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Now we try to have a full 16 man roster to deal with all the high clawpomb teams at this level.

Cut 3 rotters for the Brawl final to keep the inducements under control.

We have reached a high of 2460k TV.

Fumbbl Cup 2017 run has began. Decent, but got elfed.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 3 3 7
Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Claw
-av 38 4 8 0 12 2 62/76 160k
6 3 3 8
Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
  9 0 2 0 0 0 6/16 100k
6 3 3 8
Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
  3 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 100k
6 3 4 8
Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
+AG, Block, Sure Hands
  14 5 9 0 0 3 47/51 160k
5 3 3 8
Decay, Nurgle's Rot
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
5 3 3 8
Decay, Nurgle's Rot
  5 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
5 3 3 8
Decay, Nurgle's Rot
  5 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
5 4 3 8
Decay, Nurgle's Rot
+ST, Block
  31 0 1 0 0 3 18/31 110k
4 4 2 9
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
Block, Guard
  7 0 0 0 1 3 17/31 150k
4 4 2 9
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 110k
5 3 3 8
Decay, Nurgle's Rot
  9 1 0 0 0 0 1/6 40k
4 4 2 9
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow
  27 0 0 0 4 7 43/51 170k
4 5 2 9
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration
Mighty Blow, Claw, Juggernaut, Block, +ST, Tackle
  153 0 1 0 176 14 Legend
13 players  
Coach: DonnyRainboe Re-Rolls (140k): 3  
Race: Nurgle Fan Factor: 6  
Current Team Value: 1750k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 80k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1750k Apothecary: No  

Games Played:163 (83/25/55) |TD Diff:62 (217 - 155) |Cas Diff:205 (337/198/86 - 171/151/94)
Last Opponent: Lothern Lords [bbt2]

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
InfectingNurgle980k131/1/040k1 - 0970k50/0/010k14k
TannenburgTitansChaos Dwarf1010k121/1/040k1 - 1990k121/1/040k17k
Devils XIChaos Chosen1040k81/0/020k0 - 21000k151/1/050k18k
Karboot KrumblechunkersChaos Renegade1130k50/0/010k0 - 11110k80/0/040k20k
Plaguebile CarnivalNurgle1170k191/1/050k3 - 01170k111/2/060k17k
Claw humansChaos Renegade1140k71/0/030k0 - 21130k151/1/070k21k
ElfrocioniWood Elf1110k121/1/050k0 - 11160k120/0/170k18k
White CollarNecromantic Horror1250k91/1/060k0 - 21280k150/2/170k21k
New Sarepta Tire and Girdle CoNorse1090k191/2/060k2 - 01050k91/0/140k15k
Wild Unkempt Herd 3Chaos Chosen1270k201/2/070k3 - 01190k70/0/020k21k
New Colibrì RuzzolantiLizardmen1450k121/1/020k1 - 11500k121/1/030k27k
Forsaken FissionDark Elf1460k101/0/030k1 - 21490k151/1/040k21k
Evil LegoChaos Dwarf1370k100/1/020k1 - 21370k233/1/270k27k
HotNtod IcebreakersNorse1260k130/1/150k2 - 11300k100/0/180k21k
RiRaRottigNurgle1290k252/4/180k2 - 01310k60/0/050k24k
Le Stade ToulousainChaos Renegade1340k150/2/070k2 - 01300k92/0/030k27k
NontrapsLizardmen1340k181/2/070k3 - 01350k60/0/050k26k
Little Box GiantsHuman1350k151/2/050k2 - 01330k143/0/110k25k
Grey and FurrySkaven1360k91/1/060k0 - 21270k170/3/060k27k
Jungle JinglesLizardmen1330k90/2/010k0 - 21330k132/0/070k28k
What's FantasyChaos Dwarf1370k71/0/020k0 - 21380k191/0/350k28k
Nordiques de QCChaos Dwarf1390k162/2/130k0 - 21440k192/2/080k32k
Aftermath HSkaven1370k142/1/020k1 - 11340k110/1/080k23k
Elyrko lehoiakHigh Elf1420k173/1/060k2 - 11280k120/0/110k26k
Tennorsee TitansNorse1430k102/0/070k1 - 11370k163/0/050k33k
White SnowHigh Elf1430k141/3/070k1 - 21400k180/2/130k27k
Tattues LowslandersLizardmen1410k143/0/060k1 - 01380k00/0/00k31k
Speyside [B]rewersDwarf1480k121/0/160k1 - 21410k193/1/050k26k
Cemetery boogieShambling Undead1530k203/2/140k1 - 11520k120/1/120k33k
Pruitt IgoeOrc1370k264/2/060k3 - 01290k70/1/120k24k
Another BB-dorksDark Elf1560k183/1/280k1 - 11550k122/0/030k27k
BeatemorjoinemChaos Chosen1590k61/0/020k0 - 21500k213/2/370k32k
Indy NileTomb Kings1350k171/1/280k1 - 11360k100/1/030k32k
Copy ChatsAmazon1420k91/1/030k0 - 11430k80/0/060k24k
NewClassicsShambling Undead1410k235/2/060k2 - 11410k122/0/150k30k
otrointentoDwarf1430k100/0/160k1 - 21400k181/2/020k30k
Amphibia AnuraSlann1400k161/2/1110k1 - 01440k00/0/00k27k
Lesser Key of SolomonNurgle1450k212/1/260k2 - 01440k71/0/010k30k
sintomaticosChaos Renegade1480k91/1/050k0 - 21450k234/1/180k31k
Run-AmuckChaos Chosen1480k121/0/170k1 - 01690k152/3/040k29k
Beards FCDwarf1330k133/0/120k0 - 21340k150/2/070k29k
Wall of OafsOgre1530k295/0/070k4 - 01420k110/2/140k31k
FreakettesNecromantic Horror1590k182/2/110k1 - 21710k173/0/080k36k
Porc OrcsOrc1590k273/1/170k4 - 01520k91/1/020k32k
Planet Pain DecayingNurgle1900k111/2/020k0 - 22110k191/3/060k35k
DverganeDwarf1810k161/3/080k1 - 01960k112/1/040k29k
Death KarmaChaos Chosen1810k100/0/130k1 - 21840k191/3/060k25k
Hell GranniesAmazon1730k154/0/020k1 - 11730k90/0/060k32k
NihontōChaos Chosen1910k142/0/030k1 - 21990k345/4/170k32k
Dark Hooded Frog MongersDark Elf1420k130/0/0120k1 - 01410k31/0/00k23k
[B]astion Of MothsDark Elf2010k212/2/160k1 - 01910k60/1/070k27k
Death KarmaChaos Chosen2020k91/1/070k0 - 21780k232/2/220k35k
Sir HumphreyLizardmen1930k274/1/150k3 - 01800k101/1/010k30k
Laget runt!Lizardmen1990k182/2/030k1 - 01900k153/1/110k28k
Northern PygmiesDwarf2050k263/1/030k3 - 01800k80/0/130k33k
Rc ToulouseChaos Chosen2100k193/1/030k2 - 01910k151/2/230k29k
NihontōChaos Chosen2010k121/1/060k1 - 12040k122/0/030k32k
Puchheim RangersHuman2130k163/1/060k1 - 11920k130/1/160k37k
Rc ToulouseChaos Chosen2070k150/2/150k2 - 12200k203/2/170k31k
Tym razem sie udaOrc1940k232/3/070k2 - 11850k150/2/110k30k
Fight Chaos With ChaosChaos Chosen1840k161/3/060k1 - 11800k171/3/060k37k
ShadowcrowsWood Elf2080k263/1/250k3 - 01920k120/2/030k29k
AkenatopoulorsNurgle2090k191/2/150k2 - 02020k143/1/140k36k
Beasts in BlackChaos Chosen2190k224/1/080k2 - 12280k295/0/520k34k
Que Te Muerdo!!Vampire2300k246/1/050k2 - 02010k60/0/060k32k
Bresio CewiNurgle2360k234/2/060k2 - 01990k50/0/060k32k
Uglys [B]Lizardmen2230k243/4/160k1 - 21860k172/0/130k42k
Graveyard near the ForestNecromantic Horror2240k173/2/130k0 - 11630k143/0/070k35k
Klappe die zweiteChaos Chosen2250k173/1/060k2 - 02250k151/4/040k35k
Punji StakesChaos Chosen2240k152/1/040k2 - 02340k163/2/060k31k
Dirty Little DinosLizardmen2220k254/2/170k2 - 11890k162/1/150k35k
No Mighty Blow Nurgle [R]Nurgle2300k150/1/170k2 - 12050k100/1/060k36k
For Those A[B]out To RotNurgle2370k315/5/250k2 - 12290k141/0/230k34k
News TeamDark Elf2340k213/2/080k2 - 11990k171/1/250k42k
Rata BlancaSkaven2390k92/1/040k0 - 22040k120/0/050k37k
Wooden UndertakerWood Elf2380k214/2/210k1 - 21810k121/1/060k32k
[B]lack OozeNurgle2450k232/4/170k1 - 02230k90/2/020k30k
Scarfaced NufflersChaos Dwarf2460k214/1/060k2 - 12320k162/2/130k31k
ImhotepTomb Kings2370k253/2/270k2 - 11780k142/0/240k39k
Bearded Roller VIIDwarf2410k204/2/080k2 - 11950k283/3/450k40k
Lammer HereticsChaos Dwarf2180k70/0/160k0 - 21750k296/1/250k35k
dwarfs chaos Chaos Dwarf2040k174/1/040k1 - 12040k110/0/150k38k
HatarnaNecromantic Horror2070k234/0/270k2 - 11850k141/1/120k33k
D3Tomb Kings2090k184/0/250k1 - 01830k70/0/060k33k
WMD's in The BoxChaos Chosen1850k142/1/040k1 - 21810k232/0/450k38k
BoxcuttersChaos Chosen1710k172/0/140k2 - 11880k121/0/140k39k
Nightmare NorseNorse1730k284/1/070k4 - 01570k50/0/040k32k
Nightmare NorseNorse1760k251/1/070k5 - 01390k50/0/030k25k
Cathay CobrasHuman1920k245/1/070k2 - 01760k80/1/010k31k
allez les versNurgle1680k184/0/150k1 - 12130k122/1/030k37k
Awesome JetratsSkaven1950k101/1/030k0 - 31930k181/0/030k37k
Rumpels ChaosbrigadeChaos Chosen1950k50/0/020k0 - 21980k192/2/070k30k
Finas Señoritas ArenaDwarf1880k143/0/060k1 - 11870k123/0/060k36k
Grim Nibbling MonstersNecromantic Horror2070k265/3/070k1 - 01900k60/0/030k35k
duromalOrc2100k163/1/180k1 - 02070k131/1/230k39k
El SéquitoChaos Chosen1910k194/1/180k1 - 12040k221/5/160k35k
SchnuckenChaos Chosen1840k255/0/260k2 - 01810k81/0/050k31k
les tapes durDwarf2020k121/0/180k1 - 01930k131/1/220k34k
VonizmoNurgle1960k161/2/170k1 - 21990k231/3/270k36k
Asuryan's PhoenicesHigh Elf1580k70/0/160k0 - 21530k161/0/130k37k
Greeen MashineOrc1790k202/2/070k2 - 01860k93/0/110k26k
Sent from HellNurgle1760k242/4/130k3 - 01780k50/0/020k28k
Steroids AbusersChaos Renegade1820k154/0/130k0 - 11760k130/2/070k27k
Necro experimentNecromantic Horror1600k201/0/340k2 - 11590k80/0/060k34k
UT Big HatsChaos Dwarf1820k244/1/260k3 - 01810k81/0/030k28k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1900k152/0/220k1 - 21990k160/1/170k34k
FrogstiesSlann1900k233/3/140k1 - 22080k140/1/050k36k
Killhem HalleChaos Chosen1900k130/2/230k0 - 21900k211/3/120k26k
Samhain StranglersUnderworld Denizens1490k304/2/150k3 - 01460k80/1/010k25k
midnight expresssNecromantic Horror1650k182/3/050k1 - 21670k192/2/150k32k
Another Rotten TeamNurgle1710k191/2/130k2 - 01670k141/2/130k32k
$Death Jesters$Chaos Chosen1690k214/1/080k2 - 01580k71/0/040k24k
Fractal CrewChaos Chosen1700k191/3/070k2 - 01710k60/0/030k32k
Return of the RatzSkaven1730k212/1/060k3 - 21810k152/0/020k30k
$Death Jesters$Chaos Chosen1780k232/0/270k3 - 01800k111/1/140k40k
Lammer HereticsChaos Dwarf1840k172/2/040k2 - 01540k60/0/050k35k
Mazmorrianos Killer TeamChaos Chosen1850k143/1/030k1 - 11890k190/4/130k34k
Peace And Love FreaksChaos Chosen1680k193/1/160k1 - 11690k120/2/020k37k
Another Rotten TeamNurgle1830k273/3/240k2 - 01790k133/1/040k35k
Horrors CircusNurgle1830k181/2/270k1 - 01870k50/0/030k32k
Dune DwellersTomb Kings1840k192/2/050k2 - 11650k102/0/010k33k
Run-AmuckChaos Chosen1920k101/1/020k0 - 11960k181/4/080k37k
A ShortageDwarf1450k173/1/080k2 - 01360k91/1/060k39k
Slime BaronsNurgle1950k192/1/150k2 - 12070k162/2/050k41k
Woeful WondersDark Elf1550k120/3/070k0 - 21900k141/0/040k37k
Another Rotten TeamNurgle1910k170/3/030k2 - 01990k192/5/060k34k
Smashing OrcsesOrc1530k111/0/070k1 - 01510k70/0/150k36k
Let me entertain uTomb Kings1960k211/2/250k2 - 12000k101/0/070k39k
Birria Banditos BBLChaos Chosen1970k151/1/060k2 - 01850k50/1/040k28k
Bloodshed MunichChaos Renegade2010k194/1/030k1 - 11610k160/3/170k39k
El Drizzto and the GangDark Elf1950k81/1/060k0 - 22040k170/0/240k39k
RashChaos Chosen2030k113/0/060k0 - 22180k172/0/120k32k
Snoots and Trotters BBLOrc1990k194/0/140k1 - 11910k120/1/180k35k
Clar Karond Cripplers Dark Elf1980k133/1/010k0 - 11800k80/1/060k33k
Ruette AsylumWood Elf1990k195/1/160k0 - 31950k150/0/070k29k
Snoots and Trotters BBLOrc2040k152/1/060k1 - 12010k140/2/270k32k
(B)ave NurgleNurgle2000k91/0/140k0 - 21960k252/2/360k28k
Snoots and Trotters BBLOrc2000k130/1/170k1 - 02370k122/1/030k28k
Eat FistsDwarf2030k212/2/140k2 - 02170k70/0/140k32k
Zahrr-Naggrund AvengersChaos Dwarf1860k193/2/170k2 - 01830k51/0/020k35k
Air FrogsSlann1850k120/1/260k1 - 01600k91/0/150k30k
Teachers of the True TeachingDark Elf1930k71/1/050k0 - 12370k90/0/080k29k
WMD's in The BoxChaos Chosen1890k152/1/060k2 - 02120k60/0/020k33k
Hessens ClownsLizardmen1920k265/2/160k3 - 21960k131/0/050k28k
Luckville DodgersWood Elf1960k132/2/040k0 - 22420k110/0/040k37k
Ruette AsylumWood Elf1970k112/0/010k1 - 31910k160/1/060k35k
Acapulco LeapersSlann1920k70/1/060k0 - 11860k100/0/080k31k
What it is all aboutDark Elf2140k262/4/140k2 - 12130k120/0/060k28k
Der Dark Green Tide in da BoxOrc2160k132/0/060k1 - 22130k211/1/380k33k
Montani Semper LiberiDwarf1980k101/0/050k1 - 12040k204/2/020k33k
[BBT] Egyptian SocksTomb Kings1790k132/0/230k0 - 11780k141/1/230k27k
La Famiglia RossoShambling Undead1660k110/1/050k1 - 11600k163/0/220k27k
Dead and [B]uriedNecromantic Horror1450k122/0/010k1 - 21490k110/0/060k28k
Big Guns n Little GuysOgre1450k163/1/080k1 - 01470k70/1/040k23k
[BBT] Dancing KingsElven Union1500k182/1/070k2 - 21510k150/0/140k36k
Middenheim Sell SwordsOld World Alliance1510k193/1/070k2 - 11660k90/0/020k37k
[BT3] Parravon CrusadersWood Elf1610k174/0/010k1 - 21570k120/0/050k28k
Leghorn leisure lizardLizardmen1620k192/2/060k2 - 01500k91/1/060k27k
Washington Red WolvesNecromantic Horror1720k70/0/150k0 - 21720k150/2/070k32k
Filthy Flood BrotherhoodSkaven1410k182/1/070k2 - 21530k172/1/020k29k
PudukhNurgle1580k131/0/080k2 - 01540k71/1/020k22k
Up The Irons !Shambling Undead1630k132/0/020k1 - 21700k132/0/040k36k
Lothern Lords [bbt2]High Elf1760k152/1/050k1 - 11770k131/0/060k23k