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Lindisfarne Midnight Sons
P [L] Norse

"Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors. The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago."
  1. Skirnir's Saga

"We come from the land of the ice and snow..."
            1. Yimi & Robbyrt's Saga

Rookie member of the NWFL, Season VIII.

            1. ~~ (Deadline Wed. Nights!) ~~
            ~ Current Schedule //
            1. Deadline Calendar ~
              1. (~Forum Thread~)

The clergy of Lindisfarne, long grown weary of their own yearly festivities, offered to sponsor the 'Sons as a professional team, and their offer was accepted - after all, you can't guarantee a front table in Valhalla by just RIPing a few monks every summer...

(No DT Cards Ssn X)

  1. Season X: 8W - 3L - 1T
    1. (AWE in-Conference record: 1W-2L-1T)
      1. Pre-Season 3 (X): 4W - 0L - 0T (4-game Swiss pre-season)
        'SONS SWEEP PRE-SEASON to finish uncontested NUMBER ONE!!!

    Auld World Conference: East
o New South Wales (5-1-1; 10 tb & Win) & Loss!
o Nocturne Falls (4-2-1; 7 TB & Tie) & ____
o Crewe (4-1-2; 0 TB & Win) & ____
o Lindisfarne (4W-1T-2L; 2.5 tb) & ____
(2nd half)
o Game _8: 2-0 W v. *New South Wales Bushrangers* (via KO's. Now tied W/L, behind in TB pts)
o Game _9: 0-1 L v. Buenos Aires Titans (no WElfs out = tough defense)
o Game 10: 2-1 W v. Argentine Noldorins (bashfest on both sides, only 'Sons suffered a perm)
o Game 11: 2-1 W v. Mackville, WI Pro Bowlers (stupid loss of Ulf)
o Game 12: 2-1 W v. Argentinian Caudillos ( )
o Game 13: _-_ ? v. *Nocturne Falls Honey Badgers* ( )
o Game 14: _-_ ? v. *Crewe Railroader's* ( )

  1. Post Season-2 TV Cap Math:

    1. TV 1690 after releasing Knutr Knutrson and dropping to 2 RR.)
      ___+160 (Runner MNG)
      = _1850/1890 Cap (1850 + 20k from finishing 2nd overall in pre-season + 20k from winning Conference)
      o Starting Cash = 100k + 40k.

    1. Season 2 (IX): 9W - 3L - 2T (in progress)
      1. NWC record: 3W - 2L - 1T - Good enough to squeak in to win the Conference, but knocked out of post-season in Game 1.

By pure chance, LMS ends up in the same Conference, altho' this season by finishing #2 instead of #18...

NWC East w/ Seeding Order

  1. o #2 LMS
    o #15 Necropolis Priest Kings (khemri)
    o #18 Kansas Raptors (lizard)
    o #31 B.Aires Tangueros (c.pact)

In their 2nd Season, the 'Sons have a disastrous first half of the season (2W-2T-3L, 7:11 TD), but a stellar second (7-0-0, 14:1), and catch the Raptors by Game 12. Altho' the 'Sons had far more TB points and tie the head-to-head record, the early-season 0-3 loss to the Raptors gave away any tie-breaker in head-to-head TD diff. But the Raptors falter in their last games, and the 'Sons sweep to take the Division, allowing zero TD in their last 5 games and only 1 all 2nd half of the season!

Not only that, but the 'Sons look to be only 1 game out of winning the bye, needing the Guardians to lose their last game against last-place DElfs (which is always possible, but looking unlikely).

  1. Season 1st half, 2 vs. 7 (AWC WEST)
    AWC West
    7) Alethkar Shard Warriors W
    10) Slann Frogcisco 49ers L
    23) Surrey Serpents W
    26) Essen Exsanguinators T
    1. 2-2-3, 0-1-2 in division

    Season 2nd half, 2 vs. 8 (NWC WEST)
    NWC West
    8) Green Back Smackers W
    9) R'lyeh Regulars W
    23) Hollywood Roundup Gang W
    25) Saphery Poets W (replacing Shadowland Golds mid-season)
    1. 7-0-0, 3-0-0 in division

    1. Planz: Should get 3 "friendly" games - and imo I have no reason (atm) to play them any other way (i.e, no Pile On, no fouls, etc.)

      1. o 2 Loners to start - hire any who get spp.
        o 1 score w/ Runner = 31 spp & Sidestep (D = Guard?)
        o Score w/ (good) ulf when possible. 10 spp to next skill, so +5-6 would set up MVP.
        o Fluff pass for Egil = 6 spp lino
        o 2nd Runner??? (Needs 6 spp for Dodge... PLUS enough linos to protect him! 12th man??? 13th?!)

        Training Camp 1: v. Rot-Nucks (Nurgle). Runner scores (for SS), but more than planned, as Ulf never got into position to get ball. Egil did get fluff pass (for Fend). However... the inevitable came earlier than hoped for, and the -AV Ulf took another -AV, and so was replaced, setting back plans to buy a Runner by 110k.

        Training Camp 2: We drew the "click-thru" for Training Camp 2, so only 5 spp from that (on Bjarni, for 40 total). But no Thrown Rocks, and almost maxed the Gate roll, 80k on a 6 (only +1 Fame Factor).

        Training Camp 3: (nothing to report)

      The TC Game 2 click-thru was a mixed blessing - low SPP, but no Cas. Still, completed all Training Camp Goals except the 2nd Runner, which was a long-shot anyway (and required buying multiple linos).

      So (as it stands) Season 2 starts the pre-season Seeding with 9 players and 2 journeymen, inc. only 4 surviving original 'Sons and a rookie Ulf, and 120k in hand, still needing to buy (at least!) 3 linos and the 2nd Runner (a 240-290k prospect!).

      Pre-Season Seeding -
      LMS finishes 2nd, 3-1-0, carefully avoiding playing the Winchester Wrongdoers (who finished 4-0) and surviving the Shard Warriors in the last round. They (barely) win the tie-breaker against the only other 3-1 team, the Buenos Aires Titans, and finish just ahead of 3 3-0-1 teams, Nehekhara Guardians, Nocturne Falls Honey Badgers, and White Rock Midnight.

      The start the regular season at TV 1770(?) with 100,000k(?) in hand and 12(?) permanent players, including a rookie 2nd Runner (who MNG'd last game), and 5(6?) Linemen, including a recent +Ag/Sure Hands addition.

  1. 6W - 2L - 5T

NWC East w/ Seeding Order

  1. o #2 Seoul Eaterz (skaven)
    o #15 Nehekhara Guardians (khemri)
    o #18 LMS
    o #31 Argentine Noldorins (helf)

With no pre-season training, the true-rookie Midnight Sons went 2-0-2 pre-season (w/ the 2 losses to teams that would go on to win their divisions!). The 'Sons then went 6W - 2L - 5T in their rookie regular season (plus another "loss" that was never played and literally decided by a coin toss), missing out on post-season by only 1 win/loss, and only another W/L out of winning the close-fought Division outright.

The Midnight Sons started the season at TV 1000, with...

  1. o 2 Ulfs
    o 2 Blitzers
    o 1 Runner
    o 1 Troll
    o 2 RR's

... and a laundry list of early casualties on the horizon, losing an Ulf and their Runner almost immediately, followed quickly by 2 (new) Ulfs -AV, and a host of linemen lost over the season (6 killed outright, plus 2 more gimped and retired - see "Butcher Bill").

The 'Sons end the season with a true TV of 1640*, 3 RR, 10 players (inc. one 2-skill, -AV Ulf and a -MA Strip Ball lineman), and still not having bought their 2nd 90k Runner (but with 110k in the bank).
  1. (* Including one Loner, and before inter-season "Training Camp". Firing their -ma Strip Lino, they enter Training Camp with a true TV of 1620, including 2 Loners. Season IX Salary Cap = 1750 TV, + max 100k cash on top of that.)

    Note - as of Game 12, the team has crawled back from early disaster, and after surviving Game 13 appears(?!) to be not only on the mend but back in the hunt.

    But before then, in a very real sense, "I" happened to it, altho' at AV 7 Norse are never the most sturdy team. Never played Norse before - ever - and I, perhaps(!), have been a little careless with the unskilled players, and maybe(!) am marking a bit too much w/ AV 7, and too often do my best to win instead of just survive and build for my second season. As a result...

    (Starting Roster: 1 x Troll, 2 x Ulf, 2 x Blitzer, 1 x Runner, 5 x Lino, 0 cash.)

    1. Game 1: 10k Gate
      Game 2: 60k Gate, Lino RIP. Apo bought, 20k cash on hand.
      Game 3: 60k Gate, Runner RIP (& Ulf MNG)
      (...regular season starts...)
      Game 4: Lino -AV, retired (& 'Zerk & Lino MNG), hire Lino as replacement.
      > 0k in treasury.
      Game 5: 10k gate, 1 Ulf RIP, 2nd Ulf -AV (The Backbreaker)
      Game 6: 10k gate
      Game 7: 70k gate in a tie - almost enough for 2nd Ulf
      Game 8: 70k gate, Lino RIP

      > But... partially back on track, hiring an Ulf, plus exactly enough for an MVP Loner Lino, which will delay the next positional by at least a game - but spp are rare on this team at the moment.

      That leaves 0k in the Treasury, with the -AV Ulf to be replaced, plus a pair of Runners to be added, for 290k total, plus whatever other accidents happen on the road. Anything like a "full" roster is still a loooong way off...

      Game 9: New Ulf -AV. 80k Gate (= 80k total). That counts as an "accident", and we again move backwards, but I decline to hire (yet another!) Loner MVP Lino. Asshat.
      Game 10: 60k Gate. Apo saved RIP'd Kicker, DP will MNG. Ole!
      Game 11: 20k Gate. 3 spp Lino RIP, Strip Ball lino -MA, new DP MNG. 3 Loners next game. Khemri hurt.
      Game 12: 70k Gate = 140. Against all odds, came out unscathed v. massively larger C.Pact team.
      Game 13: 10k Gate, but survived mismatch vs. Dwarfs! (Kicker and Fend/DP out MNG, 3 journeymen for Game 14.)

      > Before the game, had already decided to (finally!) replace one of the 2 -AV Ulfs before Game 14, so the -MA is not only meaningless but we played both Ulfs disregarding that distinct possibility/probability.

      So, after Game 13, bought a new Ulf, and have 40k in the bank.

      Game 14: 40k Gate, no perms
      Game 15: 60k Gate, Fend+Dirty Player Tofi Thorverson RIP'd (no apo used - as a DP, he had too many skills anyway), and 2nd DP MNG. (Also Journeyman RIP'd, but that's what they're hired to do.)
      1. > 3rd RR purchased

    And the season's last 2 games are uneventful, reinforcing the 'Sons' recovery. Still, the lesson is that any "long range planning" for the future is clearly an illusion, or at best a tease.

    Summary, by Game

    1. 2: 14 Vidarr Bjornson Lineman 2 games, 2 spp: d
      3: 2 Svifti Brandrfut Runner 3 games, 3 spp: d
      4: 12 Egil Egilharson Lineman 5 games, 2 spp: -av
      ...regular season starts...
      5: 5 "Big Dawg" Bjornbofr Ulfwerener 4 games, 0 spp: m, d
      8: 11 Álfljotr Scofflaw Lineman 7 games, 0 spp: m, d
      11: 16 Hrokr Kolison Lineman 7 games, 3 spp: d
      13: 3 Bjarni Bjornbofrson Ulfwerener 4 games, 2 spp: -av, -ma
      15: 15 Tofi Thorverson Lineman 12 games, 18 spp (Dirty Player, Fend) m, m, m, d
      ...and, Journeymen...
      o 17 Xavier Palebrook Lineman 1 game: d
      o 17 William Coldstream Lineman 1 game: d

      o 14 Vidarr Bjornsonson Lineman 13 games, 10 spp (Strip Ball) -ma

      1. It's not all bad news... at least, not bad for the 'Sons. Game 15 aside, the Sons haven't lived up to their potential yet (nor "evened the score" in some cases) - but they're keeping track, and both are coming...

        Not counting the MNG's...

        Game 3: Frog Blitzer RIP
        Game 4: Vamp Thrall RIP
        Game 5: Rat Lino RIP, & a semi-meaningless Rat Ogre -Ag
        Game 14: rookie Marauder RIP, & 1-skill Dark Elf Renegade -AV
        Game 15: rookie Lino RIP, 2nd rookie Lino RIP, 3rd rookie Lino Niggled, and rookie Thrower -Ag.
        Game 17: HElf rookie lino RIP (apo'd to -AV)

~ Pre-season Game 1 ~
1:2 L v. Argentinian Caudillos
(Elf, TV diff +450)
(Took Wulf, 1 Bribe & Chaney, 8438 Claw Wrestler)

Stunner loss, diced by Turn 15 Kick-Off result Blitz. Bashed it up 1st half, 7 out but 5 were KO's and all of them woke up next Kickoff. Second half tables were turned, got bashed up, didn't leave enough time to score. Down to only 8 players (w/ Troll, Runner, one 'Zerker and a Lino out), Blitz Kickoff result on Turn 15 broke the tie. Induced star got the only(!) Cas v. AV 7 team, so only 3+5 spp, no skills, 10k.

~ Pre-season Game 2 ~
2:1 W v. Lemmingville Warriors
(Norse, TV diff +120)
(Took Wulf)

They won coin toss and we kicked. Got lucky early on the bash battle, their Troll got KO'd twice, and we owned the pitch from there. Mixed reviews on 1st half stall, but kept Wulf out of the game until 2nd half, then owned them again. Might have prevented their score but didn't want to risk players. 1 RIP, but 11+5 spp = 2 skills (rolled two 10's, but took MB for 'Zerk & Kick for Lino), Troll got MVP, & ample money for Apo.

~ Pre-season Game 3 ~
2:1 W v. Slann Frogcisco 49ers
(Slann, TV diff +460!)
('Sons took 450: Wulf, 1 bribe, 1 RR, Boomer Eziasson, 1 Merc Lineman)

Lucky win, but 2 RR's was enough for Norse and 4 not enough for frogs. But with Ag 3, gotta stay mobile. Painful on both sides, lost Runner KIA and an Ulf MNG for next game v. Vamps - he'll be missed. 13 spp, skilled up 2nd Blitzer - 2 MB's ftw - and 60k gate will help toward replacing Runner for regular season.

~ Pre-season Game 4 ~ (last for pre-season seeding)
0:3 L v. Essen Exsanguinators (Vamps, TV diff +590k!)

4 vamps x St 4, and us with one ulf out mng - hmmm...
...and ouch. Got outmuscled, got the crap beat out of me. Star Zara out almost immediately, downhill from there.

Pre-Ssn VIII results

First half visiting conference:
(23 White Rock Midnight -
(10 Bouncin'more Batrachians
(7 Surrey Serpents
(26 Butte Kickers

Season VII

~ Game 1 ~
0:2 L v. Seoul Eaterz
(skaven, TV diff 660k!)

v. League #2 seed, got brutalized. Lost a wolf, lost other -AV (did to other team as well, but that doesn't help). MA 9 Ag 5 leaping ball stripper hard to stop. 10k gate won't replace anyone fast.

2nd half:
o C Pact (vets, 1740)
o Dwarf (3rd year, 1860)
o Halfling??? (rookie(!),0,860)
o Human (rookie(!), 1060)

Those who can boast of the death of at least one enemy earn the favour of the Valkyries and a seat in Valhalla, where past warriors feast and practice fighting until called to fight on the side of the gods in the Ragnarok...

Game 3: vs. Slann Frogcisco 49ers, Egil Egilharson single-handedly killed a MB slann blitzer. (Retired -AV.)

Game 4: vs. Essen Exsanguinators, starting prone, Fenrir "Ice Man" Komedh blitzed Vamp thrall Andreas "The Nomad" Steiger to the ground to go menace the ball carrier. The Nomad never wandered again.

Game 5: vs. Seoul Eaterz, "Wolf Man" Helson, in a Turn 16 bid for spp, got a Both-Down that killed a rookie skaven lineman but also gave himself -AV.

Game 8: vs. Surrey Serpents, Turn 6 of 2nd half Hrolf Hardcat shrugged off the blitz of a a skink, and the Both-Down resulted in the skink's death, but was apo'd back. That counts!

Game 14: vs. B.Aires Tangueros, -MA gimp Vidarr Bjornsonson broke the 6-game hiatus on the last Block of Turn 16 by killing a rookie C.Pact marauder to free the ballcarrier to score the winning TD.

Game 15: vs. Appalachian Welfare Warriors, a double-header (that, incidentally, also saw 2 'Sons RIP'd!): Before either team really got moving, Tofi Thorverson blitzed a human lino (before later dying in same game), and later Berserker Hrolf Hardcat blitzed and then piled on another rookie lineman for his second kill.

Game 17: vs. Argentine Noldorins, the season's last game, Hrolf Hardcat gets his third kill by RIP'ing a HElf lino (Apo'd to -AV).

Game 18: a between-season "friendly" vs. Nurgle team Vancouver Rot-nucks, both Fenrir "Ice Man" Komedh and Hrolf Hardcat killed rotters [i](one [url=https://fumbbl.com/p/player?player_id=9527254]a promising kicker) - half credit each, due to rotting status.

Game 22: vs. C. Pact team Joplin Disasters, pre-season game #2 - a long wait, but worth it, as it was a RIP hat-trick! To start the game, fresh hire Vigo Jorikson killed the C. Pact rookie Mino Turn 1 ''(apo'd to niggle, but declined!), then to start the 2nd half Snow Troll Fenrir Komedh popped his cherry (finally!) by killing the journeyman who had tied the half (and who justly stole the C. Pact MVP), and the hat-trick quickly followed as ulf'er Rannulfrson likewise got his first, killing the DElf wrodger Turn 10. Good work, guys!

Game 23: vs. R'lyeh Regulars, pre-season game #3, Snow Troll Fenrir Komedh killed a Beastman Turn 2.

(Game 27: Someone "killed" a Flesh Golem in narrow win over Shard Warriors, who regen'ed. Half credit tbd.)

Game 29: vs. Surrey Serpents, in his 11th game, away from and unrelated to the Turn 8 score, Þorbiornson killed a blodge Skink.


Game 38: In a 7-cas bash fest vs. High Elfs, Rannulfrson RIP'd a Brestle (Wrock?) Elf.

Altho' dying in battle is good, to die without proving yourself in battle... not so good. You are doomed to wait for the Ragnarok in a cold, dark, wet hell... Nuffleheim!

  1. Game 2: Original 'Son, Lineman Vidarr Bjornson, 2 games.
    Game 3: Original 'Son, Runner Svifti Brandrfut, 3 games.
    Game 5: Original 'Son, Ulfwerener "Big Dawg" Bjornbofr, 4 games, by the crowd.
    Game 8: Original 'Son, Lineman Álfljotr Scofflaw, 7 games.
    Game 11: Lineman Hrokr Kolison, 7 games.

    Game 21: Lineman Knutr Knutrson, 20 games.

    ...& Journeymen...

    1. o Xavier Palebrook (Game 8)
      o William Coldstream (Game 15)
      o Harold Grotty Lightning, MVP stealer (Game 22).

    (Note that Tofi Thorverson, tho' passed from this existence, is Valhalla bound!)


o 70k Throwers GP (AS) Block, Pass
+ Sure Hands, Accurate, Fend, Kick Off Return, Leader, Tackle (D: Strong Arm, Guard)
> Thrower: Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Accurate, Kick Off Return
> (optional but different) Thrower #2: Leader*
(* 1x 50k Lino + 1x RR = +170k (+110k in TV); 1x 70k "Lineman + Pass" + Leader (+P Access) = +90k TV)

o 90k Runners GA (SP) Block, Dauntless (+40k = Dauntless, +1 MA, & A access)
+ Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Shadowing, Catch, (1)Sure Hands (D: Guard)
> Runner #1: Sure Hands/Dodge/Sidestep
> Runner #2, optional sweeper: Dodge/Sidestep/Diving Tackle (D: Grab?)
> (Both -> Dodge + SS, & see what the dice say - then make one SH carrier, one DT sweeper)
(? - &...?...
? Survival/Utility: Fend, Jump Up, Sprint, Sure Feet
? Offense: KoR, Catch
? Defense: Shadowing, Tackle, Diving Tackle)

o 90k Blitzers GS (AP) Block, Frenzy, Jump Up (+40k = Frenzy, JU, & S access)
+ Mighty Blow, Piling On, Guard, Tackle, Stand Firm / Juggernaut (D: Dodge, Side Step)

o 110k Ulfwerener GS (AP) Frenzy
+ Block(Wrestle?), Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Stand Firm, Break Tackle, Juggernaut (D: Side Step, Dodge)
> Ulf #1: Block/MB/Dodge
> Ulf #2: Block/Break Tackle/Guard

o 140k Snow Troll S (GAP) Loner, Claw, Disturbing Presence, Frenzy, Wild Animal
+ Mighty Blow, (if no Block -> Juggernaut*), Guard or Piling On, Break Tackle, Stand Firm (D: Block, Pro)
> Troll: Block/MB/Guard

  1. (* Juggernaut: Both-Down = Push, oppo may not use Fend, Stand Firm or Wrestle)

    o 50k Linemen G (ASP) Block
    + Tackle/Strip ball, Fend (Kick, Dirty Player, Wrestle, Dauntless); (D: Guard, Dodge)
    > Lineman1: Dirty Player Lineman2: Dirty Player Lineman3: Guard
    > Rest of the Linemen: Grey mass of 0-1 skill players (with Fend or +AV as skill #1) up to 15-16 in a bashy league. These players are there to tank and take hits and substitute for your DPs when they get themselves banned.

    Test Play

Star Player MA ST AG AV Skills Price
o 60k Boomer Eziasson 4 3 2 9 Loner, Accurate, Block, Bombardier, Secret Weapon, Thick Skull
o 110k (210) Helmut Wulf 6 3 3 8 Loner, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm
o 240k Wilhelm Chaney 8 4 3 8 Loner, Wrestle, Claws, Frenzy, Catch,Regeneration
o 270k Zara the Slayer 6 4 3 8 Loner, Block, Dodge, Dauntless, Jump Up, Stab, Stakes
o 330k Icepelt Hammerblow 5 6 1 8 Loner, Claws, Dist'b'g Presence, Frenzy, Regen'n, Thick Skull
o 430k Morg 'n' Thorg 6 6 3 10 Loner, Block, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate

    1. 1,750k = -10k
      1,900k = -20k
      2,050k = -30k
      (+150k / -10k)

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 3 3 7
Block, Dauntless
Dodge, Sure Hands, Side Step, Guard, Diving Tackle
-ma, n, m 44 4 15 0 5 4 79/176 200k
8 3 3 7
Block, Dauntless
Dodge, Side Step, +MA, Tackle, Diving Tackle
  34 0 12 0 7 6 80/176 200k
Snow Troll
5 5 1 8
Claw, Disturbing Presence, Frenzy, Loner, Wild Animal
  5 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 140k
6 3 4 7
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
  10 0 4 0 1 0 14/16 130k
6 3 3 7
  9 1 1 0 1 1 11/16 70k
6 3 3 7
Dirty Player, Fend
  18 1 0 0 1 3 18/31 90k
6 3 3 7
  18 1 0 0 1 1 8/16 80k
5 3 4 7
+AG, Sure Hands, Tackle, Fend
-ma 36 1 18 0 1 2 67/76 150k
6 3 3 7
  24 1 0 0 1 2 13/16 80k
8 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: Smeat Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Norse Fan Factor: 11  
Current Team Value: 1280k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 80k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1480k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:58 (33/9/16) |TD Diff:16 (82 - 66) |Cas Diff:48 (114/49/25 - 70/50/20)
Last Opponent: Hong Kong Long Dongs