12080k121/1/060k112k
Beauty Beach IIAmazon2100k120/0/160k1 - 01890k00/0/00k83k
CrossdressersAmazon2180k130/0/070k2 - 52010k395/4/080k134k
Me eadOrc2190k110/1/170k2 - 12060k163/0/120k116k
Somos la ñOrc2100k110/1/050k1 - 12430k100/1/040k152k
Da BeatingOgre2170k161/0/080k3 - 12300k122/3/060k117k
Blood Red DragonsDark Elf2280k162/2/040k1 - 21820k200/2/080k173k
Men from the MinistryChaos2350k110/0/130k2 - 12760k254/2/210k111k
Shake Your Money MakerOrc1990k211/1/160k2 - 11980k121/0/180k123k
Dragon Ball BoysNorse2050k181/0/040k3 - 21980k220/1/160k87k
Potwory z DzikolasuWood Elf2050k231/1/030k4 - 32220k200/1/060k100k
RotyaNurgle's Rotters2120k130/1/080k2 - 12170k132/1/140k121k
Shadow Bane InquisitorsChaos2110k284/0/060k4 - 12510k130/2/020k130k
Body like a BattleaxeHuman2220k00/0/00k0 - 12000k171/1/190k88k
Son's of GaiaChaos1950k154/0/0100k2 - 02000k50/0/070k130k
All of them are LOST! [R]Human2080k191/1/030k3 - 21910k223/4/170k116k
Galactica BuckaneersHigh Elf1990k161/0/030k2 - 21990k212/0/030k113k
Mit GasChaos2040k241/1/080k4 - 12030k111/0/030k102k
Boys in the HoodsHuman2180k152/1/170k2 - 11980k141/1/070k134k
Living ProofDark Elf2240k181/1/050k3 - 12310k152/2/060k125k
L.F.P.Boys TeamChaos Dwarf2330k202/1/040k4 - 22450k204/0/030k94k
Shadow of FangsSkaven2350k253/3/190k2 - 12280k144/0/140k161k
Hell's ButchersChaos2490k141/1/040k1 - 12430k101/0/220k139k
Dark JudgesShambling Undead2480k210/0/030k4 - 22350k160/0/250k121k
Gallen-Kallela's PaintingsNecromantic2250k220/1/070k4 - 22050k202/2/130k100k
Bordeaux 1985Chaos Chosen2250k212/0/050k3 - 12400k121/1/00k93k
Flogsta DrunkardsOrc2350k384/3/170k4 - 03000k110/2/140k135k
Jungle BrothersLizardmen2340k172/0/040k2 - 12880k162/2/050k132k
Ratzingerz TodezfeindeSkaven2420k221/0/030k3 - 42500k271/3/090k153k
Third Wave ScaliesLizardmen2470k90/0/130k1 - 22070k150/1/270k136k
De Boomst[R]aischlaa'sWood Elf2440k151/0/050k2 - 22260k181/1/010k107k
Larsis OgrisOgre2530k122/1/020k1 - 12220k163/0/250k91k
TurniermumienTomb Kings2310k130/1/020k1 - 22370k235/2/240k135k
Servants of the white fireWood Elf1630k221/2/050k3 - 01420k142/0/050k105k
Advanced ManeuversSkaven1720k200/2/060k3 - 21420k213/1/070k114k
KaatumatautiChaos1820k112/0/040k1 - 21700k162/0/060k105k
Golf GreenWood Elf1880k190/2/130k2 - 21680k111/0/060k107k
Bramble RoseHigh Elf1950k141/1/060k1 - 11820k121/1/060k94k
La Longue DureeHuman2040k273/3/090k3 - 02010k61/1/050k122k
FIB CR KillersVampire2170k90/0/010k1 - 12060k182/2/020k85k
Milk DrinkersVampire2190k182/0/140k2 - 22150k140/0/160k127k
Khorne Berserkers VChaos2080k315/0/160k5 - 02050k102/0/130k97k
Chaotic OrcsOrc2140k100/1/030k1 - 12190k202/4/070k110k
Rising ChaosChaos2100k120/1/160k1 - 22130k275/2/070k100k
KoerperteileWood Elf2060k132/2/050k1 - 21830k214/1/160k125k
MonstruitosSkaven1970k325/1/180k5 - 02230k120/1/040k121k
Corre y ArañaSkaven2120k222/1/380k4 - 02090k82/1/150k121k
Avengers of the Horned RatSkaven2250k132/0/1100k2 - 11970k100/2/070k150k
Pacman RunnersSkaven2310k162/2/060k2 - 12530k100/1/030k176k
Skavenblight FurySkaven2310k142/0/090k2 - 12570k162/1/180k179k
Skavenblight City RunnersSkaven2380k143/2/060k2 - 02410k100/1/150k128k
OddsSkaven2170k151/2/150k1 - 32180k263/1/390k123k
Of BeardDwarf1990k121/3/150k0 - 11790k132/0/150k119k
Essentials Books ReturnHigh Elf2060k192/2/070k2 - 31720k241/0/290k116k
Dread At The ControlsVampire2120k181/2/190k2 - 22120k243/3/090k153k
One Hundred Percent LuckSkaven2240k201/2/080k4 - 21960k173/1/090k146k
bar-colloDwarf2360k152/2/040k1 - 22490k171/2/130k113k
Diss The LizziesLizardmen2080k172/1/080k2 - 12160k131/0/130k126k
Mutation Hero'sChaos2010k151/0/1100k2 - 12050k181/2/280k159k
Borg's IrongutsOgre1910k200/1/050k4 - 01860k50/0/060k117k
AnimanicsSkaven2010k171/3/090k2 - 22150k171/1/090k157k
Run Baby RunSkaven2140k00/0/00k0 - 12150k172/2/0100k124k
Bazooka BulletzGoblin1540k171/0/0100k3 - 11580k144/2/050k108k
Tartful DodgersAmazon1580k140/0/0100k2 - 31520k200/2/1110k124k
Aye! of ZharrChaos Dwarf1540k140/1/080k2 - 01370k121/3/050k106k
tredkramarnaWood Elf1650k142/0/0140k1 - 01550k00/0/00k122k
Fetid FanaticsSkaven1830k202/1/2120k2 - 11960k121/2/070k170k
BagaBigaHigaAmazon1890k190/1/060k3 - 11870k141/0/140k138k
Guardia della MorteNurgle's Rotters1980k80/0/050k1 - 22060k200/3/190k130k
Rigor MortemUndead1810k142/0/040k2 - 01880k101/0/140k93k
Ground and IronDwarf1830k202/1/090k3 - 02200k111/2/030k136k
Death Of the Flooded BullShambling Undead1970k160/0/080k2 - 11850k123/1/180k107k
New Baby DollzAmazon2090k182/2/180k3 - 02030k50/0/060k121k
Dead Bunnies UnitedShambling Undead2070k110/0/190k1 - 22110k213/2/170k160k
Fantastic FantasticsHigh Elf2020k192/3/180k1 - 32130k232/1/080k133k
I am the Black WizardsUndead2070k263/1/260k4 - 02140k60/0/050k105k
Die HeilendenOrc2080k170/0/140k3 - 12670k111/0/120k135k
Ratimore RavensSkaven2130k254/0/350k2 - 01900k91/0/080k135k
RAMM dich umDark Elf2250k60/0/070k0 - 22580k161/0/130k113k
Soap is our enemyNurgle's Rotters2050k111/0/090k2 - 12050k210/5/180k136k
WoOfDuDark Elf2070k253/1/080k4 - 21730k200/1/190k164k
Drakwold DeamonsChaos2210k130/2/080k1 - 12160k180/6/080k143k
Full Metal ElfWood Elf2310k80/0/050k1 - 41780k322/2/060k126k
No Bone MoviesKhemri2370k151/0/130k2 - 12180k170/4/150k127k
Slaanesh´s FreundeChaos2220k212/1/080k3 - 12440k171/1/260k123k
Altdorf SpartansHuman2260k172/0/080k3 - 22230k232/2/340k152k
Mauling MordorOrc1910k131/0/0100k2 - 12050k121/1/160k141k
Blightston BlekkzOrc1980k111/0/090k2 - 11840k131/1/080k118k
Booty PirateHuman2090k101/0/090k1 - 12190k144/0/070k145k
VCologneVampire2190k163/2/030k2 - 22280k121/2/060k131k
'ead 'untazOrc2250k141/0/040k2 - 02050k111/2/030k135k
BIack VelvetChaos Chosen2320k151/1/050k2 - 22160k151/1/090k156k
Ground and IronDwarf2390k151/0/030k2 - 22150k191/1/120k109k
Dirty Little DinosLizardmen2450k172/3/180k2 - 12310k111/0/040k167k
Rivertown RoguesHuman2500k120/0/060k2 - 12200k163/2/170k179k
Dragon KidsLizardmen2240k313/0/2100k5 - 12470k163/1/070k142k
Cult of ShadowsChaos Chosen2350k130/0/040k2 - 12740k183/1/220k152k
Rottende Ratzen - RebornSkaven2110k232/2/050k3 - 31980k181/1/070k170k
Dark PredatorsDark Elf2210k110/1/040k0 - 32280k272/3/280k132k
Athel Loren SavagesWood Elf2090k72/0/050k0 - 11180k153/0/0110k136k
Scanner DarklyDark Elf2150k150/3/150k1 - 22790k191/1/180k191k
Ratzzz the next LevelSkaven1700k131/0/080k2 - 21850k192/4/090k162k
Crystal FistsWood Elf1810k161/0/070k2 - 21740k130/0/070k128k
ChistososDark Elf1900k112/0/040k1 - 31710k251/2/050k118k
Curled up on a hot rockLizardmen1800k80/0/160k1 - 01600k153/2/080k125k
Demonic ReaversDark Elf1750k172/0/080k3 - 11890k141/0/260k122k
IparraldetarrakNorse1680k230/0/160k5 - 11920k150/1/160k116k
Up To ScaleLizardmen1720k121/1/090k1 - 31520k223/1/190k127k
Funny Green ThingsGoblin1710k181/3/090k1 - 01610k100/4/050k133k
Rosehip TeaWood Elf1840k213/0/160k4 - 21690k191/1/080k113k
SnookerKingsChaos1950k240/2/060k6 - 01830k112/4/090k126k
Cynn City SabercatzHuman2060k120/0/050k2 - 12150k144/0/070k104k
Arthalian RocketeersDark Elf2000k232/0/190k4 - 32460k253/0/280k156k
Omma ReloadedAmazon1910k133/0/060k1 - 21720k173/0/160k129k
head stomping brigadeOrc1920k180/0/070k3 - 12040k141/1/240k98k
Lesser GodsHuman1850k213/1/080k3 - 11740k182/1/150k116k
Sleeper in MetropolisNecromantic Horror1920k130/0/080k2 - 11860k121/1/270k122k
Unseen HandChaos Chosen1910k160/0/130k2 - 02000k112/0/140k97k
Gutter GangstersSkaven1870k100/1/0100k1 - 01940k171/3/180k158k
Titans of the EmpireHuman1630k200/0/060k4 - 11340k120/0/180k101k
AidesSkaven1730k193/3/080k2 - 11720k102/0/070k107k
Ard stuveOrc1850k181/0/070k2 - 01720k91/0/160k123k
Barbie FumbblAmazon1950k261/3/160k3 - 11980k142/0/260k116k
Lithuanians=)Wood Elf2010k253/4/080k3 - 12130k141/0/050k106k
TzinetesChaos Chosen2150k130/2/060k2 - 02070k140/4/130k118k
BluetenweissAmazon2130k120/0/030k2 - 31730k252/2/0110k122k
Blightston BlekkzOrc2190k131/0/080k2 - 12330k162/0/150k151k
More Germany against the WorldHigh Elf2240k153/2/050k2 - 32140k180/1/090k156k
Orcland RidersOrc2250k140/0/070k3 - 12210k132/1/050k119k
ChainsawOrc2350k111/0/120k2 - 02630k91/0/040k116k
Steelers09High Elf2390k172/0/130k3 - 22220k121/0/060k120k
Moesis and his ChicksChaos2470k151/1/040k2 - 12400k131/2/080k153k
Dark Computer PainDark Elf2550k151/2/010k1 - 22300k220/1/250k129k
Demonic ReaversDark Elf2530k333/0/270k7 - 02340k120/1/150k136k
Children of FeanorDark Elf2610k110/0/040k2 - 22090k153/0/130k118k
Name Is BondDwarf2570k190/0/090k4 - 12610k173/2/140k169k
Sleeper in MetropolisNecromantic Horror2470k192/1/040k3 - 21850k203/0/1100k147k
Way of the FistHigh Elf2500k131/0/170k2 - 02500k121/1/060k166k
Blightston BlekkzOrc2490k170/1/080k3 - 22770k181/3/040k183k
Rattus WarpusSkaven2610k251/1/150k3 - 22140k140/0/160k123k
Third SkinLizardmen2660k233/2/260k2 - 02160k00/0/040k139k
Even Laster Chance BrigadeElf2690k141/1/030k3 - 22300k150/0/150k123k
Terrible DancersWood Elf2670k161/0/090k4 - 13040k142/1/010k202k
Woodhead WanderersWood Elf2670k152/3/070k3 - 22820k122/0/170k166k
Black Crystal StridersDark Elf2400k192/2/0100k2 - 12470k172/0/150k161k
Fabulous FanaticsHuman2550k225/3/250k3 - 12560k140/0/270k146k
Hellbound SuicidersSkaven2150k153/0/190k1 - 22190k242/4/060k149k
Mouse ProblemsSkaven2270k191/0/060k3 - 22380k191/2/250k192k
Eldaive Wendi OhtatyaroronHigh Elf2060k230/1/0100k4 - 11870k162/1/170k146k
Ossa matteKhemri2170k172/1/070k2 - 02240k71/0/080k143k
Shanty Town RollersNecromantic Horror2250k182/1/190k2 - 12120k122/1/070k155k
Bongo FuryNurgle's Rotters2380k191/0/090k3 - 12710k274/2/270k185k
Heavy HandersDwarf2420k90/1/080k1 - 02000k21/2/070k147k
Boys in the HoodsHuman2450k92/0/060k1 - 22460k141/0/1100k179k
Angry NewscastersTomb Kings2470k101/0/070k1 - 01950k195/3/460k126k
Chu's Green NightmareOrc2210k170/2/080k3 - 12170k142/0/150k116k
Rockhard HatsChaos Dwarf2320k231/1/050k4 - 22420k213/2/160k140k
Chassing ReservesHuman2240k212/1/080k2 - 02410k80/1/170k147k
Jack Burton's WarChaos Dwarf2200k151/1/080k2 - 11980k143/1/190k176k
Elf Asis Unterwegs llIDark Elf2040k180/2/180k3 - 01800k100/1/250k156k
slindrili dildiElven Union1920k161/1/0100k3 - 11660k100/0/060k133k
NyugatChaos Chosen2060k184/0/150k2 - 12030k121/0/080k133k
Namby PambysChaos Chosen2160k81/0/070k0 - 12120k172/1/1100k173k
Greligs BaneHuman2180k220/2/1100k4 - 22330k160/1/070k164k
QuakersOrc2240k91/1/180k0 - 02490k71/1/020k126k
Lord of the SwampNurgle's Rotters2340k111/0/030k2 - 22290k213/2/060k155k
Ancient IrpiniansTomb Kings2360k171/0/180k2 - 02120k93/2/0100k162k
Eu sou AngoleiroDark Elf2470k130/2/050k2 - 22330k212/2/060k127k
Konami MagicWood Elf2490k225/0/060k3 - 21980k171/0/070k140k
Bongo FuryNurgle's Rotters2500k140/1/030k3 - 22510k170/3/030k137k
H0rnsw0gglersOrc2460k90/0/060k1 - 22580k223/0/240k156k
Rich!!!Chaos Chosen2150k133/0/040k2 - 12240k160/0/350k115k
Extraordinary BrotherhoodChaos Chosen2110k211/0/1110k4 - 12480k123/0/070k197k
Sleeper in MetropolisNecromantic Horror2260k220/0/070k5 - 12570k120/2/070k161k
Los reencarnados celestesHuman2220k150/2/1170k1 - 02160k40/1/10k157k
Boys in the HoodsHuman2420k212/1/050k2 - 12320k92/0/070k174k
Extraordinary BrotherhoodChaos Chosen2400k231/3/070k3 - 22490k264/2/270k164k
Da EadstompazOrc2370k130/0/070k2 - 32350k262/4/180k144k
Premiership BoysHuman2400k243/1/060k4 - 12000k150/2/050k136k
AKSs Purple PleasureChaos2500k211/0/040k4 - 02560k151/4/050k144k
JusteatChaos Chosen2580k150/1/060k2 - 32090k195/1/0100k147k
Torino ZebrasChaos2670k224/3/070k2 - 02350k70/1/060k157k
No Fun for youOrc2790k150/1/020k3 - 12350k202/3/330k149k
sexy ogrex 2Ogre2610k120/0/160k1 - 23100k182/1/030k169k
Futuros Big Mc'sSkaven2320k244/1/050k3 - 12390k120/1/060k178k
Luck Lucking Lucky LuckersWood Elf2180k182/1/140k2 - 12140k173/0/170k137k
Rich!!!Chaos Chosen2200k131/0/040k2 - 22200k276/2/110k97k
Bergen-BullsChaos Dwarf1880k150/1/080k3 - 11880k151/2/150k131k
Return of the Von CarsteinVampire1960k152/1/190k2 - 11860k152/2/070k130k
OrcZillasOrc1740k100/1/170k1 - 11710k141/1/170k137k
Evil of middelearthNurgle1830k120/2/050k1 - 11860k100/1/080k145k
Easy CasultiesSkaven1900k153/0/050k2 - 21480k172/2/0100k108k
grocklinFCSkaven1730k190/3/340k1 - 11830k151/2/150k115k
Low EndNorse1570k91/0/060k1 - 01230k81/1/090k130k
Hat-ManChaos Dwarf1650k132/0/080k2 - 11690k80/0/070k130k
We Can't Catch!!Orc1750k180/1/290k3 - 21780k204/1/050k106k
Henchmen Of Luster MiukkisWood Elf1890k243/2/1100k3 - 21910k171/1/080k139k
SJ BaggersDark Elf1990k142/0/060k2 - 21910k161/1/140k131k
Apocalipsis´guysChaos Chosen2070k112/0/090k2 - 12240k151/0/160k158k
Guild of the UnseenVampire2140k70/2/060k0 - 12230k122/1/0100k148k
Hanazakari no Kimitachi eDwarf2080k142/2/090k2 - 12360k161/3/040k138k
Huesitos TeamKhemri1870k153/0/070k3 - 11800k182/2/060k114k
Evil of middelearthNurgle1970k132/0/090k2 - 11920k101/0/060k155k
Cities of the UnderworldSkaven2080k100/1/070k1 - 32090k294/2/180k124k
Silver GuardiansWood Elf2110k171/2/170k2 - 12290k142/0/040k157k
EphanyDark Elf2230k90/0/030k1 - 12180k111/1/080k123k
Rott'n'Roll !Nurgle2130k101/1/050k0 - 12160k181/3/260k132k
Rats Rats RatsSkaven2010k262/1/180k5 - 11900k131/0/040k127k
Flachpfeifens 4th trySkaven2160k232/0/260k3 - 12000k141/1/070k149k
Hilarte zapalduTomb Kings2260k181/2/090k3 - 02000k132/4/160k141k
Red Pox AllstarsNurgle2330k171/1/070k3 - 12550k273/5/240k131k
Star Trek The Next GenerationNurgle2190k80/0/040k1 - 12530k172/1/210k116k
Altdorf SpartansHuman2180k171/0/170k3 - 11930k182/2/370k160k
Green Avenging OrczOrc2160k162/0/0100k3 - 12240k202/2/280k150k
Dark creaturesDark Elf2160k80/1/050k1 - 22220k171/1/160k119k
Chaoticum ImperialisChaos Chosen1730k160/0/030k3 - 21770k171/1/130k44k
Death Is Upon UsWood Elf1650k181/1/060k3 - 41650k190/0/070k46k
Darkland GoonersROrc1410k130/1/050k2 - 11420k192/2/050k32k
Splinters ChildrenSkaven1420k211/1/080k3 - 41380k313/0/270k32k
Enanos sangrientosChaos Dwarf1560k121/0/070k2 - 11450k162/1/160k31k
Wee lil GitsHalfling1440k262/1/050k4 - 31610k161/0/020k31k
Emperor's Huge StonesDark Elf1480k200/1/080k4 - 21370k150/0/040k40k
FFM DiggersDwarf1560k80/0/050k1 - 11420k203/1/260k38k
Levels of InfernoChaos Renegade1490k151/0/080k2 - 11390k143/0/010k42k
Calixtlahuaca ChargersSlann1540k321/0/070k7 - 21420k223/2/050k36k
Mallorca MaraudersOrc1530k180/0/050k4 - 01520k121/2/040k36k
UnderbloodNecromantic Horror1550k210/1/150k3 - 11560k122/0/050k39k
Good for the Good God!Chaos Chosen1600k120/0/060k2 - 21600k160/2/060k34k
Hope 4 better timesDark Elf1520k00/0/00k0 - 11640k130/0/1120k41k
Elfos durosHigh Elf1480k110/0/050k2 - 01400k70/0/040k32k
Just for LaughsRHalfling1370k303/1/080k4 - 01380k50/0/20k33k
RaTsputinSkaven1490k251/2/080k4 - 11410k203/2/020k28k
To Rah! To Rah!Tomb Kings1420k180/1/170k3 - 01410k143/1/020k33k
Proof of Enigma's ManhoodTomb Kings1450k180/1/050k3 - 11420k121/1/230k31k
South Beach ScalesLizardmen1400k224/0/060k3 - 11320k101/0/040k37k
Los Feos K ResucitanNurgle1450k231/1/180k4 - 11390k90/0/060k33k
Corrupted DanesNurgle1470k140/0/080k3 - 11320k162/2/110k35k
Nanerottoli IncazzatiChaos Dwarf1400k242/1/080k4 - 11430k130/2/050k33k
Run Back to DeathNurgle1520k211/0/020k4 - 01730k110/1/220k40k
Agility MonstersDwarf1550k263/2/070k3 - 11560k150/1/120k30k
PokemorsNurgle1480k120/0/170k1 - 01370k70/0/120k29k
Groovy Grass Blowers IVHalfling1630k220/4/060k3 - 01680k71/0/130k39k
Pickhandler ShovellersRDwarf1650k171/0/060k2 - 21590k256/1/070k32k
Darkland GoonersROrc1610k111/0/060k1 - 21610k231/1/240k36k
Hollywood SquaresNurgle1520k70/0/010k0 - 31490k223/2/080k33k
Cheese Addicts AnnonymousSkaven1420k212/1/080k2 - 11510k100/0/020k33k
Los Feos K ResucitanNurgle1690k172/1/060k1 - 01730k101/1/050k33k
Bogging OxtersNurgle1640k160/2/080k1 - 01580k00/0/00k30k
Flesh between my TeethOrc1780k171/0/070k3 - 21720k233/3/120k27k
Hardy Boars 2Orc1610k203/1/080k2 - 11560k142/1/140k36k
Bella TopolonaSkaven1790k224/1/150k2 - 11840k121/0/050k37k
Aguilas NegrasDark Elf1920k325/0/060k7 - 32650k213/0/060k46k
BigotillosSkaven1970k183/1/050k3 - 22100k172/0/070k47k
Belgrade PenguinsNecromantic Horror2020k272/2/080k2 - 01900k41/0/150k41k
Bull ClashChaos Dwarf1760k110/0/070k2 - 11710k164/0/030k41k
Spectators ChampionsDark Elf1930k204/0/050k2 - 32090k312/3/130k45k
Gaia's Landing VIWood Elf1590k152/0/070k2 - 11500k111/0/030k25k
Ultimate Mr. MenDark Elf1660k231/0/060k4 - 22230k140/1/050k46k
Soaring HawksElven Union1820k182/0/060k4 - 32240k171/1/040k41k
Extraordinary BrotherhoodChaos Chosen1840k40/0/050k1 - 22460k212/2/250k45k
Deimon Devils BatsHuman1530k221/1/030k4 - 11530k173/1/060k35k
Ratones de campoSkaven1810k240/0/050k5 - 21850k182/0/050k31k
Up To ScaleLizardmen1880k183/1/020k3 - 21720k152/0/020k35k
Rotten Flesh Is Our EcstasySkaven1880k220/1/060k4 - 21870k180/1/110k35k
Team of the Spider QueenDark Elf1810k130/1/060k2 - 02250k121/0/060k34k
Empire Strikes Back InsanityHigh Elf1920k110/0/030k2 - 32170k230/1/120k38k
Crimson HornsChaos Chosen1700k293/0/070k6 - 01630k102/0/010k30k
Moonlight ClubNecromantic Horror1970k170/1/070k2 - 11930k172/1/140k30k
Ice Fangs IINorse1710k231/0/070k4 - 01680k50/0/040k28k
University of HelenaSkaven2190k90/0/050k1 - 21790k161/1/170k38k
Synnful Sprinting ElvesElven Union1840k173/1/060k2 - 11880k90/0/050k34k
Team of the Spider QueenDark Elf1820k120/1/050k2 - 11950k153/1/050k46k
Horny Chaos IIChaos Chosen1920k112/0/060k1 - 21910k212/1/160k32k
strongTomb Kings1930k122/0/070k1 - 12210k161/2/130k32k
Busted!Amazon1670k180/0/060k4 - 11660k195/0/040k29k
Excellence of Execution!Chaos Chosen1810k191/0/050k4 - 12180k183/2/070k38k
Atrapados en el TiempoOrc1920k171/0/060k3 - 22170k162/0/020k37k
metalurgosChaos Dwarf1990k170/0/060k2 - 11990k203/3/060k41k
MassetzHuman1710k201/1/160k3 - 11690k162/1/060k40k
Cloverfield Corpse CarriersShambling Undead1980k210/0/060k4 - 12350k243/4/130k31k
Flachpfeifens 4th trySkaven1790k221/2/140k3 - 41730k241/1/050k44k
Behind the SmileChaos Chosen2060k140/0/070k3 - 12040k141/2/050k31k
Grosse MäuseSkaven1790k153/0/020k1 - 22190k193/2/080k38k
Avenging the ForestWood Elf1800k202/1/050k3 - 21660k192/0/030k38k
Better big than pigChaos Renegade1660k220/1/070k4 - 01660k160/4/110k29k
CR LionsDwarf1590k180/0/060k4 - 11410k141/2/010k41k
Karak 7 PeaksDwarf1620k120/1/170k2 - 11850k191/3/020k40k
Belle e PossibiliAmazon1710k121/0/160k1 - 11660k100/0/160k34k
Ga[r]dens of the MoonDark Elf1720k171/1/060k2 - 11670k192/1/120k33k
Scaled AvengersLizardmen1640k243/0/150k3 - 11730k183/1/130k24k
Scales of the JungleLizardmen1760k273/0/050k5 - 11670k101/0/040k36k
Painkillers!Chaos Chosen1820k220/0/030k5 - 01680k152/0/220k33k
Magic Educated RodentsSkaven1780k332/3/170k5 - 11770k132/0/010k36k
Tiny FurballsSkaven1820k110/0/040k2 - 41730k306/2/070k39k
Von Carstein UtdVampire1710k182/1/040k2 - 21680k172/1/150k33k
Angry NewscastersTomb Kings1920k250/1/080k4 - 12270k224/3/330k37k
Jedi ForceSlann1110k120/1/070k1 - 31160k183/1/020k24k
Fetzende GobbosGoblin1140k160/1/040k3 - 11410k143/0/050k27k
WaaaarghaaaOrc1220k140/2/050k1 - 21270k194/0/040k23k
Gnons et HorionsDwarf1250k120/0/070k2 - 01140k91/1/030k32k
pretty little hate machineOrc1290k141/0/050k2 - 01330k122/1/020k31k
ConcordskiSkaven1370k150/0/170k2 - 21400k160/2/060k27k
Les BabasChaos Renegade1330k100/1/050k0 - 11400k131/0/170k30k
Inhabitants of LothlórienWood Elf1410k172/2/080k2 - 11500k101/0/020k30k
Fragile Frog's LegsSlann1490k231/1/170k3 - 21610k203/0/040k33k
PenatLizardmen1550k170/0/160k3 - 11550k141/1/110k35k
Ironclad DragonfliesDark Elf1430k110/0/070k1 - 21480k224/1/170k33k
Amazon Team 11Amazon1370k180/0/050k4 - 01190k142/1/070k33k
White_HandOrc1610k110/0/030k2 - 11680k132/0/040k35k
Bowling GobboGoblin1650k281/1/070k5 - 01240k51/0/050k25k
Lagartijas RojasLizardmen1680k263/1/060k4 - 01750k112/1/030k33k
A Team Of RookiesOrc1700k151/0/080k2 - 11690k90/1/020k35k
Capre e cavoliNurgle1670k201/0/050k4 - 11670k132/0/040k37k
He's dead, Jim!Necromantic Horror2030k120/0/040k2 - 11940k142/0/150k36k
Blackrockz DemiseOrc2050k200/0/030k4 - 11590k204/0/160k33k
Luna TikosNecromantic Horror1920k101/0/170k1 - 01710k111/1/240k42k
Darkside Cowboys XIDark Elf1860k171/0/070k3 - 21710k162/0/040k42k
KhostNurgle2040k120/0/050k2 - 02390k92/1/040k37k
Allsvenskan 2011Chaos Dwarf1870k141/0/030k2 - 02280k153/0/250k36k
Hot 5tuffWood Elf1980k171/0/260k2 - 02010k134/0/120k33k
WanderrattenSkaven1840k201/1/180k2 - 01830k70/2/020k39k
Cryptic ApocalypseTomb Kings1570k161/0/030k2 - 21680k161/1/020k43k
Lizzard BlizzardLizardmen1810k110/0/130k1 - 31990k226/0/070k36k
Claws of the Night [R]Necromantic Horror1950k131/1/060k2 - 11780k142/0/020k29k
LamiakAmazon1950k153/1/040k1 - 11780k173/1/020k40k
Chess PlayersChaos Renegade1660k80/0/030k1 - 21730k131/0/050k39k
Cryptic ApocalypseTomb Kings2150k120/1/140k2 - 12000k121/1/050k28k
Royal Cookie CrumbleWood Elf2060k141/1/040k2 - 22140k203/0/140k37k
Inglourious SoldiersDark Elf1890k100/0/060k1 - 21720k211/4/050k35k
HuckePucke Airforce Nr. 3bGoblin1650k241/1/090k3 - 01500k00/0/00k33k
slime of deathNurgle2100k120/0/080k2 - 11850k142/2/050k35k
Fleetfoot's Revenge IOrc2030k101/1/050k1 - 02100k71/1/020k41k
CRP ForceHigh Elf1860k201/2/030k2 - 11670k90/0/070k30k
Tiny Steel HammersDwarf2080k80/0/040k1 - 22160k252/2/320k44k
Athel Loren AspectsWood Elf1630k192/0/080k3 - 01710k130/2/160k32k
Anti-BorgSkaven1680k161/1/030k2 - 21470k151/0/070k33k
Unchained ZealotsTomb Kings1840k170/0/150k2 - 11910k154/0/050k37k
KernKraftChaos Dwarf1850k90/0/070k1 - 11780k163/0/120k36k
Twisted BlunderbussersChaos Dwarf1730k130/0/010k2 - 31690k223/2/080k41k
HueMANityHuman1500k141/0/050k2 - 21490k172/1/020k29k
Ancient MethodsSlann1820k331/1/180k6 - 01830k91/1/150k33k
Zombie Recruitment DriveNecromantic Horror1570k140/0/080k2 - 01470k132/2/060k30k
Just a bunch of dwarvesDwarf1590k150/0/080k3 - 11420k143/0/030k30k
BlocksteadyNorse1730k100/1/080k1 - 11760k111/0/030k28k
Cracked Tooth Boyz Orc1760k181/0/080k3 - 21710k140/1/020k29k
Sick of the WoodWood Elf1660k140/1/060k2 - 21680k130/1/030k29k
Mummy Blue IIShambling Undead1640k140/2/050k1 - 21650k190/2/270k36k
TiritiandoNorse1530k171/0/080k3 - 21590k162/0/050k33k
Ten Town TeamNorse1650k181/1/050k3 - 11690k110/1/040k37k
Khorne RyuChaos Chosen1650k190/1/060k3 - 21710k213/1/010k34k
Squadron XXIIIHigh Elf1700k80/0/050k1 - 22040k202/2/030k35k
FragOrc1680k131/0/030k2 - 11730k101/0/020k32k
De Hviie' Fra FredensvangDwarf1780k120/0/070k2 - 11750k152/1/030k25k
Lycan LaboratoryNecromantic Horror1830k180/0/050k4 - 01840k153/2/120k29k
Lost TemplarChaos Chosen1750k132/0/050k1 - 21600k172/1/060k33k
Unfortunate SonsHigh Elf1740k140/1/030k2 - 21700k140/1/020k32k
Aggressive AcrobaticsElven Union1750k192/0/150k2 - 31760k191/0/070k35k
California SunWood Elf1820k252/1/070k4 - 21830k202/0/050k37k
Aspirantes al ValhallaNorse1880k321/1/060k7 - 01980k131/2/020k27k
Disciples of the Blood PathVampire1890k243/2/080k2 - 11660k122/1/020k33k
Sewer SuckersSkaven1990k343/0/140k6 - 31990k160/0/060k36k
Parliament of RooksNecromantic Horror2180k130/1/040k2 - 11930k184/2/050k32k
GbangoosNecromantic Horror2040k170/1/030k3 - 12300k182/3/130k39k
Reikland Rookie RumblersHuman1640k220/1/070k3 - 01690k152/2/050k36k
Mu[R]der HobosDwarf1970k120/0/060k2 - 11820k173/0/110k29k
UngezieferSkaven1790k222/0/030k4 - 41770k265/0/020k36k
Reservior DogzSkaven2120k233/0/170k3 - 21850k131/0/010k41k
Virulente AffectionNurgle2150k121/1/050k1 - 02210k123/1/030k38k
ENIChaos Chosen2000k160/0/040k3 - 02200k154/1/050k40k
Space TailsLizardmen2090k111/0/040k1 - 21800k180/1/060k38k
Stinging PoliceChaos Chosen1920k80/0/030k1 - 22160k193/0/160k26k
Typen und CharaktereNorse2060k180/3/070k2 - 12080k204/1/070k36k
Riggley's RunnersSkaven2130k183/1/080k1 - 01710k72/2/040k28k
Carnival BizarreSkaven1860k171/2/080k2 - 12020k111/0/020k33k