46 coaches online • Server time: 18:45
* * * Did you know? The most aggressive player is Taku the Second with 6628 blocks.
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20.11.11: *** FUMBBL B Minor MW IV-1 winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***
25.02.13: *** Black Box Brawl LXII winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***
1.05.13: *** WoC IV: Champion Of Slaanesh winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***
27.05.13: *** Wheel Of Chaos IV winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***

19.08.16: *** Black Box Brawl CCLXXVIII winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***
13.11.16: *** Black Box Brawl CCXCVI winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***
17.02.19: *** Bar Brawl XXXVII - Lo winner is: Bearded Roller VII ***

Past players worth remembering (in order of death/retirement):
Flaeske II - longbeard, 24 spp, retired,
Yvvren III - runner, 148 spp, dead,
Gerdomon II - longbeard, 176 spp, retired,
Barmur - longbeard, 163 spp, retired,
Thraisi II - longbeard, 174 spp, retired,
Burain III - longbeard, 208 spp, retired,
Yvvren VII - runner, 178 spp, retired,
Thraisi IV - longbeard, 87 spp, retired,

Skill Rolls:
Normal: 178
Dubles: 19 (2 taken as normal skill)
+ma/+av: 19 (14 taken as +ma, 3 taken as duble, 2 taken as normal skill)
+ag: 17 (15 taken as normal skill)
+st: 6
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Dodge, Guard
  7 0 2 0 1 3 23/31 130k
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
  14 2 3 0 4 3 34/51 140k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
  5 0 3 0 0 1 14/16 100k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  19 1 0 0 1 1 8/16 90k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Diving Tackle
  49 0 0 0 22 2 54/76 160k
4 4 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  11 0 0 0 4 1 13/16 120k
4 4 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, +ST, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle
  47 1 3 0 25 3 75/76 180k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
Journeyman Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
Journeyman Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
9 players  
Coach: Mateuszzzzzz Re-Rolls (100k): 3  
Race: Dwarf Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 1480k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 50k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1480k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:264 (133/54/77) |TD Diff:85 (328 - 243) |Cas Diff:325 (485/292/111 - 318/177/68)
Last Opponent: Monsterz Rusherz

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Condenados de MousillonNecromantic Horror1000k50/0/080k0 - 01010k71/0/070k19k
Random Name Generators v2.0Nurgle1060k180/2/150k2 - 11030k110/0/160k13k
DarkeeesDark Elf1090k171/0/280k2 - 01050k71/1/040k26k
Samedi FFBCNecromantic Horror1140k171/2/060k2 - 01140k50/0/020k31k
Justice League EuropeNorse1290k200/2/280k2 - 11300k90/0/040k31k
Divide and DevourChaos Renegade1340k110/0/070k2 - 11330k80/0/020k26k
MetamorfosiNurgle1370k122/0/040k1 - 01360k50/0/030k36k
SuntrapLizardmen1400k163/0/130k1 - 01420k50/0/020k40k
Secrets of the Full MoonNecromantic Horror1450k121/0/130k1 - 11520k100/2/050k30k
McNulty's HeroesChaos Chosen1370k50/0/020k0 - 11400k202/2/260k21k
Crumpton Mighty UnderdogsHuman1310k181/1/150k2 - 01330k50/1/030k32k
Sound of Death XIIDark Elf1650k132/0/030k1 - 31580k233/0/060k37k
Chaotic DominationChaos Renegade1650k171/1/180k2 - 01720k50/0/020k25k
Super Elf Fighter BoxersWood Elf1690k121/0/170k1 - 01760k50/0/070k32k
BadMonnsOrc1700k173/1/030k1 - 11690k80/0/020k36k
ParlamenChaos Renegade1750k71/0/060k0 - 12020k130/1/150k36k
Longyearbyen ForecastersChaos Dwarf1540k80/0/060k1 - 21540k201/2/170k33k
Zombina and the SkeletonesNecromantic Horror1570k222/0/280k3 - 11410k80/0/050k32k
Khu'ruk AiOrc1700k60/0/050k0 - 21600k152/0/060k32k
I will loose againChaos Chosen1720k272/4/160k2 - 01730k80/1/060k36k
Summoners of HellChaos Renegade1740k224/0/150k2 - 11760k90/0/010k28k
ExpressChaos Chosen1780k296/0/380k2 - 01690k90/2/020k34k
Full Moon FumbblNecromantic Horror1680k172/2/050k1 - 01760k154/1/010k40k
Uzkulak Rocks!Chaos Dwarf1840k172/1/160k2 - 11870k130/0/250k35k
AkenatopoulorsNurgle1840k101/0/150k0 - 11820k142/2/050k28k
Wayward Shadowbane InquisitorsChaos Chosen1680k120/2/020k1 - 01660k60/0/030k40k
StorkottarnaNurgle1830k131/1/050k1 - 21990k306/1/240k30k
Snatch TeamShambling Undead1580k111/1/120k0 - 11520k81/0/070k30k
Luleås LykantroperNecromantic Horror1700k171/1/040k2 - 11660k141/2/070k32k
Girls from the pastAmazon1500k201/1/150k3 - 01480k80/0/050k29k
Stinky EvilNurgle1760k102/0/050k0 - 21800k192/3/020k34k
Destroyahs BrothersChaos Chosen1490k111/0/030k1 - 11530k122/0/050k31k
Zaramaga 2011 BBTChaos Dwarf1670k173/0/060k2 - 01680k80/1/060k30k
Griefers Gonna GriefNurgle1630k232/3/170k2 - 11750k223/2/140k36k
Triple CruiseChaos Renegade1560k223/1/040k3 - 01400k70/0/060k27k
Just The Other GuysChaos Dwarf1830k130/1/060k2 - 11690k111/0/010k36k
Hellfire HydraeChaos Renegade1850k205/1/050k1 - 21840k274/2/260k38k
Infect the UninfectedNurgle1460k321/6/160k3 - 01430k70/0/040k30k
De små svartdoppade bestarnaOgre1640k224/1/070k2 - 01610k70/0/120k33k
nuffle's favorites ressurectedNecromantic Horror1620k90/1/170k0 - 21560k171/2/040k30k
Many enemies, much honor!Chaos Dwarf1450k112/0/150k0 - 21380k253/4/050k38k
Fly fishersSlann1390k142/0/090k1 - 01420k00/0/00k35k
Sputnik[B]Chaos Dwarf1600k211/2/030k3 - 11510k142/0/160k33k
BigHairyGuysHalfling1650k122/0/080k1 - 01020k111/1/110k27k
Amasadores de TriunfosDark Elf1470k153/0/080k2 - 11590k121/1/060k41k
You have won LottoTomb Kings1670k170/3/080k2 - 01760k102/0/030k39k
ReligionsAmazon1680k263/2/080k2 - 11650k90/0/060k36k
Together AgainNecromantic Horror1700k143/0/070k1 - 11730k100/0/130k34k
Dogged DevilsWood Elf1730k161/1/170k2 - 21720k151/0/070k33k
SWR Galactic EmpireChaos Chosen1740k112/1/080k0 - 11720k172/0/170k28k
Tasty and DeliciousSlann1640k221/2/250k2 - 11640k120/1/040k33k
Dawn Of The ElfsElven Union1580k132/0/070k1 - 11540k101/0/080k33k
[B]ring da GLORY!Orc1740k142/1/070k1 - 11750k121/1/030k34k
Legendary InfestationNurgle1660k235/1/080k2 - 01650k144/0/020k31k
RashChaos Chosen1830k91/1/030k0 - 21790k182/1/070k34k
Bearded LadsDwarf1900k234/2/060k2 - 01510k50/0/060k25k
Lightning Bolt FireballsWood Elf1870k223/2/070k2 - 11640k90/0/020k35k
Whiskey and CoDwarf1950k80/0/030k1 - 21740k140/1/060k42k
United Klingdom BlackswordsNorse1910k202/3/130k1 - 01720k81/0/010k28k
Rough ToughsHuman1940k255/1/150k2 - 11870k100/0/030k30k
HatarnaNecromantic Horror1960k212/3/160k2 - 01670k50/0/030k37k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen2000k223/3/020k3 - 22330k150/1/010k34k
El Drizzto and the GangDark Elf1910k111/0/050k1 - 01890k111/0/040k36k
Khorned Kow BoyzNurgle2080k140/3/130k0 - 22040k172/1/030k36k
Demolition CrewChaos Chosen1970k162/1/160k1 - 02030k132/2/060k24k
Wu Rang ClanSkaven1840k191/2/160k2 - 12210k111/0/040k39k
Wooden UndertakerWood Elf1970k193/0/150k2 - 01810k111/0/140k34k
Killing the BOXChaos Chosen1900k255/2/170k2 - 11890k121/0/170k41k
-Green Rage-Orc1900k254/1/160k2 - 11780k141/1/150k39k
-Tomblords-Shambling Undead1640k295/2/040k2 - 11980k100/2/040k39k
Waldenhof NightmaresNecromantic Horror1710k143/0/030k1 - 11640k121/1/040k33k
A bit downUnderworld Denizens1700k235/1/080k2 - 21720k182/1/020k29k
Do You Even Lift BroDark Elf1640k122/0/050k1 - 31620k160/0/070k37k
Boneheaded BrutesOgre1920k203/2/160k1 - 01600k71/0/060k31k
Gah!Orc1950k234/1/170k2 - 11290k131/0/150k29k
KhostNurgle1950k283/3/450k1 - 22410k204/2/080k40k
Criminal InformantsSkaven1810k234/2/130k1 - 21590k182/1/030k32k
Wooden UndertakerWood Elf1710k204/0/020k2 - 21730k110/0/070k26k
Tell No TalesShambling Undead1740k141/1/160k1 - 21720k161/1/160k38k
Celebs from the GraveNecromantic Horror1620k182/0/070k3 - 11480k111/0/060k32k
Brainless DeadnessTomb Kings1730k132/0/240k0 - 01720k71/0/030k31k
2 dodges 1 blitzHigh Elf1600k171/2/170k1 - 31580k181/0/020k28k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1660k70/1/060k0 - 21950k214/2/060k34k
Knights of DiseaseNurgle1500k232/3/160k2 - 01710k101/1/030k28k
Bucket of [B]lood Chaos Chosen1600k122/0/080k1 - 01610k92/0/020k36k
Muertos de la CalleShambling Undead1780k141/0/040k2 - 01730k101/1/010k34k
Griffe moi si tu veux !Norse1730k162/1/180k1 - 11720k122/0/030k29k
Elfos KhornudosChaos Chosen1840k164/0/040k1 - 12040k144/1/030k30k
Ruined RemainsTomb Kings1780k192/3/080k1 - 11800k100/0/140k32k
X marks the spotChaos Dwarf1770k191/2/180k2 - 11800k80/2/060k33k
Sylvania ButchersNecromantic Horror1550k171/2/060k2 - 01580k60/0/010k28k
Plagueboy MansionNecromantic Horror1820k91/1/020k0 - 21790k195/0/060k32k
Agdar HrafnersNorse1810k192/2/020k2 - 01880k72/0/040k26k
Bayernhoff BengalsHuman1820k122/1/010k0 - 11890k100/0/130k32k
MareChaos Chosen1840k203/1/020k2 - 21810k152/0/080k34k
No WinNo BeerDwarf1870k80/0/020k1 - 11900k173/1/080k26k
KNETomb Kings1890k173/1/020k1 - 11630k90/0/080k29k
No WinNo BeerDwarf1950k211/1/080k4 - 01850k131/2/120k33k
Cthulhu's DistractionNurgle1690k121/1/040k1 - 11610k121/0/050k30k
No WinNo BeerDwarf1730k141/0/060k2 - 01760k111/2/020k31k
Scalp Claw MembersDwarf1680k121/1/080k1 - 01730k81/0/050k31k
Yendor DevilbatsHuman1870k91/0/130k0 - 31810k140/0/060k32k
Pimpinela Powa TeamChaos Chosen1860k151/2/030k1 - 22200k224/1/050k32k
Bad Mountain BrownbeardsDwarf1760k102/0/010k0 - 21800k214/1/080k27k
mekensteinarNecromantic Horror1780k204/2/010k0 - 21770k150/1/170k26k
Vale ParaisoDwarf1620k181/2/060k2 - 11670k121/0/030k27k
Pain DealerzzOrc1880k132/1/060k0 - 11840k173/1/060k37k
Beasts in BlackChaos Chosen1790k102/0/060k0 - 22050k203/1/070k26k
Blood Sea Buccaneers B TeamHuman1780k180/2/170k2 - 01710k80/0/040k29k
Stinky Slap ShotNurgle1920k150/3/150k0 - 22110k276/2/180k26k
St-Lys Débr'Ailleurs SLDANurgle1630k222/3/220k1 - 21880k233/1/260k27k
God of immortalityNurgle1670k160/1/130k2 - 21720k191/1/220k32k
Birka BlockersNorse1670k185/0/120k1 - 11780k101/1/030k28k
Señores de los ChupetesChaos Dwarf1830k214/2/260k0 - 11770k164/0/020k36k
duromalOrc1880k151/1/050k2 - 11830k140/2/010k34k
duromalOrc1680k133/1/010k0 - 21850k221/2/160k33k
Needle's EyeHigh Elf1570k132/1/140k0 - 31560k160/0/050k30k
IKhvarChaos Chosen1770k193/2/080k2 - 01760k111/1/140k26k
Underworld SpooksUnderworld Denizens1640k143/1/040k0 - 21640k131/0/150k34k
Underworld SpooksUnderworld Denizens1790k215/0/070k2 - 11700k101/0/010k29k
Italo Disco Kings BBLHuman1820k130/2/060k1 - 11880k112/0/040k32k
Italo Disco Kings BBLHuman1850k255/2/080k2 - 01760k81/0/060k31k
Wu Tan ClanChaos Chosen1960k101/0/040k1 - 02140k175/1/030k36k
Indigo WendigoNorse1780k122/0/040k1 - 21670k172/1/070k30k
Wu Tan ClanChaos Chosen1830k226/1/030k1 - 22160k214/1/060k38k
Wu Tan ClanChaos Chosen1800k151/2/060k1 - 11990k186/1/060k37k
Sokth's ScorpionsTomb Kings1770k132/0/070k1 - 11690k181/2/230k33k
Rage SyndromeChaos Chosen1660k111/2/050k0 - 11690k101/0/070k30k
Hampton Halfmen Dwarf1650k140/1/070k2 - 01630k101/1/040k30k
Mr Joyboy's Sexy Time DancersShambling Undead1640k121/1/080k1 - 11520k101/0/030k34k
Grungni's GrumblersDwarf1700k153/0/030k1 - 01680k102/0/020k32k
Dangerzone DeathsquadChaos Chosen1710k110/1/050k2 - 01720k70/0/160k28k
AntitodoOrc1740k232/3/130k2 - 11730k101/0/010k36k
cherServiteurSVampire1760k203/1/040k3 - 02330k50/0/010k35k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1760k162/1/170k1 - 01740k71/0/030k31k
Warrior's on the edge of TimeChaos Chosen1790k121/1/080k1 - 01760k101/1/050k23k
Nox WarriorsTomb Kings1800k50/0/040k0 - 21820k213/2/030k34k
Mahrak Tomb ScorpionsTomb Kings1730k130/1/180k1 - 11770k121/2/020k38k
Chigabbo BearsGoblin1660k131/1/030k1 - 01560k50/0/010k35k
Bruderschaft des [B]lutesDark Elf1630k213/2/070k2 - 01690k91/0/060k38k
FrogstiesSlann1840k224/2/080k1 - 12030k152/1/030k35k
Wanderers of the ForestWood Elf1730k241/3/140k2 - 31720k140/0/060k32k
BloodvikesChaos Chosen1840k184/1/070k1 - 11830k254/4/030k27k
Kiss of the DeadNecromantic Horror1580k150/0/280k2 - 01590k111/2/030k35k
Ololiuqui Gulpers BBLLizardmen1680k161/1/050k2 - 01690k71/0/030k26k
Knights of SwampdomNurgle1710k71/0/020k0 - 01880k134/0/050k36k
25th LegionNurgle1740k71/0/050k0 - 01850k50/0/050k30k
Moes Tavern in the BoxChaos Dwarf1730k192/2/060k2 - 11730k80/0/020k30k
New Vamps on the BloodVampire1760k183/2/010k1 - 41810k190/0/050k32k
Blood Moon HuntersNecromantic Horror1800k142/1/020k1 - 11590k120/2/140k26k
Matasanos de VerdadChaos Dwarf1680k151/1/070k2 - 11700k121/2/020k32k
Legions of BoomOgre1520k275/2/070k2 - 11560k100/1/040k38k
Canadien de MontrealChaos Dwarf1530k122/0/070k0 - 31550k221/3/050k36k
Ogres Nabots UnitedOgre1550k194/2/140k0 - 01580k50/0/030k33k
Cuchillos de cerdosDwarf1710k70/1/030k0 - 11710k121/0/150k31k
Hall PerNecromantic Horror1620k121/0/120k1 - 21640k172/1/170k28k
Redwood Sons of AnarchyHuman1470k120/2/080k1 - 11470k153/1/150k27k
UnstopaBull CentaursChaos Dwarf1580k203/3/020k1 - 21640k194/1/040k27k
Choppy CheeseChaos Dwarf1440k194/0/070k2 - 01370k50/0/010k33k
Khorne nos amaChaos Chosen1610k193/1/070k2 - 11550k130/2/040k27k
Carnival of KislevShambling Undead1470k162/1/140k1 - 11430k141/2/060k30k
Big Bad Box BoizOrc1450k101/0/020k1 - 11410k122/0/040k34k
TSV 1980 MaxvorstadtHuman1540k171/3/060k1 - 01570k103/1/060k33k
The_Acolytes(A Toecutter Gang)Chaos Chosen1560k91/0/130k0 - 01480k102/0/030k31k
elfos metalikerosDark Elf1620k161/1/060k2 - 01650k71/0/050k31k
Red Pointy HatsChaos Dwarf1620k162/1/150k1 - 11620k111/0/070k31k
Knights of the Fumbbl OrderHuman1640k150/2/070k2 - 01610k71/0/060k36k
Clar Karond Cripplers Dark Elf1660k120/1/130k1 - 01500k60/0/030k32k
Les PaïensTomb Kings1670k112/1/030k0 - 01680k71/0/070k29k
More Wood ElvesWood Elf1690k251/3/060k4 - 01590k91/1/020k35k
RoomchangersOgre1720k143/0/080k1 - 01730k92/0/020k27k
Perpetual ArmyNecromantic Horror1860k181/2/070k2 - 01890k143/1/070k33k
Slime BaronsNurgle1800k171/1/170k2 - 11850k161/2/040k35k
Carnival of DarkMoonVampire1730k142/0/150k1 - 21670k203/0/050k35k
Blood Moon HuntersNecromantic Horror2060k193/2/130k1 - 21960k192/2/030k31k
Competitive DrinkersDwarf1840k141/2/030k1 - 11930k80/0/040k40k
Red tigersHigh Elf2070k234/1/150k2 - 11510k131/0/050k29k
Vulcha SkwadOrc2090k171/1/240k1 - 02010k112/0/130k27k
Hemoglobetrotters BBLVampire1900k212/3/120k1 - 21580k121/0/080k30k
Colonnie SkavenSkaven2100k192/2/140k1 - 22090k212/3/030k34k
AssipackDwarf1730k50/0/050k0 - 21790k161/1/050k30k
CalculatronChaos Chosen1930k111/0/050k1 - 21890k213/2/070k33k
Fistfull of SteelOrc1940k174/0/070k2 - 02230k71/0/020k31k
Woeful WondersDark Elf2110k171/0/260k2 - 11740k112/0/030k36k
[B]lackguardsDark Elf2170k213/2/070k2 - 11800k80/0/060k33k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2060k214/1/060k2 - 02260k50/0/040k35k
Highline FillersHigh Elf2090k213/1/170k2 - 11580k90/0/060k34k
Red HuntersChaos Chosen2110k132/2/030k0 - 11880k122/2/070k35k
Hexgate HydrasDark Elf1820k111/2/020k0 - 11800k184/0/160k38k
Conventional BrutalityOgre2050k233/4/080k2 - 11930k100/0/160k25k
NadirOrc1930k170/2/140k2 - 11740k122/0/040k34k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf1960k236/1/070k2 - 02090k50/0/030k32k
Blocked MemoriesChaos Renegade2110k212/3/080k2 - 11830k143/0/010k34k
Black LongbeardsDwarf2120k131/1/050k1 - 21710k171/1/260k36k
Splash Bash and ThrashChaos Chosen1910k132/0/060k2 - 01860k90/1/050k30k
__goHome__Chaos Dwarf1760k152/1/060k2 - 01780k80/0/140k39k
StrawdawgsNecromantic Horror1690k161/2/140k1 - 21670k131/0/070k38k
Underdark RoguesUnderworld Denizens1700k151/1/040k2 - 01620k50/0/060k37k
Mownten DooOrc1810k50/0/050k0 - 11550k161/3/040k29k
Hardcore CRP ExploitersNurgle1610k71/0/040k0 - 21950k192/1/180k32k
Ugly NurglingsNurgle1670k70/1/060k0 - 01640k92/0/030k27k
Oaken SoulsWood Elf1700k193/1/070k2 - 11660k90/0/010k38k
Elven TrophyElven Union1750k151/1/060k2 - 11590k90/0/060k29k
LES SACS à poutreLizardmen1760k143/0/040k1 - 11770k141/2/060k34k
Me in my world of enemiesChaos Chosen1630k100/1/060k1 - 11590k143/0/020k24k
Appalachia Black GoldChaos Dwarf1850k172/1/080k2 - 01900k50/0/030k30k
Methadon ProjektNecromantic Horror1900k150/1/160k2 - 11910k164/0/140k33k
MeatsChaos Dwarf1930k121/0/270k0 - 22010k192/2/160k31k
Walking CrapShambling Undead1530k143/0/050k1 - 11600k131/1/050k30k
SalamandermenLizardmen1740k233/2/160k2 - 01680k60/1/070k33k
Montani Semper LiberiDwarf1710k122/0/080k1 - 01460k50/0/030k32k
Evil Lying ScumChaos Dwarf1820k152/0/080k2 - 01810k110/1/260k34k
World of WrestlingOgre1500k215/0/070k2 - 01570k50/0/010k28k
OFC Norse Norse1780k184/1/070k1 - 01710k131/3/040k33k
Medulla suckersVampire1470k130/0/130k2 - 11320k111/0/040k26k
Saviours of the UniverseChaos Dwarf1810k143/0/090k1 - 11890k100/0/140k27k
[B]rave liveNurgle1780k100/1/060k1 - 01730k153/2/010k30k
Forces NoiresShambling Undead1420k80/1/040k0 - 11330k122/0/070k28k
New Chaos TheoryChaos Chosen1620k71/0/050k0 - 11790k80/0/070k29k
Red Miners (B)Dwarf1640k222/2/360k1 - 01770k60/0/020k32k
Sudoku NightmareSkaven1670k172/0/160k2 - 11580k110/2/050k29k
Sudoku NightmareSkaven1530k285/3/060k3 - 01550k70/0/010k32k
Avengers of GrudgesDwarf1840k122/0/060k1 - 01950k133/1/040k31k
Skaveneros IISkaven1720k133/1/040k0 - 11700k100/1/070k36k
Built To LastChaos Chosen1670k81/0/060k0 - 21690k222/3/060k33k
Vox MortisSkaven1470k100/0/130k1 - 21460k131/0/030k31k
Green Bay SmackerzHuman1600k193/1/130k1 - 11640k110/0/060k33k
Sacred SandblastersTomb Kings1690k171/2/080k2 - 01780k50/0/060k36k
Necrotic BlightNecromantic Horror1820k112/1/010k0 - 11880k172/0/280k32k
Baddans Chaotic MonstersChaos Chosen1700k142/0/040k1 - 21720k170/2/160k25k
Morning of the Living DeadTomb Kings1440k90/1/060k0 - 21480k193/2/270k26k
Nordiques de QCChaos Dwarf1500k50/0/020k0 - 01410k112/0/130k32k
PersévérantsHuman1500k191/3/030k2 - 01530k81/0/070k32k
Blodge AthleticAmazon1600k133/0/140k0 - 11650k121/1/040k25k
[B]lackbox MutantsUnderworld Denizens1510k213/1/150k2 - 01540k101/1/010k26k
Zombies trapped in the boxNecromantic Horror1470k121/0/150k1 - 01500k50/0/040k30k
Salt miner groupDwarf1500k151/1/030k2 - 11450k142/1/010k31k
Herpetophobia CLizardmen1530k212/1/240k2 - 11590k90/0/040k33k
PersévérantsHuman1550k121/1/040k1 - 11510k131/1/170k30k
Zombies trapped in the boxNecromantic Horror1430k101/0/060k1 - 01410k71/0/060k25k
Krosan GriffinsElven Union1520k252/5/070k2 - 11510k111/0/030k37k
Steel KhemriTomb Kings1630k242/3/230k1 - 11650k100/1/030k28k
[BTS2] Froggen and FriendsSlann1690k100/2/060k0 - 21710k162/0/070k38k
[BBT2] Stonehorn ButchersOgre1720k254/2/180k2 - 01720k71/0/060k27k
Renegaderos del Caos 2Chaos Renegade1840k100/1/020k1 - 11920k121/1/040k31k
RotterworldNurgle1790k140/2/160k1 - 11790k141/2/160k31k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf1600k152/3/060k0 - 12830k91/0/060k32k
Hot as BullsChaos Dwarf1810k141/1/180k1 - 01870k121/2/050k27k
Sokth's ScorpionsTomb Kings1710k162/1/230k0 - 11700k100/1/070k35k
BannatonChaos Renegade1870k150/2/030k2 - 21790k152/0/080k30k
Aelenne FlykaerWood Elf1880k216/0/060k1 - 01830k60/0/030k29k
Krog NatorgOrc1910k80/0/030k1 - 11940k100/0/130k26k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen1790k212/3/120k1 - 21750k232/3/060k34k
Dirty is sexyNurgle1700k100/1/060k1 - 01590k71/0/030k26k
San FranciscOrcs 55ersOrc1930k100/1/030k1 - 11860k141/2/080k25k
khrisqrach cragwalkerChaos Chosen1730k110/1/040k1 - 21740k202/1/260k32k
Hanumana BeejasTomb Kings1720k133/1/010k0 - 31720k262/2/260k29k
MushokyavaLizardmen1470k151/1/120k1 - 11480k101/0/080k38k
Formosan Mountain DogsElven Union1470k132/2/060k0 - 21430k110/0/030k35k
Cuarentena RHuman1500k110/0/020k2 - 01490k60/0/060k32k
Green Violent AngerUnderworld Denizens1550k214/1/060k2 - 11440k130/1/160k26k
Super Blood Wolf MoonNorse1510k214/2/070k2 - 11520k111/0/070k30k
Khor et ses frèresDwarf1560k50/0/010k0 - 11670k120/1/170k30k
Monsterz RusherzOrc1370k50/0/030k0 - 11710k101/0/070k30k