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The six chaosdwarves are the core of the Terratrasherz. They are friendly and warm-hearted, they've caused only few casualties (until now), and their favourite spare time occupations are playing bumble-puppy and pounding, breaking, splitting, moulding, flaying, prodding and generally molesting small amounts of soil,- hence the teamname.
Since their childhood they have all been friends of the immense hobgoblin family the Snotmaulers. As the dwarves concieved the idea of forming a BloodBowl team they immediately convinced some of the Snotmauler-sons, that it would be great fun playing on the team. The Snotmaulers agreed, and after pooling their modest savings they were able to hire the two dutch starplayers Bruthus Beenhakker and Vron Dikkelijk. Later the Snotmaulers' stepaunt Ophelia has showed up feeling sure, that her mashing- and kneading-abilities will prove their worth... The team is now fully equipped and ready to meet and chat to all opponents coming in the way.

The dwarves however have recently begun grumbling about "dem horsies scoring all da goals and ripping all da nice enemies to bits", but until now they haven't had the guts to expel "da horsies"....

Update - 08.06.2004:
For some reasons the Terratrasherz have found themselves mysteriously attracted to a German coach named Pilsbier. He's designed their new teamlogo displaying the ancient dwarven king Gorm Goldpatter, who was so obliging and gentle that he eventually drowned in pink icing. Their gratitude towards Pilsbier will last forever.

Update - 04.09.2007:
After nearly 1½ year of drinking, snoring and generally forgetting everything about how to play bloodbowl the Terratrasherz suddenly saw themselves challenged by a bunch of half-naked men from the north - some of them wearing tusks on their heads. Terratrasherz took this opportunity to get in shape again and entered the field with high morale but alas - after 16 embarassing turns of getting hurt and not being able to score they lurked back into the calming dark of the locker rooms. Noone knows if Terratrasherz will ever enter the field again.

Update - 13.10.2007
After some serious rebuilding and five wins in a row the Terratrasherz have decided to have a go at the Fumbbl Cup this year. The mere thought of letting a friendly little elf join the team filled the hearts of the dwarves with joy and now the whole team is anxious to see if they'll make it.

Update - 21.10.2007
So much for taking part in another major. After getting a beating by four mummies, Ramtut and their skellie friends the Terratrasherz now again found themselves without anything to do. As a consequence Bruthus Beenhakker the bull was fired because of his aching back and lack of amour and his son was immedately hired for the team. Hopefully he'll live up to his father's deeds.

Update 02.01.2008
Terratrasherz have tried in vain to get ready for the Warpstone Open as both bulls desperately wanted to get Two Heads. But they've learnt their lesson: never accept preparation matches from coaches you know who want to "help" the team getting ready. One dead bull and a SI hobgob in a match vs Baffer's friendly dark elves and goodbye WO for the Terratrasherz.
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Bull Centaur
6 4 2 9
Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull
Break Tackle, Block
  3 0 4 0 0 1 17/31 170k
Bull Centaur
6 4 2 9
Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull
Break Tackle, Block
  13 1 5 0 2 1 25/31 170k
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Big Guy, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regenerate, Throw Team Mate
Pro, Guard, Multiple Block
  40 0 0 0 10 3 35/51 170k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  17 0 1 0 0 2 13/16 90k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  43 0 2 0 5 2 26/31 110k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  23 0 0 0 1 2 12/16 90k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  18 0 1 0 2 2 17/31 110k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  15 0 1 1 0 1 10/16 90k
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  40 0 0 0 7 2 24/31 110k
6 3 3 7   5 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
6 3 3 7
Kick, Block, Pass Block
  42 3 5 0 1 4 40/51 100k
6 3 3 7   7 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
6 3 3 7
Block, Sure Hands, Dodge
  32 5 2 0 2 4 35/51 110k
6 3 3 7   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
14 players  
Coach: DonKosak Re-Rolls (140k): 5  
Race: Chaos Dwarf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 2  
Treasury: 160k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1950k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:44 (16/13/15) |TD Diff:3 (57 - 54) |Cas Diff:-27 (33/18/13 - 42/36/13)
Last Opponent: Soldiers from Holywood

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Little RuntzDwarf1000k180/2/040k3 - 01080k102/0/070k47k
Gelnesh Iron FistOrc1080k130/1/060k2 - 01080k102/0/070k75k
Killers of Karaz KrakhunDwarf1180k110/0/090k2 - 21060k132/1/050k61k
Stoneage WorriersLizardmen1290k100/0/150k1 - 11190k153/1/070k64k
Nocturnal NightmareChaos1370k111/0/040k1 - 11720k101/0/020k59k
Hobro HangaroundsHuman1420k141/1/150k1 - 31750k211/0/180k76k
BibelenNurgle's Rotters1430k130/1/050k2 - 11630k111/0/150k62k
Twilligt SabreChaos1510k131/0/050k2 - 01460k50/0/030k53k
Team SportsHuman1520k80/0/050k1 - 01570k121/2/030k80k
Brno broachersHuman1560k101/0/040k1 - 11730k90/0/070k79k
Recordable for single useUndead1610k121/1/070k1 - 01670k80/1/010k59k
Red DevilorcsOrc1710k181/1/020k3 - 01530k61/0/030k49k
Ultars bottom feedersDwarf1730k101/0/060k1 - 11640k110/1/020k60k
Bleeder'sChaos Chosen1750k173/0/070k2 - 21880k140/0/040k65k
La TunaChaos Chosen1860k130/1/150k1 - 11630k121/3/040k75k
Growing Gold TeethDwarf1940k60/0/030k2 - 12010k122/0/00k38k
Dans! Dans! Dans!Skaven1890k172/0/170k2 - 21930k130/0/070k81k
ThingsChaos Dwarf1990k131/0/070k2 - 11970k100/1/030k77k
Oort's AbominationsOrc2000k101/0/020k1 - 12080k110/1/030k70k
Mandinka TribeChaos Dwarf2060k111/0/010k1 - 22320k190/3/120k77k
Northwest NormalistsHuman1930k122/0/070k1 - 21970k170/2/040k89k
Reign in blood VChaos Dwarf1950k90/0/040k1 - 42310k212/0/130k78k
Bash TownNorse1960k153/0/220k0 - 11840k211/2/240k63k
Enrico Polacco Action RangersChaos1540k91/0/030k0 - 31420k181/1/050k57k
Raging RazorbacksOrc1590k161/0/050k3 - 01610k161/2/170k72k
SuperdinoLizardmen1670k130/0/020k2 - 41370k180/0/050k72k
Lv246Chaos Dwarf1650k91/0/150k0 - 11680k110/1/150k76k
I will notOrc1620k284/2/170k3 - 02270k80/1/010k74k
Amadora BeastsChaos1750k143/0/070k1 - 01790k90/2/020k69k
Graveyard HussarsUndead1860k130/0/120k2 - 02140k60/0/010k66k
Wood ElfesWood Elf1920k160/2/090k2 - 11970k163/0/070k127k
HoellenzombiesUndead2040k140/1/160k2 - 11690k121/0/040k85k
RodbetorsOrc2130k100/1/00k1 - 12330k163/1/00k79k
Zelbold Eezy LarddzOrc2150k100/1/040k1 - 22030k191/2/050k113k
Hungry Hungry HobosOrc2200k50/0/040k0 - 11870k100/0/030k74k
We play everyoneTomb Kings2240k80/1/170k0 - 11910k123/3/070k115k
Atletiko Herrero BBCDwarf2170k110/0/150k1 - 12190k121/0/150k64k
SnackratsSkaven1900k70/1/030k0 - 02370k92/0/020k89k
Men Who keep Their PromisesDark Elf1900k00/0/00k0 - 32240k250/0/160k99k
Edgeslammer SledgehammerDwarf1760k80/0/060k1 - 21610k183/0/070k73k
Highway to Hell's Bell'sChaos Chosen1830k61/0/070k0 - 31820k242/1/140k81k
Lustrian LuvviesWood Elf1900k141/1/150k1 - 11930k130/2/010k59k
poppohauerOrc1990k130/0/070k2 - 02300k120/1/240k66k
Soldiers from HolywoodOrc2080k101/0/040k1 - 22310k191/1/020k69k