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Team history
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Some time ago, a grazy warpstone eater, developed some nasty mutation, that made him stronger than all his big family members.
He forced all them to obey him and start playing the deadly blood bowl game, at his orders; he made them call him "The Captain".

The team largely becomed the stronger of the skaven tournaments that took place in the deep of the Foul Peak, so much stronger than all the other teams, that "The Captain" thought they can easly win outside the peak.
He died, in his first match against some nasty dwarves, but the team won the game, and lot of gold rained on the other rats... more than they've ever seen, because "The Captain" usually took all the money for himself.

They talked eachother, and the choice was easy: continue to play the game and make money, stay away from the slaveness of The Foul Peak
They becomed the Foul Peak Crawlers, because they crawled out from the Foul Peak and become free.

They retained they game nicknames, that becomed something like game numbers. No matter the name.

Log Entries

Entry 1 - March 16, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 1, pre match meeting

Leilond the "One eyed old one" observed the band of rats under the peak.
Fluxake the Scared looked at him: "Coach... well... they're big... have you seen thos Greenskins that call themselves 'Black'?"
Leilond talked aloud, so that every one can ear: "Look at this!" said pointing his missing eye, "It was exactly one of them to make this... but during a war, not a game"
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run"
Leilond: "Do not stay in front of them... flee, run, dodge and if you can't, stay down and hope not to be fouled. Remember the team phrase: 'Flee today to fight tomorrow'."
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run". Stilythe eye was lost in his immaginary world
Transure the captain: "'r' you saying we have to lose because of our fear?", said while playing with the ball
Leilond: "Hell no! I'm saying that being smashed out of the pitch isn't a way of winning the game"
Remose the Headspliteter was respected, and huge to be a skaven. When he stood up, and start talking, all the rats, except for Stilythe stopped what they was doing and listened: "We here to fight, and yes, I don't forget that in our first match, someone of us died... we knew this could happen"
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run"
Chiramute Warpeaten: "Easy for you to say, you're not on the LOS. Give me that blood bowl suit and let me stay in the back!"
Remose turn to watch the linerat, and everyone thought it was going to be a brawl, and a dead linerat: "You will fall exausted in the middle of the first half, if you keep this" said pointing with his finger to his suit, on the ground. "It's not a present from your mum for my services! I gained it throught fight, skilling, and training"
Leilond: "Stop all this, NOW!" the old Moulder beastmaster voice was like a thunder; his fights in the orc war was legendary, and none in the team wanted to taste his whip, that in the past was used to train ratogres
Stilythe the Ghost smiled crazly: "Run, run, run"
Transure went mad at Stilythe and thrown the ball whit all his strenght in his face. The Gutter Runner catched it with is right hand, looked at it... "The baaaaall!" said like a human baby in front of a birthday present.
Leilond: "Now, listen to me all of you skum! I hate Kislev, like everyone. It's cold, and the men are hard and not easy to kill for gold, I know all of this crap. If we want to go to Bretonnia or Albion, and feed on the beloved nobility gold, we need to do good here, in this damn piece of ice"
Transure the captain went to Stilythe and took the ball from him, while the runner watched the thrower waiting to recive another pass. The captain said: "Do you think we can win the conference?"
Leilond: "I don't know... pheraps not this season. Our first goal, this time, is to survive, and train, and become enought skilled to win the conference, pheraps next season"
Jumbinrot the Ratsmasher: "I didn't joined the OWCC to stay here in Kislev and watch other races win!!!"
Leilond: "You're the scummest of the scum! Did I said that? We have to survive, and train, and if we see the right opportunity, win. But if you run into a bounch of Black Orc, we'll end smashed and without enought money to buy new equipement and pay new players... and we'll stay in Kislev for years... or worse, we'll be forced to go back to Foul Peak!"
Leilond went forward and backword, in front of his tent: "Flee today to fight tomorrow rats. I fled a lot during the Orc war... and EVERY RAT know WHO won the decisive battle and kept Foul Peak for his race!!!"
Stilythe the Ghost eyes followed the ball that went up and down in the hands of the The captain like a baby watching his beloved toy. The Thrower looked the sky, exasperated: "Here you are you dumb!" and throw another 'missile' the Gutter Runner, that jumped on his right and catched it, crazy smiling
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run"
Some of the rats, smiled... some laughted. Leilond was satisfied... this was his occasion, he could become famous again, even without an eye, half the nose and a ear. All depended on those damn rats and they're understanding of the phrase:
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 2 - March 17, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 1, post match meeting

Leilond had a stick in his hand, and was drawing and ereasing a pitch on the ground, analizing the match, again and again.
Transure The captain walked near him, with the ball in his right hand. Twenty meters far from him, Stilythe the Ghost jumped up, waving his hands: "Captain! Captain! The Ball!!!"
The captain spook: "Where were we wrong Coach?"
Leilond looked his thrower and replied: "You? Nowhere, nowhere. Me, on the other hand, made a mistake. When I saw we weren't able to stop them scoring and our child minded runner wasn't able to score his fast Touch Down, I should understand we could aim for a draw."
Stilythe the Ghost: "Captaaaaiiin!!! The Baaal"
Transure looked the Runner, and shot a long bomb far far away... the eshin-one run to catch it. "Really? Could we?"
The Coach stared the rat: "Absolutely yes. In the second half we had ten players, and the greenskins weren't pressuring us, at all. They were waiting in their half. I should have told you to wait the end of the half and then attack for score... and then see if the Troll can throw a goblin with enought skill. But I was greedy, and told you to score, in the hope to steal the ball and win. We ended losing and with two injuried players. I should have understand it after the injuried rat for that rock before the start of the game and the fact that the greenskins didn't fail a block"
The ball handler replied: "The injuried... we have to fire them, haven't we?"
Leilond: "Sure we have. I will talk to them later on"
The Ghost jumped and catched the ball, with the joy in the face!
The Thrower looked at him: "It's like a little baby eh?"
Remose the Headspliteter entered the light of the fire, talking to the Thrower: "That baby minded rat is our best hope. If we manage to protect him and you manage make him score enough, he can became a match winner"
The Runner came to the three rats, smiling, giving the ball to the thrower and watching him like a dog watch his friend with a stick. The Captain throwed the ball again, as far as he could, and the runner started like a warpgun shot
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 3 - March 23, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 2, pre match meeting

All the ratz sit down on the ground, looking to the coach, the general feeling was the fear, like usually between rats
Leilond watched everyone of them in turn and spoke: "This is the tough match we could recive. We all know that, we cannot lie here. I can give the most obvious of the suggestion players... stay away from them"
Stilythe the Ghost was the only one that wasn't listening to the coach, but was sadly looking to the captain and the ball, without understanding why he wasn't throwing the ball to him. "Run?" he asked without belief
Fluxake the Scared: "They're too strong for us, we're not trained enought for them, really"
Transure the captain took the speach: "We'll have some inducemente, won't we?"
The coach replied: "A good amount of inducements. I'm not yet sure how to use them... I could aim to protect and draw, with more babes and a wondering apo, or we aim to win, with more star players and a wizard... I ensure you that I will think deeply"
The baby minded runner went near the captain: "Ball?" he said in a whisper
The coach made a small gesture toward the the thrower that took the ball and send it enought far to keep the runner busy for a bit.
Remose the Headspliteter: "They will try to swarm us, but we're quicker... much quicker, we can make them dance the pitch until they get tired and then strike"
Leilond: "Tired? The dwarves? Oh no, proud blitzer, they won't. We have to play wisely, not only running fast, but well. If we manage to keep them far from us enought time, we can do it, survive, draw, and possibly win the match"
Hicin the Shade spoke for his first time during a prematch meeting: "We cannot lie. This can end in a glorious victory like in a disaster coach"
Leilond: "Absolutely... yes, it's true. For this reason skavens, remember our phrase: flee today to fight tomorrow. And I'm not meaning we will lose or we won't try to win. I'm saying that if the match start going in the worst way, we have to stop aiming to win, and start aiming to survive, all of us, ALL". The last sentence was directed to the two blitzers
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 4 - March 24, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 2, post match meeting

Leilond: "Wrong coin toss rats, they'll start to play. The first half is only hit and flee. Do not start an attrition fight or we'll be damned"
Glart Smashrip Jr., the skaven starplayer, replied: "That's my job, I'll think about hitting"
The match started, the rats fled, keeping players too far for enemy blitzes, at the beginning. But when some hit and flee started, the dwarves catched the starplayer and killed him, with 3 or 4 rats knocked out
"Flee!!!! Let them score now!" cried The coach from the reserve banch
The rats run away in all direction, and the dwarves scored, leaving the skavens only few seconds to score a quick touch down.
Leilond watched the sad Stilythe the Ghost, put in reserve for the entire first half: "It's your turn dude, your turn... let us scream!"
But a perfect defense of the dwarf team made the try impossible, and the rats had to resign the half losing 1-0
The coach took the speach: "Now... we cannot win this match. One of our costly star player is out. The beers worked well, we've got 11 players on the field, but no more reserves. Go for a tie. Make to time pass, until the end of the drive, then score. Play a reverse"
The rats entered the pitch. The kick wen't normal, with the cheering fans enforcing the dwarf team. The rats retreated, out of the quicker opponent players blitz range, two times, closing in a corner, than, as the coach told them, played a revers, changing completely the side of play, marking a couple of key players.
The dwarf runner tried to dodge away from the shadowing Skitter stab stab, tripped and was badly hurt. An hole in the dwarf defense, too far from his end zone, was open!
All the rats throw themselves in the hole, Hicin the Shade thrown the ball near the end zone, too far from everyone except three skaven runners, and happy as a baby at his birthday, Stilythe the Ghost took it.
The skaven danced up and down the end zone, and scored in the last second, leaving the dwarf no time to win the match
Leilond: "Good job rats... good job. A boring game for the fans, but we got the best we could get from a match like this"

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 5 - March 27, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 3, pre match meeting

Leilond walked in front of the team, looking arsh at them: "When I said that this season, pheraps, we were not enought strong to win the conference, I didn't mean we can be the last!!"
The rats moved in place in embarrassment, except for Stilythe the Ghost, that was playing with a young skaven fan that managed to reach the team lair.
The coach continued: "I won't accept any result that isn't a victory this time. I will give half of you to my family rattogre if you do not exit the pitch with 2 points". He was talking aloud, nearly screaming
Fluxake the Scared timidly tryed to reply: "Yes coach... we agree... but... well... against the dwarves we could not do much more than we did... they... they... they broke our defense so easly"
Remose the Headspliteter looked at the line with disgust: "You little crying rat... This is blood bowl!!!"
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run"
Transure the captain: "I've got a suggestion coach. From now on, if we don't win a match, we won't recive the personal match prize from the income. All those money will go entirely in the team treasury."
Jumbinrot the Ratsmasher: "What? I've to lose my golds, because of some weak and scared linerats?"
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run"
Leilond: "SHUT UP! If it wasn't for all those scared lines, being hit on the line of scrimmage, you should not had the opportunity to play at all. When we lose, it's my fault as of EVERY member of the team. Every single player!"
"I will think about your proposal Transure. For now, think only about next match victory. If everything go well as I hope, we'll be able to employ another couple of players to have some reserves in one or two matches"
Leilond pointed his finger to his half-nose: "This was made by a goblin boss during the orc war. I want them to pay for this, so, smash them while you win the match"
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 6 - March 30, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 3, post match meeting

The rats were celebrating the victory, screaming and drinking, while the coach observed them, half entertained, half not so happy about the match
Hicin the Shade came near him: "It was an important victory coach"
Leilond turned to look at the gutter runnner: "You've to thank your captain and his block at the end of the second half. Otherwise this could be another draw"
Stilythe the Ghost run near the two talking rats, smiling: "Have you seen coach? Eh? Have you seen? I scored a touch down... and also did two passes!"
The Coach smiled the the baby minded runner: "Yes Stilythe, I've seen, you wer a good rat, you played well"
The runner went back to celebrate with all the others.
Leilond turned to his companion: "How is Stranglin, is it ok?"
Hicin the Shade: "He cannot play the next match, but he will be allright in few days"
The old rat watched the rats playing and joying: "It's not a good new, but it could be worse"
Remose the Headspliteter entered the light of the fireplace, with a beer in his hand: "What about the next match coach?"
Leilond replied: "It depends on how the other match will go. If the humans and the frogs do not draw, we'll probably meet the one that will lose... but if the Orcs manage to tie the dwarf, all can change and we can meet them instead. Too many variables to make a strategy now"
The stormvermin drinked the remind of his beer: "Well... we have to wait then, before making some importa decision, haven't we?"
The coach didn't replied, but vaguely looked to the night sky, thinking about the future. A match with the frogs could be nice to recover from the injuries, but also unpredictable in the results. "We'll see"
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 7 - April 17, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 4, pre match meeting

The players were seated on the ground, except for Stilythe the Ghost, that was playing with some stones
Leilond was standing: "Well... the frogs. They're a very atipical blood bowl team rats, we'll have to play a bit different from usual"
The coach draw a pitch on the black board. "Now, we have to beware of some things:
First, it's not advisable to stall the game too much. With that skill, they can reach the ball carrier better than others, and even a weak shot can mean a ball lost, thus, we'll have to score quicker than usually.
Second, double screen the ball carrier when possible, to prevent those frogs to jump at him.
", continued the coach, pointing a finger to the blitzers, "those catchers can be nasty, if you have a clear shot at one of them, hit, but not at the cost of leaving the ball without a double screen or other bad positioning on the pich.
And finally
", this time pointing at the three linerats, "mark that damn blitzer whenever possible. It's dangerous for our runners and must be kept busy as much as we can"
Stilythe the Ghost walked near the others: "Run, run, run" said looking at the sky
Transure the captain: "Oh, shut up and take this" said him throwing the ball as far a he could, with the Gutter running to catch it.
The trower took the speach: "Coach... is it not advisable to hire some rats? We're a bit short."
The coach replied: The coach replied: "Not yet, not yet. I won't spend money to hire a rat for the line of scrimmage if this do not bring us to at least twelve players, and it will cost to much now. Let's wait for Stranglin Nightrunner to recover from his Broken Ribs and we'll see"
He started to walk right and left, in front of his team mates
Stilythe the Ghost: "Catch!" cried the runner from far away
Leilond: "If we win the match, there's the chance to have a shot to the second place, depending on the other matches results. I know I told you that qualifying for the majors wasn't a priority for this season, but we have a good amount of cache, and if the opportunity will show up, we can take it!"
Remose the Headspliteter: "Oh, by the Horned Rat, I would love to feed on some Bretonnian noble gold!"
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 8 - April 22, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 4, post match meeting

"Another win for The Foul Peak Crawlers!" laughted Transure the captain
The rats were in very good mood after a so good victory, first time without any injuried player.
Hicin the Shade went near the thrower, with a big smile: "I scored twice captain, you see? I scored twice"
Transure smiled: "Yes my little rat, I saw, you played well, good guy"
Coach Leilond wasn't in the same good mood. He was glad, surely, but not completely.
"What's the matter coach?" told him Remose the Headspliteter
Leilond replied: "We concede a bad touch down at the end of the match. Every touch down will count for the placing, and I really don't want to think about that touch down like the moment we lost our ticket to Bretonnia"
The blitzer shouldered: "It was a clear mistake, sure, but with that exception, we played well and controlled the match after steal the ball and scored in the middle of first half"
The coach wasn't satisfied by the reply: "Not quite. A single blitz or unlucky dodge could have changed the result in a tie. We were ahead on touch down, and incredibly for us with 3 more players than them on the pitch. In situation like this, we must won with two or three thouch downs more than our opponents, or we'll recive some nasty surprises before or then"
The thrower was near them and eared the discussion: "Obviously you're right coach, as always. We didn't used the perfect situation as we should. We have to be much better than this"
Leilond: "Sure we have to. Next opponent will be the humans, they're much more skilled and hit hard, but we'll talk about them in the next pre match meeting. For now, think about make party rats, you deserved it."
Leilond left the rats to their beers, and took his notes about next opponent, with the concearn clearly visible on his face
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 9 - April 23, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 5, pre match meeting

All the rats were waiting for the coach, that was in an unusual lateness.
Fluxake the Scared: "This is weird! I've never seen the coach late!"
Transure the captain: "He told me he has some surprise for all of us, and could be a bit late, don't worry"
"What the hell!" said The linerat jumping like two meters ahead, hearing that enormous roar behind him, while all the rats turned freezed in fear to look at the source of that call
The hugest rat they've ever seen was standing there, with the coach near him. The Rat Ogre was nearly three meters tall, with scars everywhere; a bit misshapen, with the right part of the body bigger than the left part, a metal jawbone, five centimetre teeth, plague-spots from head to feet.
The players, cleary scared, moved slowly to stay a bit farer.
Leilond took the speech: "This is The Animal, a little present from my family. I thought we could use a bit more strength in the team"
Stilythe the Ghost was the only one that didn't look scared, but enchanted. His hand approached the Rat Ogre one. Remose the Headspliteter took him by the scruff of the neck, bring him far from the beast
The huge rat emitted some sounds that resembled a talk:
"It's wonderfull!! Can I touch him! It's soooooo big!" said Stilythe, with his dreaming eyes, unusually not thinking at the ball
The coach put an hand on the runner shoulder: "I suggest you don't. It's well trained to not attack friendlies, but I need to teach him all you aren't enemy, and it will take some day to be sure he will recognize all you as team mates"
The Gutter Runner was a bit sad, but his eyes didn't leave the big rat, not for a single second
Leilond: "Now, about the match... Humans. This will be an hell of a match. They run faster than dwarf and orcs, but hit nearly as hard as them, and they've the Ogre too, to add more hard to the hard."
The Rat Ogre speech was hardly understandable
Leilond continued: "Yes Mal, yes, we know it. By the way... As I was saying they hit hard, but also have a good pace all over the team. We have to choose wisely where and when to mark players, or we'll end the first half with half the pitch with the apothecary. We have to keep the team moving and hit only when the shot is very clear and the result of a such shot is very important"
The team was very concentrated, except for Stilythe the Ghost that was still trying to go near the Rat Ogre to touch him, while Remose the Headspliteter was keeping him from the scruff ot the neck.
Leilond: "Thus, positioning, patience and lighting shots. If we win, we will be sure to qualify for playoff and have also good chance to take one of the first two placing. If we tie, we still have a little chance for the playoff, but it is really not advisable to take the risk, we NEED a win."
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 10 - April 28, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, match 5, post match meeting

The rats was all in a great mood, drinking and crying, with the big Rat Ogre eating some rabbits, bone and all. All except one, Transure the captain, that was sitting on a side, with a bad face.
Leilond went near him: "What's the matter captain! We made it, we're in the playoff and have serious chance to enter a major!"
Transure made a small smile: "If only I... I was so confused, forgot to pass that ball... we could win the match"
The coach made a great laugh: "You probably saved Stilythe life with that mistake", said finally punching the thrower shoulder
"What are you talking about coach?" replied The captain
The old rat sit near the player, watching the rats having party, with The Ghost in the best of happiness, being thrown here and there by The Animal
"Our quick scorer isn't yet skilled enought to try that touch down. If you succeded to do that throw, he probably had tripped in the middle of opponent team, and if he didn't break a limb there, a crowd foul could end in a dead rat"
Transure initially smiled and finally start to laugh himself too.
"Woooaaahahahahahha" cried the runner before disastrously falling to the ground, with immense joy of all the players.
Leilond spook again: "Go and have your party, we'll have three hard match in our future. You're a blood bowl player, you don't know if you will have time to make party again, you know."
The Thrower watched the coach with a joking disgust: "I won't die on the pitch before seeing Bretonnia or Albion coach. I want to be part of that"
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 11 - May 11, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, Playoff Match 1, pre match meeting

The rats were in a bad mood. Eyes with fear pointed to the coach, standing in front of them, with both hands behind the back
Except for Stilythe the Ghost, that was trying to dodge out the prensile tail of The Animal, having some fun
Leilond started his speach: "Don't look so frightened rats. They're probably the worst hitters out there... but they're also between the slowests. We can suffer on the line of scrimmage, but if we play it right, they'll have a lot of problems catching us around the pitch."
Transure the captain: "But that nasty beast can pin us with his tentacles"
The coach nodded: "That's sure, and during the game someone will take the risk of marking it, sometimes"
The linerats looked to the sky, knowing that the coach was mostly talking about them.
The old rat continued, while Stilythe the Ghost tripped to the ground laughing: "But the thing we mostly have to pay attention too, is the ball handling and passing. Not only the beast, but also the disgusting warriors and one of those rotters can make us fail the simplest of the actions, due to their terrible smell"
Fluxake the Scared: "I've always hated the pestilences. Their affinity with Nurgle isn't right"
Leilond went upset: "Nurgle is one of the form of the Horned Rats! We should respect it! It's awesome that our great god is so powerfull to submit chaos warriors to his will, and make them fulfill his wish"
The Thrower spook again: "How are we going to spend the big inducements?"
Leilond turned to the captain: "We need a win, no less. Thus I think we're going to hire at least one starplayer, and pheraps a wizard... or some tricks... I'm thinking deeply about it. Remember rats, a win, nothing less than a win"
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 12 - May 13, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, Playoff Match 1, post match meeting

Remose the Headspliteter thrown the bloodbowl suit to the ground, in rage.
Stilythe the Ghost Looked like a baby that has seen his candy stolen.
All the rats had funeral faces, looking to each other in search of some reason for what happened.
Transure the captain talked aloud: "Why? Where were we wrong?"
Leilond gave a little hit on the captain shoulder: "Nowhere Transure, nowhere. The wizard fizzled his spell, the perfect defense in the first half end, the nurgles that run on the snow like it was dry grass. That's what happened"
Hicin the Shade: "Did the Horned Rat turn against us? Did he prefer to bless pestilence, even if they're not rats?"
The coach shook the head: "No... The Horned Rat gave us the opportunity to stall the game to a tie. But I was greedy, and like the first match of the season against Orcs, it costed us the match. I should have seen the signs in the first half, and understood the fate was not with us for a victory. It's all my fault, again"
The Thrower said: "And now? Do we still have chance for the majors?"
The old rat replied: "Now our fate isn't in our hand alone. We lost the chance to tie a game, thus we need two consecutive win, and it could be not enough... our future depends on the other play off matches too"
The baby minded gutter went near Leilond: "Did I make something wrong coach? I scored only once, and I couldn't manage to score my quick touch down"
Leilond: "No dude, it wasn't your fault. It was their perfect defense and the slippery floor. You played well, as always. And now rats", continued talking again to all the team "we'll have to all in now. We do not have simply to win the next matches, but we need to win them with more tha a single touch down difference. We need to score, a lot, and to keep them from scoring. But as I said at the beginning of the season, if we do not qualify for the majors in the first year, it's not a fail, we knew it could happen."
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 13 - May 20, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, Playoff Match 2, post match meeting

The rats were abashed, except for Stilythe the Ghost that was simply sad, very sad.
Transure the captain walked between the ground looking players: "We were simply outplayed friends. Every of their block was a knock down, no matter how skilled our players were, and every knock down was a knock out. When things goes like this, we can only surrender. The horned rats wants us to make another season of experience in Kisleve I think"
Remose the Headspliteter: "I'm tired of alibies! And twice we had to play for the tie, and once the wizard and the snow, and once because of that and once because of this. When will we start to play and win?"
Hicin the Shade: "All of us are frustrated... we understand you perfectly... but that Ghoul dodged better than The Shade... they dodged like gutters and passed like elf... and bashed better than Chaos. If this was the match we had to win, we have very little chance to go far."
Tears started to line the face of Stilythe: "I'm so sorry... really... I failed both my attempt for the quick score... it's all my fault"
Rats usually never feel love or affection for eachother... the common feelings were fear or respect, disgust, but not love. But the baby minded runner was something different; the rats were pity for him.
Jumbinrot the Ratsmasher: "No Stilythe, you're still learing that tecnique. You'll see that in two or three matches, if we manage to let you make some experience, you'll become to score twice or three times a match. Be quite, and do not be concearned with this"
The runner was a bit reassured, but still sad.
"THEY HARD. NOT LIKE RAT. ME NO KILL. ME ANGRY" was the only thing The Animal was capable of saying.
Leilond entered the rat circle: "Bad. This was bad. Our chance for the majors is wiped out with this loss... If this is the level needed, we need to skillup, even knowing that if our opponent block with this precision and strenght, there is not so much we can do. I thought our general skill in dodging could make the difference, but they ignored it, and smashed all our most skilled players block after block."
The coach walked left and right: "This season went as I thought... but for some moments I hoped for more. Now, stop whining. We have another match, and I don't want the fans think we won't play it at our best, no matter our chance are zero. After this match, we'll think how to prepare for the next Kislev season."
Flee today to fight tomorrow

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 14 - May 25, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, Playoff Match 3, pre-match meeting

The team was in relaxing, with some rats drinking or chatting freely.
"WHAT THE HELL!!!". The thunderous Leilond's voice broke in and the silence was immediate.
"We have a match tomorrow evening, and you're here making party... instead of training on the pitch... ARE ALL YOU CRAZY?"
Only Stilythe the Ghost and The Animal were training. The Gutters was trying to jump over the head of the enormous rat, while the beast tried to catch him with his prensile tail. They stopped suddenly, turning to look at the coach.
Transure the captain took the speach: "Oh... well... coach... we're out of the run for the major... we thought..."
"Oh no!" interrupted The Coach, "You didn't! First of all we're not out of it! Everything can happens! The first two teams can retire from the playoffs, some teams can retire from the OWCC and leave a free space in the majors. And MORE IMPORTANT, we depends on the money our fan bring to the matches! We HAVE to give them a good show, possibly a victory. Or do you all want to end the season with three lost match in a row? Really?"
No one was moving a single finger. The wrath of the coach was not something to play with... Leilond's actions in the orc war were legendary between the rats... they know he battled face to face with an orc hero, and survived.. they know he killed a orc boar rider charging in his face... he could break the neck of any of the rat team without much effort.
Leilond: "Now! I want all you on the training pitch within one minute... you'll face an hell of a training session today... except for you two" he continued pointing at the Rat Ogre and the Gutter runner: "You two will continue with the same you were doing. We need Stilythe to learn to leap over big guys before next season start!"

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 15 - May 27, 2015
Kislev conference, season 9, Playoff Match 3, post Match meeting

Two linerats were carrying Remose the Headspliteter on a stretcher, while The animal thrown to the ground the dead corpse of Chiramute Warpeaten.
The face of Leilond was full of hanger: "Give me a single reason to continue to train you in the next season. One single reason!"
Transure the captain timidly tried to reply: "They crushed us coach. Every hit was a knock out... we"
"SHUT UP!" interrupted The Coach with his thunderous voice. "The day before the match you all were drinking and having party! You all failed every single action you tried! Every one of you, with very little exceptions, failed every single dodge, fell for your own blocks, required assist even to pick up the ball, failed to run a single inch more than your minimum. And once you were knocked down, you hadn't the strength to stand up and go back to the pitch!"
Leilond was really furious. "And these are the results!" continued the coach pointing to the injured blitzer and the dead kicker.
The old rat walked left and right, kicking rocks with violence: "When you are laxists, the consequence isn't simply a lost match. When you do not train, and party before a match, you put all your teammates in danger! Chiramute was with us since the beginning! And now he's DEAD! Because of your lax!"
Remose the Headspliteter opened his eyes... and suffering talked: "We learnt the lesson coach. Forgive us, it won't happen again, we promise, don't we?"
All the team nodded, still ashamed.
The captain stood up: "Sure we do! We'll win the Kislev conference next year coach. Do not abandon us... we need you"
The coach started to walk away from the team; stopped and talked without turning to face them: "One last chance. I don't want to see again anyone relaxing before in the three days before a match. Never"

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 16 - June 04, 2015
Unespected promotion

The linerats were training in wrestling and dodging.
The black skavens were blitzing against a big tree, trying to put it down.
The gutters were running up and down the pitch, doing acrobatics and blocking, except for Hicin the Shade that wasn't anywhere to be seen, like the coach
The Rag Ogre was eating, drastically
Finally Leilond arrived to the pitch, with the missing runner... they were smiling, with satisfaction
The coach talked aloud: "Rats! Come here, I've got some good news for all of us."
The team suddenly turned to look at the smiling couple, and made half a circle with fervent expectation, except for Stilythe the Ghost that usually prefer to play with the ball and the Thrower
Leilond embraced all the team with his gaze: "Some of the other team managers were, let's say, kindly persuaded to not play in the majors next season," said the coach rapidly having a glance at the gutter runner near him. "We can say that some Clan Eshin friends can be very convincing"
The rats were astounded. After some seconds of total silence, with the coach pleased looking at them, the real meaning of what was said become clear to the team mind.
Transure the captain: "Are you telling us we're going to play in Bretonnia next year? Really?". The smile in the rat face of the captain looked like a snarl.
Fluxake the Scared: "That's awesome coach!!"
The coach silenced the enthusiastic voices that were growing up: "Bretonnia or Albion. We cannot know how the draft will go... and it's not cautious to force the events even more. Someone could start to suspect something."
Remose the Headsplitter roared with satisfaction: "YES! We'll finally leave this damn land and its ice!"
Leilond: "Now guys, we'll face the strong teams next season. We must train, and train harder than we did. But for now, this evening, we'll celebrate... and I have with me something special"
The coach opened a crate and there was 5 bottles, full of a dense green liquid.
Jumbinrot the Ratsmasher: "Warpstone essence? Are you serious?"
"Yes. I'm serious. This will be a great night, and with a bit of luck, some of us will develop a usefull mutation" concluded The Coach

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 17 - June 17, 2015
OWCC Post season 9 tour Report

The team was looking at the big funeral pyre where Morphiflesh the Corrupted body was burning.
Leilond: "Another rat for the Horned Rat" said slowly.
All the rats remained silent for some minutes, and finally Stilythe the Ghost could not resist: "I scored three times" the runner said in low voice
The coach kindly observed the baby minded rat: "You played well... all the team played very well. We were very quick to blitz them two times in one game."
Transure the captain: "If it was needed, this match demostrates that you were right coach. With the right focus, we can get much more"
Remose the Headspliteter: "Are there other post season matches planned for us?"
Leilond: "I don't know... I'm thinking about it. The team is in very good shape, and I don't know if we can really gain much from another match, or we can refine more with some out-pitch training"
Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run run.... captain... THE BALL!"
The Thrower sent the ball far away, and the gutter run after it, jumping over the Rat Ogre head, landing perfectly, without slowing his pace
Leilond was satisfied... they were ready for the Major

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 18 - June 30, 2015
Albion conference, season 10, First Match, pre-match meeting

The team was electrified; the season was going to start, and if the rats can manage to have a good first match, the sponsors will rain money over all of them.
Leilond: "We're here... finally. The weather is nice, the nobles pockets are lighter and ours are heavier. But this is going to end quickly if we do not play the best."
Transure the captain: "How about our next oppponent coach?"
The old rat emitted a soft sigh: "It's going to be difficult. They hit hard and have some very well skilled players. We need to defend the runners from their chaos dwarf blockers... they're going to hunt for our quick rats"
"ME HIT THEM!" said the Rat Ogre
The coach shooke the head: "Hit the hobgoblins first. They go down easly and you strength can give us some number advantage."
Leilond turned again toward the team: "They have strength and, thanks to the bulls, even a bit of quickness. We have to use wisely our best pace... but if they manage to cage the ball, it can be a nightmare for us... thus, do not let them cage, never, for any reason, with all your effort... but do not forget it's not our last match here in Albion and thus 'Flee today to fight tomorrow' is still valid"

---- END OF ENTRY ----

Entry 19 - July 3, 2015
Albion conference, season 10, First Match, post-match meeting

"I cannot understand. I really cannot understand". Coach Leilond was in front of the team. Stilythe the Ghost was so sad, like only a baby in a bad day can be, while the rest of the team was a mixture of rage and delusion.
Leilond continued the speach: "We're capable of great plays, like the in the beginning of the match, and then we can trip ALONE on the goal line, ball in hand... two times."
Transure the captain, after a rapid glance to the Rat Ogre to be sure he was doing something else, told in a low voice: "We played like we were ten instead of eleven... a line rat could be more usefull" finally said with a rapid gesture tward The Animal
The Old Rat took a deep breath: "We know this can happen. But we are a skaven team! We cannot end a match with a ZERO touch down... We tripped two times on the goal line... what were we thinking about? The parties? The sponsors?"
The coach voice was going up word after word, with his rage and the team members fear.
"I can assure you ONE thing" continued the old rat "If you continue to play like this, and you do not start to walk over that line instead of falling right there, we'll be sent back to Kislev without gaining enough money to pay more than our food. If you want sponsors, and gold, and parties, you we have to start winning some games"
Transure the captain: "We lost our last four official matches. Sponsors are fleeing from us like slaves in front of pestilence priests."
Leilond: "From now on, until next match, we will train, and train, and then train. Stopping only to eat and sleep and not so much!"

---- END OF ENTRY ----
Active players

# Name Nick Position Games Pass Int. TD Cas VP Status Inj Skills
1 Transure The Captain Thrower 15 14 0 2 3 1 OK - Sure Hands, Pass, Strong Arm, Block, Accurate
2 Remose The Headsplitter Marker 14 0 0 3 4 2 OK - Block, Dodge, Tackle
3 Jumbinrot The Ratsmasher Blitzer 15 0 0 0 3 1 OK - Block, Tackle
4 Stylite The Ghost Striker 15 2 0 16 0 1 OK - Dodge,+MA, Block, Sprint, Leap
5 Garess The Invisible II Runner 11 1 0 0 0 1 OK - Dodge, Block
6 Hichin The Shade Baller 15 4 0 8 2 3 OK - Dodge, Block, Fend, +AG
7 Stranglin The Nightrunner Sacker 14 3 0 2 0 1 OK - Dodge, Wrestle
8 Fluxake The Scared Kicker 15 0 0 0 2 1 OK - Kick
9 Comper The Warpeaten II Line 3 0 0 0 0 0 OK -
10 Morgear The Stainer III Line 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK -
11 Threcay the Foul II Line 7 0 0 0 1 1 OK Ma Wrestle
12 Infectitt the Corrupted II Line 2 0 0 0 0 0 OK -
13 Chirinrot the Coward Line 1 0 0 0 0 0 OK -
16 The Animal Crusher 7 0 0 0 5 0 OK - Loner, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal, Juggernaut

Retired players

# Name Nick Position Games Pass Intercept TD Cas MVP Reason Spp
5 Snikch The Invisible Gutter Runner 2 0 0 1 0 0 Dead 3
10 Abscikch The Stainer Linerat 4 0 0 0 0 0 Niggling 0
11 Threcay The Foul Linerat 5 0 0 0 0 0 -ST 0
10 Seeprec The Stainer II Linerat 4 0 0 1 0 0 Dead 3
9 Chiramute The Warpeaten Kicker linerat 12 0 0 0 0 2 Dead 10
12 Morphiflesh the Corrupted Linerat 2 0 0 0 0 0 Dead 0
10 Altage The Stainer Linerat 5 0 0 0 0 0 Niggling, -AV 0

Official OWCC Matches

Kislev Conference

Orgrimmar Hammers
Lose 2-1 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
First half: the Orcs played well and blocked better, managing to score in turn 8. The M10 rat, failed his first rerollable 4+ dodge for the "one turn TD"
Second half: The Orcs choosed to wait in their half, without any pressure. I scored early, in the hope of a steal and score to win the game, instead of aim an easy draw. Nuffle had another idea.
2 Retired linerats for injury

Karak Raziak Ironclads
Draw 1-1 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
560k inducements: 2 bloodweiser babes, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab, Star player Glart Smashrip Jr., Mercenary Merc Lineman
First half: Tried to hit and run with Glart. The dwarves killed him and KOed half of the rats. Scored in turn 8. OTTD failed for perfect defense
Second half: The skaven played for the tie. Took the ball, consumed all the half, changing the attack side in a repentine run and scored in turn 8
No permanent injury, except for the star player killed

Der Green Tide Yoof Sekshun
Win 3-1 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
150k inducements for the rats: 1 bloodweiser babes, One wondering apothecary
First half: Goblin choose to kick first. Bad positionin by rats, lost the ball by an 1d block, recovered and scored. Manage to hit the ball handler, steal the ball and score again.
Second half: The goblin good play and a good scatter, made them score in turn 4. Goblins steal the ball in turn 6 (great play, blitz, recover and pass) and only a one go for it block by the thrower stopped the touch down. Recovered the ball, a pass to a line and the final 3-1
Killed journeyman, Miss next game for a gutter runner

Black Water Bullfrogs
Win 4-3 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
50k inducements for humans: 1 bloodweiser babe
First half: Slann scored, rat scored, a bad block on the LOS for slann and a failed pass let the rats steal and score. A wonderfull play from a gutter prevented the frongs to score. 2-1 and 3 frog injuried
Second half: Rats easly scored the 3-1 and the frogs replied with a good leap and score for 3-2. Slann managed to put the ball on the ground, but in a TZ and wasn't able to recover it: 4-2. Last TD was too easly conceded to the slann
No injuries!!!

Western Oblast Raiders Emsk
Tie 2-2 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
50k inducements for frogs: 1 magic card
First half: First block by ogre result in a double skull, skaven pressure and rat scored. Human quick scored. Human powed the blodger and prevent the 2-1, thanks to a 5+ pass and a failed 2+ pass by gutter.
Second half: Skaven scored in turn 5. Human managed to win the sideline and score, thanks to a failed go for it of a blitzer first and the Rat Ogre second. One turn attempt failed for a missclick (foul instead of pass)
Killed linerat


turov's infected
Lose 2-1 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
510k inducements for skaven: wizard, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab, Star player Hakflem Skuttlespike
First half: Nurgle advanced, wizard rolled "1" in a very favorable situation, nurgle scoredn in turn 8. OTT attempt failed due to perfect defense.
Second half: Rat easly controlled the pitch, choosing to score in turn 5 instead of stalling in the hope to win. Nuffle punished the rats, that failed an important block requiring a push and with nurgle that scored with two 3+ go for it.
The first time in the league where I really blame dices.
No injuries

Doom Glade Swamp-Risers
Lose 2-1 - Post match blog
230K inducements for Undead: Wizard and Card (Stolen playbook)
First half: Undead knocked down everyone everywhere, with 6 KO after 4 turns. The rat OTT attempt failed at the second dodge.
Second half: After the quick rat TD, the Undead was in trouble, but the Ghoul managed 4 dodges in a full crowd pitch and after being knocked down by a blitzer and a gutter failed to recover the ball, a wight recovered, passed to a Ghoul that scored. The last OTT attempt failed at the first dodge.
Niggling on a linerat

Remnants of Kriegfeld
Lose 2-0 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
First half: Undead KO 6 players and scored in turn 8. 6 KO rolls, 6 fail. OTT attempt fail on the second dodge (the reroll was used for the 2+ pickup)
Second half: 6 KO rolls, 5 fail. Tried to score quickly, fail a rerolled go for it. Undead take the ball and score. 5 KO rolls, 4 fail. Tried an 1d block in last turn, skull reroll skull.
Dead kicker, MNG on the blodger blitzer

Albion Conference

Frostheim United
Lose 1-0 - Pre match blog - Post match blog
150k inducement for CD: Wizard
First half: Rats maganged to put great pressure, but failed two times to put down the ball carriere with a blitz, and CD scored in turn 8. One turner trippend on the goal line
Second half: The rats moved the ball up and down in search of an hole. A snake first and a failed go for it in turn 8 on the goal line ended the match.
1 Retired linerats for injury

Placing and results

Tournament Placing Results Touch down Casualities Comments
Kislev regular Season 9 4th place 2/2/1 11/9 7/7 Qualified for the playoff
Playoff season 9 4th place 0/0/3 3/6 2/3 Stay in Kislev

Leilond The One eyed old one
  • The Foul Peak Crawler Coach
  • Warpstone eater
  • Trainer of the moulders
  • The Dwarf Prison Breaker
  • Hero of the Orc War
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
7 3 3 7
Pass, Sure Hands
Strong Arm, Block, Accurate
  15 14 2 0 3 1 31/51 140k
7 3 3 8
Dodge, Tackle
  14 0 3 0 4 2 27/31 140k
7 3 3 8
  15 0 0 0 3 1 11/16 110k
Gutter Runner
10 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
+MA, Block, Sprint, Leap
  15 2 16 0 0 1 55/76 170k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
  11 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 100k
Gutter Runner
9 2 5 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Block, Fend, +AG
  15 4 8 0 2 3 47/51 160k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
  14 3 2 0 0 1 14/16 100k
7 3 3 7
  15 0 0 0 2 1 9/16 70k
7 3 3 7   3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
7 3 3 7   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
6 3 3 7
-ma 7 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 70k
7 3 3 7   2 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
7 3 3 7   1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Rat Ogre
6 5 2 8
Frenzy, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal
  7 0 0 0 5 0 10/16 170k
14 players  
Coach: Leilond Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Skaven Fan Factor: 5  
Current Team Value: 1710k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 200k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1710k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:15 (5/3/7) |TD Diff:7 (33 - 26) |Cas Diff:-3 (14/4/3 - 14/5/5)
Last Opponent: Frostheim United