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North of the Lynsk

North of the Lynsk is were the real Kislev lies, far away from the Empire, safety and posh culture. The Kyazaks come at spring (if you could actually call it spring) so during the long, cold, dark winter the people of Dzhafarov prepare for war. They mend the palisade, sharpen their weapons, make ropes and clothes, tend their animlas et cetera. The hardy men and women of the North living with death on the doorstep has adopted well to their harsh surounding, "tomorrow we may be dead, so today we drink and eat and sing (Osman Marmedov, Hetman of Dzhafarov)".

Dzhafarov is not an important village, nor rich but it is a proud one. This simple encampment that has turned permanent has managed to withstand the Chaos onslaught, the relentless winter, time itself and the occasional Trolls wandering down from the Troll country. At times of the bigger Chaos invasions the people have had to flee down south but always have they returned. A great Hetman of the North knows when to order his people south and when to return. There is no shame in retreating but it is to have your people wiped out from history. Ask the next Roppsman you encounter. Traditionally the people of Dzhafarov compete in wresteling, riding or armed with bow or axe. This is good fun and the way of the Northen warrior. Lately the people of Dzhafarov have taken a liking to a new sport, namely Blood Bowl.
A blessing from the gods

It all started when the guide Zakir came back fto Dzhafarov with and odd looking inflated pig´s bladder. He litterary dragged Osman Marmedov out in the snow, rambling about blocks, fouls, running and passing some ball. Eventually Osman wrestled him to the ground and gave him some wine to drink. Later that night when Zakir had slept of the wine he told the tribe about this new fantastic sport he had witnessed on his journey. To make a long story short the people did not see the greatness at first but Zakir can be very stubborn and eventually came through to the Hetman. As Zakir saw it this was a brilliant opportunity to make a lot of gold while having fun and maybe kill a few of their sworn enemies meanwhile. Osman Marmedov was a wise man and Hetman, he knew that they needed gold to strenghten their defence and to stock up for the long winters ahead. Times where truly grim and this could actually be a blessing from the gods.

Since this was not a sport of the North there was apperently something called rules. This is still to this day a joke in Dzhafarov. Being naïve in the North gets you killed so they understood one thing. They had to travel South to find out more about the game if they wanted to get their hands on the gold of the South. After a Tribes meeting they agreed on sending Zakir, Aydin and Nadia Uneska to the big city of Erengrad to learn about Blood Bowl and those "rules". The party left with what gold the village could spare at the first sign of spring. The three companions did not return untill the first heavy snow storm swept over Dzhafarov. It had been quit an eventless spring and summer so when Nadia and the boys finally arrived there was naturally lots of exitement. Osman greeted his wife and the second in command in the meeting hall and when things had calmed down and food and wine had been served it was time to hear about the journey to Erengrad.
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Nadia Uneska first told the buzzing crowed that Zakir was actually right, there is rules to the game. "For those interested he will tell you all about it after I am done. We need a minimum of eleven men to participate and i say men since my suggestion is that you men go South to win some gold while we women tend to the defences and the village". This did not sit well with the men in the hall and Osman had to silence them with his booming voice. "Be still and let Nadia speak, being the wisest of us all I am sure she has a plan better then any of us dim wits could come up with". Nadia Uneska then told them her plan, about how the men whent South while the snow lay thick and no Maurauder or Troll would be on the move. When the worst of the snow storms had passed the men would sneak back into the encampment with weapons, armours, hides, whine and gold ready to defend their loved ones. This the men agreed to was both wise and cunning and they all raised their cups and drank to the wise and beutifull Nadia Uneska.

Now it was Zakirs time to speak and he told them quickly about the rules and that you needed to field eleven men at the begining of a game. He aslo told the astunned crowed that the Southeneers fielded ten men and an Ogre. This was of course unthinkable to do but once again Nadia with a womens wits and some gold in the right pockets had found a way to squeeze some extra raw muscles in the team. Since we up North would kill an Ogre on sight the comissionaries (with some gold in their pockets) had agreed upon that having one bear in the squad was agreable. As long as we had some kind of protection on the claws. Osman Marmedov now had that glowe in his eyes that he only got from rallying the troops for battle. He was full of wine, impressed by his wife and could almost taste the battles layed in front of him. Suddenly he stood up and looked straight at Boris Ursun "Boris will you and your lovely Miska join me and the rest of the men?". "With out a doubt Hetman" Boris said lifting his cup laughing and screamed "to Miska the Ogre". Now it was Zakirs turn to have the Hetmans eyes on him, "Zakir you cunning, stubborn boy, do we have a name yet?". Zakir stood up tall and cleared his throat "I hope you don´t mind Hetman but we kinda had to have a name to register the team so I had to give them something. I´m sure it can be changed if the Tribe does not like it". Osman was very curious and fired up now and yelled "enough of the excuses! I am sure you have been thinking of a name since the very first time you lay eyes on a game. Out with it boy!". Zakir nodded and said the "Bears of Dzhafarov!". The room fully exploaded with chantning, "THE BEARS OF DZHAFAROV, THE BEARS OF DZHAFAROV!". Later that night the Tribe had a feast well remembering and songs about the the "Bears of Dzhafarov" was made that are sung still today.

The very next morning all the men led by the zealous Zakir gathered outside to play their very first game of Blood Bowl. Still drunk and merry it must have been quit a sight for the women and children of Dzhafarov to watch the grown men roll around in the snow. They were fighting, singing and laughing. Zakir tried to shout instructions tightly holding the ball but nobody seems to focus on him nor the ball this morning.
Death of a man, birth of a team

After the some necromancers abominations killed fan favourite Tair Horzhe and turning him in to a zombie the Bears went frantic. They did not care much for the result and the game was lost 1-2 but when the dust settled two zombies where dead and another four creatures had been injured. After the game they held a cermonial burial for their fallen comrad followed by the traditional feast. Since they did not have Tairs body to burn they piled the two dead zombies on the fire so atleast their souls would come to rest. While the flames was sending out long thick tounges around her, Nadia Uneska started to speak. It almost look like she was set a blaze herself when she said "Today has been a grim day for Dzhafarov. Not only did we lose a good man, we could not give him a proper burial. I am very proud over the way you all got together and totally destroyed those responsible for the death of Tair Horzhe. This game defined us as a team and as a people. Long live Tair, long live Osman Marmedov and long live the Bears of Dzhafarov!" That night the people feasted long and hard but every single one of them showed up for practise the next day working harder then ever before.

HLC Standings
Season 22

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
7 3 3 8
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 90k
7 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 90k
5 5 2 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
Guard, Block
  18 0 0 0 4 2 18/31 190k
7 3 3 8
Guard, Dodge
  18 0 3 0 4 0 17/31 140k
6 3 4 8
Pass, Sure Hands
Block, Accurate, +AG
  14 5 4 0 4 2 35/51 150k
8 2 3 7
Catch, Dodge
  6 0 3 0 0 0 9/16 80k
6 3 3 8
Dirty Player
  18 1 0 0 1 2 13/16 70k
6 3 3 8
Guard, Block
  18 1 1 0 1 3 21/31 100k
6 3 3 8
  4 0 1 0 0 1 8/16 80k
6 3 3 8   2 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 50k
6 3 3 8
Dirty Player
  13 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 70k
11 players  
Coach: Shakall Re-Rolls (100k): 3  
Race: Human Fan Factor: 7  
Current Team Value: 1380k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 30k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1380k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:18 (9/3/6) |TD Diff:3 (22 - 19) |Cas Diff:16 (29/14/7 - 17/9/8)
Last Opponent: [B] Casualty Wolfenstein