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FeARR the BombardiARR
Retired [B] Goblin

Many thanks to albaceleste for team logo.

SprintARR Season 5 (42 points - 7/5/4, 10th overall, 1st Goblins, Goblin sprint record broken in Season 10 by us)
SprintARR Season 8 (36 points - 6/2/8, 24th overall, 3rd Goblins)
SprintARR Season 10 (43 points - 7/6/3, 9th overall, 1st Goblins, Stunty WinARR)
SprintARR Season 13 (29 points - 3/4/9, 7th Goblins)
SprintARR Season 14 (40 points - 6/6/4, 9th overall, 1st Goblins, Stunty WinARR, tied the inflicted cas record for Goblins - 48)

The only stunty team with 5 ARR sprints (29/23/28) and three top 10 badges!

Black Box Brawl CLIV exit R1
FUMBBL B Minor MW VIII-2 exit R2
Black Box Brawl CLXVIII exit R1
Black Box Brawl CLXXXI exit R1
Black Box Brawl CLXXXIX semifinalists
Black Box Brawl CCXXVIII exit R1 (crushed by the Gombardeirs)
FUMBBL Cup XV exit R2 (0-1)

Tourney Record : 2-7

My first team to reach 69 games.


MEMORABLE PLAYERS (in order of disappearance):
'Flying High' Lucy

'The TD machine' Tzigidiglon

'The Rock' Karbahal

'Fanatic at heARRt' Gagalouloud

'Cas Box' Koulis

'The saw MastARR' Sigooney

Lucky Bomb

We need a hero!

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  9 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  5 0 1 0 0 1 8/ 70k
6 2 2 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
-ag 20 0 1 0 1 0 5/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
Side Step
  23 0 0 0 0 3 15/ 60k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  16 0 0 0 1 0 2/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  22 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
Dirty Player, Sneaky Git, Side Step
  92 0 1 0 0 9 48/ 110k
6 2 3 7
Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stunty
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 40k
6 2 3 7
Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon, Stunty
Side Step
  31 0 1 0 0 2 13/ 60k
8 4 3 7
Dodge, Leap, Stunty, Very Long Legs
+MA, Sure Feet, +ST, +ST, Side Step
  29 0 25 0 2 2 89/ 240k
5 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
Side Step
-ma 50 0 1 0 0 2 13/ 60k
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
  3 0 0 0 1 1 7/ 130k
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
Break Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm, Block, Strong Arm
  94 0 0 0 45 5 115/ 220k
15 players  
Coach: cdassak Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Goblin Fan Factor: 6  
Current Team Value: 1520k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 40k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1520k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:126 (38/33/55) |TD Diff:-44 (141 - 185) |Cas Diff:-218 (177/76/34 - 354/116/35)
Last Opponent: Grungni's Grumblers

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Chotos y Otros AnimalesChaos Chosen990k72/0/020k0 - 21030k130/0/180k11k
Uzkulak LammasusChaos Dwarf950k170/3/050k2 - 1950k122/0/020k18k
Skunk in the BoxLizardmen1010k51/1/120k0 - 21040k172/1/080k14k
[B]arattoliDwarf980k130/1/150k2 - 0990k50/0/040k18k
Confrérie ElfiqueHigh Elf1050k101/2/030k1 - 11040k193/1/020k16k
Return of the JockNorse1060k171/3/080k2 - 11110k101/0/050k18k
Brussels GiantDwarf1170k80/0/060k1 - 11150k183/1/070k21k
This is not our first timeShambling Undead1180k143/0/010k1 - 21150k174/0/090k21k
Hamfisted OrcansmashersOrc1220k161/0/050k3 - 11100k110/1/010k24k
LS DrölfzehnHigh Elf1290k202/2/080k3 - 11310k220/4/260k21k
Come Gatti Sull'AureliaHuman1090k81/0/130k1 - 11150k101/0/040k20k
A un metro sobre el suelo BBCDwarf1310k120/0/060k2 - 21320k212/3/060k29k
Dark hearts, no feelingsDark Elf1160k160/1/060k3 - 31100k181/1/050k17k
Peaux-VertesOrc1340k163/0/060k3 - 01330k50/0/010k20k
Carneros PecadoresChaos Chosen1420k71/0/060k0 - 11340k162/1/120k30k
[BB]Corpse DanceNecromantic Horror1380k81/0/040k0 - 21350k194/0/030k24k
Rampant RazorsChaos Chosen1410k172/1/140k2 - 11520k101/0/050k26k
DinnARRs ReadyVampire1440k142/0/130k1 - 3930k161/0/040k20k
sangrientos IIVampire1260k131/0/040k2 - 11290k121/0/050k29k
RebellinElven Union1450k130/1/060k2 - 11380k101/0/060k23k
Bloodshed MunichChaos Renegade1450k72/0/040k0 - 11670k184/0/160k33k
We Want To Kill EweDwarf1400k72/0/070k0 - 21340k237/0/040k24k
Dead EuropeNecromantic Horror1410k110/0/070k2 - 21420k191/3/060k37k
Ugluks UsurpersOrc1290k71/0/040k0 - 21310k183/0/260k29k
Ragnarok-n-RollNorse1230k101/0/160k1 - 01250k70/1/070k17k
die an other dayNecromantic Horror1280k91/1/060k0 - 21240k173/0/080k25k
Madness to the MethodElven Union1340k194/1/040k2 - 11360k131/1/030k28k
Mugging BandChaos Renegade1340k81/0/050k1 - 01320k172/2/240k30k
Lammer HereticsChaos Dwarf1240k150/2/150k2 - 01060k143/1/050k30k
Evil Wheel of FortuneDwarf1360k71/0/060k0 - 21420k234/2/030k34k
Evil Wheel of FortuneDwarf1330k131/0/070k2 - 21490k212/2/170k25k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1320k80/0/040k1 - 22080k246/1/140k29k
LS DrölfzehnHigh Elf1310k152/0/070k2 - 01450k80/0/040k29k
Hacienda Heights DriftersHuman1400k51/0/020k0 - 41590k284/1/070k32k
River Plate studentHuman1340k80/0/070k1 - 11330k142/0/170k22k
Hotline MiamiElven Union1390k185/3/010k1 - 21410k142/1/080k28k
Sinners of MorkOrc1400k130/1/060k2 - 11420k151/1/160k31k
Competitive DrinkersDwarf1390k123/0/030k1 - 21620k256/0/150k33k
ShowoffTomb Kings1420k100/1/130k0 - 21670k263/3/170k25k
⚡⚡ Burn All The Babies ⚡⚡Chaos Dwarf1340k102/1/030k1 - 21370k225/0/050k27k
Muscle and MastermindsOgre1400k194/0/070k2 - 11510k224/2/140k27k
Embrace HonorHigh Elf1250k141/2/060k1 - 41680k251/2/060k28k
Dudes With BlockNorse1210k93/1/040k0 - 31350k244/1/070k31k
CaponataChaos Dwarf1380k81/0/040k1 - 11340k122/0/040k33k
Mutants and RelevantsDwarf1290k50/2/020k0 - 11340k194/0/160k23k
roulDwarf1410k81/0/070k1 - 11420k267/0/150k30k
AristorettiliLizardmen1280k151/0/090k1 - 01160k20/2/10k28k
Artists Of ChaosChaos Chosen1420k71/0/070k0 - 11460k215/2/070k30k
New Order of ChaosChaos Renegade1250k92/0/150k0 - 01310k154/1/040k34k
NassosNurgle1500k71/0/030k0 - 11310k132/0/080k31k
Sports Day StarsHuman1320k123/1/150k1 - 01360k71/0/040k27k
Slaves of Slaanesh(Bb)Chaos Chosen1520k112/0/070k2 - 11540k184/2/040k30k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1440k80/1/050k1 - 01460k173/2/120k31k
Scions of BaalHuman1440k112/0/030k1 - 11400k151/2/040k32k
Rat inna BoxSkaven1470k162/0/040k2 - 01400k123/0/010k35k
Sons of BrutusHuman1560k80/0/020k1 - 31550k294/2/070k34k
Dioses CaídosShambling Undead1440k140/1/080k3 - 21760k173/0/020k33k
25th LegionNurgle1390k80/1/020k1 - 11590k204/1/120k28k
Ingenious InbredsChaos Dwarf1440k82/0/050k1 - 01520k152/2/110k29k
Cypress Hill South AmericaShambling Undead1330k50/0/040k0 - 21330k173/1/050k29k
Nordiques de QCChaos Dwarf1460k102/0/070k1 - 11410k184/1/080k33k
EtARRrnal Green ChampionsGoblin1430k142/0/260k1 - 11300k103/1/060k30k
Madness to the MethodElven Union1450k70/2/140k0 - 31600k171/0/060k30k
Le 12ème Elément!Chaos Chosen1550k133/1/040k2 - 21510k236/0/040k32k
[B] Moria MinersDwarf1590k80/0/040k1 - 11560k244/2/160k25k
GoblinsmillyGoblin1440k111/0/050k2 - 11520k186/1/060k21k
Cold Killing MachineNorse1430k193/2/050k2 - 01400k70/0/030k32k
GombardeirsGoblin1520k133/1/140k2 - 51540k282/3/150k21k
Goblins de AlcantarillaUnderworld Denizens1170k110/1/070k2 - 21180k171/1/130k17k
Love [B]oatChaos Dwarf1420k153/0/040k2 - 01430k113/1/070k28k
Walking The DeadsShambling Undead1400k142/0/140k1 - 21450k204/2/070k27k
⎝⓿⏝⓿⎠Pistons Snake 55ersChaos Renegade1440k112/0/020k1 - 11490k187/0/020k22k
ParrokistasDark Elf1470k53/0/050k0 - 31460k191/1/070k27k
Return_Of_MezzetaDwarf1410k71/0/160k0 - 11400k205/1/060k27k
Too Soon Suicide SquadUnderworld Denizens1450k142/2/050k1 - 11410k234/3/040k18k
DogfightARRsElven Union1410k50/1/040k0 - 51530k262/0/070k25k
Salt River RaidersElven Union1540k71/2/030k0 - 31410k224/1/020k30k
Hospital HeroesHigh Elf1520k81/0/050k1 - 21490k244/0/140k26k
Redwood Sons of AnarchyHuman1500k122/0/160k1 - 11480k142/1/080k25k
Average MediocrityHuman1430k131/1/120k1 - 31430k181/1/050k30k
Groans Of GormenghastHuman1450k142/1/060k1 - 01320k91/1/050k26k
Rising PharaosTomb Kings1500k50/0/010k0 - 31590k245/5/060k28k
AbhorrentDwarf1350k142/0/140k2 - 11310k163/1/050k24k
Come HitherNurgle1370k51/1/050k0 - 22490k318/4/040k35k
Woodies of Mass Distraction Wood Elf1390k151/1/070k2 - 21420k173/0/050k34k
SamarcandaDwarf1530k60/1/030k0 - 31530k245/0/050k30k
Tyrion's DisciplesDwarf1550k82/0/060k1 - 21550k173/0/020k32k
Puget Sound Pounders BBLDwarf1550k71/0/030k0 - 21560k245/0/130k30k
Underworld VillainessesUnderworld Denizens1540k120/2/020k1 - 21560k224/2/050k20k
Zorritas con alasHigh Elf1480k141/1/180k2 - 11370k80/0/040k18k
SlowPackersDwarf1490k90/0/060k1 - 21490k316/3/020k29k
Prune SalamandersSlann1480k120/1/130k1 - 21460k183/0/070k28k
It'sDarkInTheBoxDark Elf1480k160/4/010k1 - 31570k182/1/050k30k
Los B0B0X Ogre1420k193/0/190k2 - 01400k133/1/040k22k
Rat-Cing KrépitSkaven1390k155/0/150k2 - 01410k101/1/020k32k
Let me entertain uTomb Kings1440k80/0/060k1 - 21720k338/3/050k33k
Redwood Sons of AnarchyHuman1360k93/0/150k0 - 31360k232/1/070k32k
Green Wave Skull StackersOrc1390k81/0/160k1 - 11380k143/0/030k30k
5ème ElementChaos Chosen1520k71/0/010k0 - 11550k143/0/040k24k
Iron Maiden KillersChaos Chosen1520k163/1/060k1 - 11550k173/1/060k19k
Bomb ErsChaos Renegade1430k106/0/050k1 - 01630k123/0/070k27k
Le Stade ToulousainChaos Renegade1440k141/1/150k1 - 11400k142/1/160k27k
Terrible Trade-elves BBLElven Union1430k51/0/030k0 - 11390k192/1/060k20k
Frenzied MadmenNorse1430k102/0/150k1 - 11330k162/2/020k25k
Greatest of all Time aka GOATChaos Chosen1390k102/0/070k1 - 11290k121/0/160k29k
Rectangular PyramidsTomb Kings1430k80/0/120k1 - 21440k172/1/060k23k
5ème ElementChaos Chosen1420k71/2/010k0 - 11450k204/1/140k27k
Pure Amurika PatriotsNurgle1420k101/1/050k1 - 21400k193/1/070k25k
Auryl Killers IIDark Elf1320k161/2/060k3 - 21290k130/0/040k20k
MetaBoxARRRs!Vampire1460k132/2/070k2 - 11470k151/2/060k28k
Dead Man Walking HereNecromantic Horror1390k93/0/020k0 - 11400k101/0/070k26k
5ème ElementChaos Chosen1420k173/1/060k2 - 01420k155/0/060k22k
trecias kartas nemeluojaUnderworld Denizens1420k193/1/140k2 - 21370k224/1/070k22k
-Blorck N´Rollers- B0XOrc1430k81/0/030k1 - 21470k131/0/080k29k
Puppets of DhumuvatiNurgle1470k120/1/170k1 - 11430k122/0/030k29k
no martiresShambling Undead1480k111/0/040k2 - 11620k165/1/040k24k
Blackbox HerosChaos Dwarf1500k102/0/030k1 - 11500k163/1/080k30k
⎝⓿⏝⓿⎠Pistons Snake 55ersChaos Renegade1510k174/0/120k2 - 11930k174/0/120k32k
Gloria Urali BadgersSkaven1490k192/1/270k2 - 21470k151/0/070k34k
GrimlordsChaos Dwarf1470k123/0/060k1 - 11500k102/0/020k24k
mokslaiNurgle1540k111/0/150k2 - 01570k132/2/050k28k
Villaraeliae BBC BBLGoblin1510k102/1/070k1 - 11500k184/2/020k32k
Cuchillos de cerdosDwarf1530k80/0/010k1 - 21810k224/0/280k27k
Kolkar ClanChaos Dwarf1430k121/2/020k1 - 21500k213/0/250k31k
Karond Kar murderes Dark Elf1540k110/0/050k2 - 31810k335/2/070k25k
Grungni's GrumblersDwarf1460k91/1/030k0 - 21440k174/0/080k32k