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This tribe of young orclings take to the Bloodbowling field hopeing to defeat every race that it is legal to play against under the eyes of Nuffle.
Game 1 v Khemri = 1-0 consession = won
Game 2 v Chaos Dwarf = 2-0 = won
Game 3 v Orc = 2-0 = won
Game 4 v Necro = 1-1 = draw need to play necro again
Game 5 v Dwarf = 2-0 = won
Game 6 v Chaos = 2-2 = sneeked a draw against many claws/RSC, play chaos again
Game 7 v Chaos Dwarf again = 4-0 = won, very silly coach
Game 8 v Undead = 1-0 = won, was a close 1 could have went iether way
Game 9 v Chaos = 1-0 won, still want revenge on paulhicks chaos
Game 10 v Wood Elfs = 1-1 = draw, they sneeked 16th turner, need a remach
Game 11 v Ogers = 1-1 = draw should have won this even though we got smashed remach needed
Game 12 v Rotters = 1-1 = draw again so close to the win but a devastating last 5 turn, need remach
Game 13 v Skaven = 2-1 = won
Game 14 v Vampires = 1-0 Consession = won


(Game 7 challenged some skaven with a slightly higher ts than me as we want to play all races not just bashy ones. The coach denied but challenged me with his chaos dwarfs,TS 111 while my ts was 141. I made it clear i would be more then happy to play MUHAHAHA but i must warn him of my 30 TS advantage. He said he was up for it. The result was amusing but he made us retire our 1st player so well done that man.)

(Game 11 took on Moonfevers grousome ogers. 1st game the unbeatable orcs have required the services of a star and Ripper was fine until the end of the 1st half when he was KOd to sleep it off. The 1st death this team has encounterd did not go down well when an Oger smashed the mighty Black Orc Jimmy Page to his death. Even more devistateing to the team was when The amazing Blitzer tripped over a gobbo and smashed his ankle threatening the stars career. Coach dedicating his appoth to George from now on. The team had the game in sight in turn 16 when to gobbos surounded Blitzer Kurt Kobain who was just meters away from a touchdown and he looked to of successfully dodged away from the gobbos and was makeing his way for the line when 1 of the sneeky little blighters dived and grabbed Kurts legs bringing him smashing to the ground, Result game saved by the little gobbo, 1-1 We need to play some weaker ogers hehe.)

Going into Game 12 the superior orcs are looking to be in the weakest position they have been in since game 1 v the Khemri. They only have 11 players and the big star is missing his 1st game and now has a seriose injury which will obviosely effect his teammates, DEFEAT LOOKS INEVITABLE

Game 12 could have destroyed the team, as the 11 unbeaten orcs came to the pitch to face the foul rotters the heat was unbearable not to mention 3 players had been struck with morleys revenge. Luckely they all started the kickoff. Things were bleek. The orcs kicked off and survived ok for the start.Even after 3 block ettemps on 1 foul rotter were all scared senseless and stepped back in fear. He Seemed like a deamon. (THEN NUFFLE SAID) the game is for you orcy power and they ko'd 4 players in the next 2 turns and managed to take control of the game. Mark looked safe with the ball when a wobbely looking ratfaced wizard clawed his away out of the rotters dugouts and blasted mark with, err, well , Nuffle knows. The blitzer was killed on the spot. With no star blitzer playing the coach decide the star on the field was mark and sent the appoth running to his assisstance with much success.We managed to hold off the 7 rotters and with only 1 ko' black orc we decided to stall play due to the heat and generally controlling the play. Dave strolled over for an 8th turn Touchdown.
unfortunately the heat got to Slash and morleys revenge struck takeing it back to 9 on 9 but with the ball and a lead we seemed good. After cageing Jeff with the ball we expected to make an easy TD to make it 2-o but a strange happening with the hand off left jeff somehow holding the ball(Rumours are Jeff got greedy again) still looking safe until the Foul Rotting beast wrapped its tentacles around Jeff stopping him makeing it 2-0. Then it decided to do something even worse which was to groosem to be mentioned here so lets just say the legennd that was Jeff has now been retired. Things went downhill from there and the Rotters managed to equalise 1-1. Another almost, not to mention Mark picking up an injury after the game in training. A new thrower must be brought in to replace Jeff while Mark can remain on the roster for now.

The unbeatable orcs were worried going into game 13 as they had 13 players but 2 of the blitzers including the star (George)have injuries now so only certain of 11 turning up, and the throer is a noob. We faced a sneaky looking Skaven squad with a speedy little MA10 gunner runneer and every1 ignored any niggle for a chance to get a hit at this 1. Instantly George grabbed the ball and was surrounded by the noob and his blitzer buddies. The rest of the team generally abuse the rats for fun and George scored easy turn 8. They scored pretty quickly afterwards.(After lucky KO wake ups) So george just did the same again. Even when any1 got close to him he just removed them from the field. Dave was speeding off for the line hopeing for a glory touchdown but George beeing the star that he is decided he was keeping that ball and did it all alone(Surrounded by 3 tough orcs and a Troll really, as usual)2-1, not much cash but yeehar, unstoppable orcs

Game 14 was a breeze, no injurie niggelsfrom iether player helped us face off the vamps, A team with 6 vamps looked scary but we toyed with the whole team. Coach saw his team takeing a pounding and looking to make it 2-0, he quickly conceded. Decided to Retire Mark (Blitzer) as we now have the cash to remove the young injured playert before it effects the teams performance. Hes another player to retire undefearted.

<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=5443734">

FF = 15 after only 9 games and they are still undefeated. I Think it will take Elves to beat them

Teams we have yet to play
Goblin, Human, Elf, Dark Elf, High Elf, Halfling, Amazons, Lizards, Norse

Teams we have played a draw with but need a remach to show them we are far superior orcling power
Necromanic, Wood Elf, Oger, Rotters

Teams we have played and allready beaten
Khemri, Chaos Dwarf x2, Orc, Dwarf, Undead, Chaos, Skaven, Vampire,

1st 11 skill rolls 5= normal, 4= +MA and 2+AG, god damm thy are a lucky team

Total Skill Rolls = 19
Normal Skill = 12
Double Skill = 1
+MA = 4
+AG = 2
+1 niggle 2rd skill
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Guard
  22 0 0 0 8 3 31/51 140k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
  13 0 1 0 0 2 13/16 100k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
Side Step, Block
  11 0 0 0 6 3 27/31 130k
7 3 4 10
+MA, +AG, +AV
  20 0 7 0 3 1 32/51 180k
6 3 3 9
Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle
  21 0 2 0 8 2 32/51 140k
6 3 3 9
  8 1 1 0 1 1 11/16 100k
5 3 4 9
+AG, Dodge
  22 4 5 0 1 0 21/31 120k
5 3 3 9
Dirty Player
  22 0 1 0 0 2 13/16 70k
5 3 3 8
Pass, Sure Hands
  7 5 0 0 0 1 10/16 90k
6 3 3 9
  6 0 1 0 0 0 3/6 80k
5 3 3 9
  21 0 1 0 1 1 10/16 70k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9   4 0 1 0 1 0 5/6 80k
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
  16 0 0 0 2 0 4/6 110k
13 players  
Coach: Rogermelly01 Re-Rolls (120k): 4  
Race: Orc Fan Factor: 11  
Current Team Value: 1810k (±710) Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 220k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1810k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:22 (11/8/3) |TD Diff:18 (35 - 17) |Cas Diff:11 (28/20/4 - 28/7/6)
Last Opponent: Amor en Kylemore